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          Domain Name Configuration Interface

          Query the Accelerated Domain Name Details GetDomainConfig

          Query all configuration information of a specific domain name.

          cli := client.GetDefaultClient()                    
          testDomain := "test_go_sdk.baidu.com"               
          domainConfig, err := cli.GetDomainConfig(testDomain) 
          fmt.Printf("domainConfig:%+v\n", domainConfig)      
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                        

          domainConfig is an object in *api.DomainConfig type, and its structure is relatively complex, as shown below:

          Field Type Description
          Domain string Domain name information, such as: test.baidu.com.
          Cname string Domain name CNAME, such as: test.baidu.com.a.bdydns.com.
          Status string State of domain name, with the legal values ‘RUNNING’, ‘STOPPED’ and ‘OPERATING’.
          CreateTime string Time to create the domain name, UTC time, such as: 2019-09-02T10:08:38Z.
          LastModifyTime string Latest time to modify the domain name configuration, UTC time, such as: 2019-09-06T15:00:21Z.
          IsBan string Whether it is disabled, the disabled means arrears or that other illegal operations are blocked by the system, and the blocked domain name cannot enjoy the acceleration service. ON means unblocked, and ‘YES` means blocked.
          Origin []api.OriginPeer Origin server information, described in detail in the interface for creating an accelerated domain name.
          DefaultHost string The default member host will be explained in details when creating acceleration domain name.
          CacheTTL []api.CacheTTL The cache policies for file types and paths are described in detail in the section of ‘Set/Query cache expiration rules `.
          LimitRate int Download speed limit, with the unit of Byte/s.
          RequestAuth api.RequestAuth Access authentication settings are described in detail in ‘Set access authentication’.
          Https api.HTTPSConfig HTTPS acceleration configuration, it is described in detail in setting HTTPS acceleration.
          FollowProtocol bool Whether the follow origin protocol is enabled. true means the follow origin protocol is enabled, that is, when the access resource is a URL such as https://xxx or http://xxx, the origin also uses the corresponding scheme, namely HTTPS and HTTP respectively.
          SeoSwitch api.SeoSwitch seo switch configuration, it is described in detail in setting SEO switch property.

          Set/Query Cache Expiration Rules SetCacheTTL/GetCacheTTL

          Set cache policies related to files, directories and error codes. Reasonable settings of cache policies improve the hit rate.

          cli := client.GetDefaultClient()                    
          testDomain := "test_go_sdk.baidu.com"               
          //Set to use origin server rules for the cache policy                                   
          err := cli.SetCacheTTL(testDomain, []api.CacheTTL{  
          	 	 Type:  "origin",                            
          	 	 Value: "-",                                 
          	 	 TTL:   0,                                   
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                        
          //Set cache policy. Set suffix rules, directory rules, path exact match and error codes respectively.                                      
          err = cli.SetCacheTTL(testDomain, []api.CacheTTL{   
          	 	 Type:   "suffix",                           
          	 	 Value:  ".jpg",                             
          	 	 TTL:    420000,                             
          	 	 Weight: 30,                                 
          	 	 Type:  "path",                              
          	 	 Value: "/js",                               
          	 	 TTL:   10000,                               
          	 	 Type:   "exactPath",                        
          	 	 Value:  "index.html",                       
          	 	 TTL:    600,                                
          	 	 Weight: 100,                                
          	 	 Type:   "code",                             
          	 	 Value:  "404",                              
          	 	 TTL:    600,                                
          	 	 Weight: 100,                                
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                        
          //Query cache policy                                           
          cacheTTls, err := cli.GetCacheTTL(testDomain)       
          fmt.Printf("cacheTTls:%+v\n", cacheTTls)            
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                        

          cacheTTls contains all cache policies, and each cache policy is represented by an object in api.CacheTTL type. The cache policy structure is described as follows.

          Field Type Description
          Type string Type of cache policy The valid types include: suffix, path, origin, code and exactPath. “suffix " means the file name suffix, “path " means the directory in the url, “origin " means the origin server rule. There is only one such rule, and only the weight is required. The value is “- ", and ttl is 0. “code " means exception code cache. For example, you can configure 404 to cache 100 s. “exactPath " means the path is completely matched.
          Value string Configuration rules for the specified type in “type”.
          Weight int Weight, an integer between 0-100. The higher the weight, the higher the priority. The default is 0, and the priority is of no use when it is code type and can be ignored. The higher the weight, the higher the priority; the rule has a priority to take effect. It is not recommended to configure the same weight for two cache strategies, and if the weight is same, one of the strategies will be selected randomly to take effect.
          TTL int Cache duration, in seconds

