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          Billing Problems

          What is the CDN billing cycle

          Answer: Please see Pricing

          Difference between billing traffic and log monitoring traffic

          The traffic data recorded in the accelerated domain name log is the traffic counted by our application layer logs, but the actual network traffic generated is 7%-15% higher than the traffic counted by the application layer; there are mainly two reasons for this:

          1. Consumption of TCP/IP packet header As we all know, our HTTP request is based on the TCP/IP protocol. In the existing Internet, the maximum packet size is 1500 bytes, and these 1500 bytes include the 40-byte packet header inserted by the TCP and IP protocols. Packet header also generates traffic, but the action of adding the packet header is completed by the protocol stack of the kernel layer and cannot be counted by the application layer, so the traffic of the 40 bytes is not recorded in the log. This traffic accounts for more than 2.74% (40/1460) of the traffic computed through the log. Generally, it accounts for about 3%.
          2. TCP retransmission: According to the load of the physical network of the Internet, under normal circumstances, about 3-10% of the packets we send are discarded by the Internet. After they are discarded, the server retransmits the discarded packets. The retransmission is processed by the protocol stack at the kernel layer, and the application layer cannot make statistics about it. The percentage of traffic of this part in the traffic calculated by our log varies according to the network quality. In the early morning when the Internet is lightly loaded, the retransmission rate is lower; in the evening peak when the Internet is overloaded, the retransmission rate increases, generally between 3% and 7%.

          Therefore, in the industry standard, it adds another 7%-15% of the network consumption to the original traffic as the billing traffic statistics, and we take the average - 10% as the network consumption statistics.

          How to deal with the CDN traffic pack expired but not used up

          CDN traffic pack is valid for 12 months, and the traffic that is expired but not used up is invalid automatically. Please check Documents for specific use and rules introduction.

          How to modify the billing method of CDN

          To change the billing method, you can view the button for changing the billing method after logging in console-content distribution network CDN-CDN overview. Please refer to Change Billing Method.

          Will the CDN postpaid mode be in arrears

          Check whether your account balance is enough to pay the fees on the CDN bill on the hour by Beijing standard time (for example, you can check whether the account balance is enough to pay the bill fees from 10:00 to 11:00 at 14:00 sharp by Beijing standard time). If not, your account is in arrears, and the system will send an arrear notification.

          The service will be stopped in case of arrears, and the system will send a notice of service suspension, the cache resources will be recovered, the request is directed to the origin server, with the configuration information retained for 12 months. CDN content distribution is charged according to the downstream traffic. When traffic consumption is generated, the traffic pack should be deducted first, and the excess part should be charged based on billing by traffic usage, and all forward to origin in case of insufficient balance in the account. For more information, please see:Description of Billing Method.

          Is CDN traffic consumed by the website attack billed?

          When a website is attacked, as long as it passes through CDN, CDN side will default that the attack traffic is normal traffic, and normal deductions will be made, so the traffic/bandwidth fees generated by the attack will be deducted.

          Since CDN essentially accelerates content and cannot identify whether the request is malicious, it cannot process malicious requests to avoid the generation of such traffic.

          You can try to use CDN Bandwidth Threshold Capping Function and Set Alarm Policy. The bandwidth threshold capping function can automatically count the bandwidth usage within 5 minutes. If the capping threshold is reached, CDN will respond differently according to the configuration; set the bandwidth/traffic threshold alarm, when the alarm rule is triggered, the cloud monitoring will send you an alarm message according to the notification methods such as SMS, email, etc. set by you. For details, please refer to FAQ-What should I do if CDN is stolen from traffic or I encounter attacks like CC, DDOS, etc.?.

          Does the CDN dynamic request incur the back-to-origin traffic cost?

          CDN bills the edge node traffic only and does not incur the back-to-origin traffic cost. The dynamic acceleration is only billed for the number of requests. Refer to the following for details:Billing mode

          Is the CDN back-to-origin traffic billed?

          CDN bills the edge node only. For more information, refer to Billing Rule:Billing Rules

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