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          Dynamic Acceleration Interface

          Configure the Dynamic Acceleration Service EnableDsa/DisableDsa

          Enabling/Disabling DSA refers to the open/close for user level.

          cli := client.GetDefaultClient()      
          //Enable DSA service                            
          err := cli.EnableDsa()                
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)          
          //Disable DSA service                            
          err = cli.DisableDsa()                
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)          

          Query the List of Dynamic Accelerated Domain Names ListDsaDomains

          Query the list of a user’s domain names configured with DSA acceleration rules.

          cli := client.GetDefaultClient()          
          dsaDomains, err := cli.ListDsaDomains()   
          fmt.Printf("dsaDomains:%+v\n", dsaDomains) 
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)              

          dsaDomains is a string array, indicating the domain names configured with DSA acceleration rules.

          Configure Dynamic Acceleration Rules for Domain Names SetDsaConfig

          Configure the DSA acceleration rule of a domain name.

          cli := client.GetDefaultClient()                   
          testDomain := "test_go_sdk.baidu.com"              
          //Configure DSA rules                                         
          err := cli.SetDsaConfig(testDomain, &api.DSAConfig{ 
          	 Enabled: true,                                 
          	 Rules: []api.DSARule{                          
          	 	 	 Type:  "suffix",                       
          	 	 	 Value: ".mp4;.jpg;.php",               
          	 	 	 Type:  "path",                         
          	 	 	 Value: "/path",                        
          	 	 	 Type:  "exactPath",                    
          	 	 	 Value: "/path/to/file.mp4",            
          	 Comment: "test",                               
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                       
          //Cancel DSA rules                                         
          err = cli.SetDsaConfig(testDomain, &api.DSAConfig{ 
          	 Enabled: false,                                
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                                               

          api.DSAConfig is described as follows:

          Field Type Description
          Type string “suffix” means file type, “path” means dynamic path, and “exactPath” means dynamic URL.
          Value string Configuration rules for the specified Type in “type”, separate multiple rules by “;”.
          Cache Management Interface
          Statistical Interface (new version)