          Set/Query Cached Parameter Filtration Rules SetCacheUrlArgs/GetCacheUrlArgs

          Set cache key; the cache key is the key adopted when CDN system caches a certain resource, and a url may bring many parameters; so, when should all the parameters be placed in the cache key? In fact, it is not necessary. Different settings are shown below.

          cli := client.GetDefaultClient()                          
          testDomain := "test_go_sdk.baidu.com"                     
          //Set all URL cache                                               
          err := cli.SetCacheUrlArgs(testDomain, &api.CacheUrlArgs{ 
          	 CacheFullUrl: true,                                   
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                              
          //Set to have some parameters for cache                                             
          err = cli.SetCacheUrlArgs(testDomain, &api.CacheUrlArgs{  
          	 CacheFullUrl: false,                                  
          	 CacheUrlArgs: []string{"name", "id"},                 
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                              
          //Set to ignore all parameters                                               
          err = cli.SetCacheUrlArgs(testDomain, &api.CacheUrlArgs{  
          	 CacheFullUrl: false,                                  
          	 CacheUrlArgs: []string{"name", "id"},                 
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                              
          //Query URL parameter cache settings                                          
          cacheUrlArgs, err := cli.GetCacheUrlArgs(testDomain)      
          fmt.Printf("cacheUrlArgs:%+v\n", cacheUrlArgs)            

          cacheUrlArgs is an object in api.CacheUrlArgs type, and it is described in detail as follows:

          Field Type Description
          CacheFullUrl bool true or false, true means supporting full URL cache, and false means ignoring parameter cache (some parameters can be retained). Note that if CacheFullUrl is not explicitly assigned to true or false in golang, and then get the null value false.
          CacheUrlArgs []string When CacheFullUrl is true, this item does not work; when CacheFullUrl is false, this item represents the list of retained parameters. If it is empty, it means ignoring all parameters.

          Set/Query Custom Error Code Pages SetErrorPage/GetErrorPage

          The user can customize the redirected page returned to the user by the CDN system when errors occur in the origin server access or internal CDN system (usually returning 4xx or 5xx error code), and the user can set the redirected page link.

          cli := client.GetDefaultClient()                        
          testDomain := "test_go_sdk.baidu.com"                   
          //Set the redirected page when an error appears                                        
          err := cli.SetErrorPage(testDomain, []api.ErrorPage{    
          	 	 Code:         510,                              
          	 	 RedirectCode: 301,                              
          	 	 Url:          "/customer_404.html",             
          	 	 Code: 403,   
              //Here, RedirectCode is not set, which indicates that the default 302 is used for redirection 
          	 	 Url:  "/custom_403.html",                       
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                            
          //Cancel to set the redirection page when an error occurs                                      
          err = cli.SetErrorPage(testDomain, []api.ErrorPage{})   
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                            
          //Set the redirected page when an error appears                                        
          err = cli.SetErrorPage(testDomain, []api.ErrorPage{})   
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                            
          //Query the wrong redirected page set before                                         
          errorPages, err := cli.GetErrorPage(testDomain)         
          fmt.Printf("errorPages:%+v\n", errorPages)              

          errorPages is an object in []api.ErrorPage type, and the api.ErrorPage structure is described in detail as follows:

          Field Type Description
          Code int The specific status code must be the standard error code of HTTP, and cannot be such special status code as 408, 444 or 499 and others concerning client exception/early disconnection
          RedirectCode int Redirect status code, the type of redirection when an error code appears. You can select 301 or 302, and the default is 302.
          Url string Redirect target address . When an error code occurs, redirect to your custom url, namely, the value of Location in HTTP message in the 301 or 302 redirection, and it is an url.

          Set/Query Referer Access Control SetRefererACL/GetRefererACL

          Set Referer access control rules. When it redirects to the resource through a browser or other forms, the browser usually adds Referer information to the request header. The CDN system supports to filter Referer, and you can set Referer blacklist or whitelist. Respond 403 when a request that Referer appears in the blacklist arrives, and respond 403 when the request that Referer does not appear in the whitelist arrives. You can only set either the blacklist or the whitelist. When a whitelist is set, and the filter rule is null, the whitelist does not take effect.

