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          SDK Installation Toolkit

          Running environment

          GO SDK can run in environment of go1.3 and above.

          Install SDK

          Download from github directly Download from github with “go get” tool:

          go get github.com/baidubce/bce-sdk-go 

          SDK's directory structure

          ├── auth   // BCE signature and permission authentication 
          ├── bce    // BCE common base component 
          ├── doc    
          │   └── CDN.md //CDN SDK usage documentation 
          ├── http       // http communication module of BCE 
          ├── services 
          │   ├── cdn    // SDK for the CDN service 
          │   │   ├── api 
          │   │   │   ├── cache.go           // Purging and prefetching related 
          │   │   │   ├── domain.go          // Domain name operation related 
          │   │   │   ├── domain_config.go   // Domain Name Configuration Related 
          │   │   │   ├── dsa.go             // Dynamic Acceleration Related 
          │   │   │   ├── log.go             // Log file related 
          │   │   │   ├── stat.go.go         // Statistics related 
          │   │   │   └── util.go            //Information related to tool service 
          │   │   ├── client.go  // Client entrance, all interfaces are defined in this file. each method in this file calls the corresponding method under the api folder. 
          │   │   └── client_test.go 
          └── util //BCE common tool realization 

          Uninstall SDK

          When it is expected to uninstall SDK, it is only needed to delete the source code downloaded.

          Getting Started