          cli := client.GetDefaultClient()                          
          testDomain := "test_go_sdk.baidu.com"   
          isAllowEmpty := true 
          //Set whitelist ACL                                               
          err := cli.SetRefererACL(testDomain, nil, []string{       
          }, isAllowEmpty)                                                  
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                              
          //When you set the whitelist to be empty, the whitelist rule does not take effect.                                           
          err = cli.SetRefererACL(testDomain, nil, []string{}, isAllowEmpty) 
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                              
          //Set blacklist ACL                                               
          err = cli.SetRefererACL(testDomain, []string{             
          }, nil, isAllowEmpty)                                             
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                              
          //Query referer ACL settings                                        
          refererACL, err := cli.GetRefererACL(testDomain)          
          fmt.Printf("refererACL:%+v\n", refererACL)                
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                              

          isAllowEmpty means whether to allow empty Referer access. true means allowing empty Referer access, that is, if Referer is empty, neither blacklist nor whitelist takes effect. In most cases, this value is set to true ; false means not allowing empty Referer access. When it is set to false, if there is no Referer in the HTTP message accessed, the CDN system returns 403. refererACL is an object in api.RefererACL type, and it is described in details as follows:

          Field Type Description
          BlackList []string Optional, indicating the referer blacklist. Support the wildcard ∗, and no protocol is required. For example, to set a blacklist domain name, you only set it as “www.xxx.com " instead of “http://www.xxx.com ".
          WhiteList []string Optional, list type, indicating the referer whitelist. Support the wildcard ∗ and no protocol is required.
          AllowEmpty bool Required, bool type, indicating whether to allow empty referer access. true means allowing empty referer access.

          Set/Query IP Access Control SetIpACL/GetIpACL

          CDN gets the client IP, matches it with the IP blacklist/whitelist in the configuration and rejects/passes the matched client request.

          cli := client.GetDefaultClient()              
          testDomain := "test_go_sdk.baidu.com"         
          //Set IP whitelist                                    
          err := cli.SetIpACL(testDomain, []string{     
          }, nil)                                       
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                  
          //Set IP blacklist, IP in CIDR format                            
          err = cli.SetIpACL(testDomain, nil, []string{ 
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)   
          //Query IP blacklist and whitelist settings                           
          ipACL, err := cli.GetIpACL(testDomain) 
          fmt.Printf("ipACL:%+v\n", ipACL)      
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)          

          ipACL is an object in api.IpACL type, and the details are as follows:

          Field Type Description
          BlackList []string IP blacklist. When you set the blacklist to take effect, if the client IP is in the BlackList, the CDN system returns 403. You cannot set BlackList and WhiteList at the same time.
          WhiteList []string IP whitelist. When you set the whitelist to take effect, if the WhiteList is empty, there is no whitelist effect. When WhiteList is not empty, only the client IP belonging to WhiteList can access. Also, cannot be set simultaneously with BlackList.

          Set Access Authentication SetDomainRequestAuth

          Advanced authorization is also designated to prevent contents of origin server from being theft, is more secure than Referer blacklist/whitelist and IP blacklist/whitelist.

          cli := client.GetDefaultClient()                              
          testDomain := "test_go_sdk.baidu.com"                         
          err := cli.SetDomainRequestAuth(testDomain, &api.RequestAuth{ 
          	 Type:    "c",                                             
          	Key1:    "secretekey1",                                   
          	Key2:    "secretekey2",                                   
          	 Timeout: 300,                                             
          	 WhiteList: []string{                                      
          	 SignArg: "sign",                                          
          	 TimeArg: "t",                                             
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                                  

          The sample code sets a Type-C authentication method, and the corresponding field is in Advanced Authentication. Instructions for extraordinary information.

          Set Domain Name Rate Limit SetLimitRate

          Limit the maximum response speed rate of every request transmitting to the client under the domain name. The rate is for a single request, and it automatically doubles for multiple requests.

          cli := client.GetDefaultClient()                
          testDomain := "test_go_sdk.baidu.com"           
          //Set the speed limit to 1024Bytes/s for a single request.                           
          err := cli.SetLimitRate(testDomain, 1024)       
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                    
          //No speed limitation                                       
          err = cli.SetLimitRate(testDomain, 0)           
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                                          

          Set/Query Cors Cross-domain SetCors/GetCors

          Cross-domain access means that the domain in which the resource initiating the request is located is different from the domain in which the resource pointed to by the request is located. For security reasons, browsers will restrict this non-homologous access. By enabling such feature, the users can clear the cache and access the configuration cross domains, and after the object of origin server (BOS) is updated, all caches corresponding to CDN can be updated automatically and synchronously.

          cli := client.GetDefaultClient()                       
          testDomain := "test_go_sdk.baidu.com"                  
          //Set cross-domain domain names which are allowed.                                           
          err := cli.SetCors(testDomain, true, []string{         
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                           
          //Cancel cross-domain settings                                              
          err = cli.SetCors(testDomain, false, nil)              
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                           
          //Query cross-domain settings                                              
          cors, err := cli.GetCors(testDomain)                   
          fmt.Printf("cors:%+v\n", cors)                         
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                           

          Set/Query IP Access Limit SetAccessLimit/GetAccessLimit

          For all access paths, limit the number of visits per second of a single IP.

          cli := client.GetDefaultClient()                        
          testDomain := "test_go_sdk.baidu.com"                   
          //Set the frequency limitation for a single IP access as 200/s                                      
          err := cli.SetAccessLimit(testDomain, &api.AccessLimit{ 
          	 Enabled: true,                                      
          	 Limit:   200,                                       
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                            
          //Cancel IP access frequency limit                                             
          err = cli.SetAccessLimit(testDomain, &api.AccessLimit{  
          	 Enabled: false,                                     
          	 Limit:   0,                                         
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                            
          //Query IP access limit settings                                           
          accessLimit, err := cli.GetAccessLimit(testDomain)      
          fmt.Printf("accessLimit:%+v\n", accessLimit)            
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                            

          accessLimit is an object in api.AccessLimit type, and the details are as follows:

          Field Type Description
          Enabled bool true means enabling visit frequency limit for a single IP node, and false means cancelling frequency limit. Here, please note that the bool object of golang has a zero value, which is false, so to set the limit value, Enable must be set as true.
          Limit int Maximum number of requests of a single IP node in one second. When enabled is true, this item is 1000 by default, and when enabled is false, this item is meaningless.

          Set/Query and Get Real User IP SetClientIp/GetClientIp

          When using CDN acceleration, the user can also get the real IP address or client IP address of the access source.

          cli := client.GetDefaultClient()                              
          testDomain := "test_go_sdk.baidu.com"                         
          //Set Client IP. The origin server can get the client IP address of the access source, carrying True-Client-Ip;         
          err := cli.SetClientIp(testDomain, &api.ClientIp{             
          	 Enabled: true,                                            
          	 Name:    "True-Client-IP",                                
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                                  
          //Set Real IP: The origin server can access the real IP address of access source, carrying X-Real-IP.               
          err = cli.SetClientIp(testDomain, &api.ClientIp{              
          	 Enabled: true,                                            
          	 Name:    "X-Real-IP",                                     
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                                  
          //Disable the setting of Client IP and Real IP                                      
          err = cli.SetClientIp(testDomain, &api.ClientIp{              
          	 Enabled: false,                                           
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                                  
          //Query settings about the client IP 
          clientIp, err := cli.GetClientIp(testDomain)                  
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                                  
          fmt.Printf("clientIp:%+v\n", clientIp)                        

          clientIp is an object in api.ClientIp type, and the details are as follows:

          Field Type Description
          Enabled bool true means enabled, and false means disabled.
          Name string You can set it as either “True-Client-Ip " or “X-Real-IP ", and the default is “True-Client-Ip ". When enabled is false, this item is meaningless.

          Update the Forward-to-origin Address of the Acceleration Domain Name SetDomainOrigin

          The origin address of the accelerated domain name can be set when the domain name is created, or it can be updated after created.

          cli := client.GetDefaultClient()                        
          testDomain := "test_go_sdk.baidu.com"                   
          err := cli.SetDomainOrigin(testDomain, []api.OriginPeer{ 
          	 	 Peer:      "",                           
          	 	 Host:      "www.baidu.com",                     
          	 	 Backup:    true,                                
          	 	 Follow302: true,                                
          	 	 Peer:      "",                    
          	 	 Host:      "www.baidu.com",                     
          	 	 Backup:    false,                               
          	 	 Follow302: true,                                
          }, "www.baidu.com")                                     
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                            

          The api.OriginPeer type is described in detail in the section of Create an accelerated domain name.

          Set Protocol to Follow Forward-to-origin SetFollowProtocol

          Setting protocol follow origin means that origin protocol of the CDN node is consistent with the access protocol of the client.

          cli := client.GetDefaultClient()                         
          testDomain := "test_go_sdk.baidu.com"                    
          //Set protocol to follow forward-to-origin                                              
          err := cli.SetFollowProtocol(testDomain, true)           
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                             
          //Cancel to set protocol follow origin                                            
          err = cli.SetFollowProtocol(testDomain, false)           
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                           

          Set/Query Range Origin SetRangeSwitch/GetRangeSwitch

          Set Range origin, which helps reduce the origin consumption of large file delivery and shortens the response time. This feature requires the origin server to support Range request.

          cli := client.GetDefaultClient()                      
          testDomain := "test_go_sdk.baidu.com"                 
          //Set Range origin                                          
          err := cli.SetRangeSwitch(testDomain, true)           
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                          
          //Cancel setting range forward-to-origin                                        
          err = cli.SetRangeSwitch(testDomain, false)           
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                          
          //Query range origin settings                                        
          rangeSwitch, err := cli.GetRangeSwitch(testDomain)    
          fmt.Printf("rangeSwitch:%+v\n", rangeSwitch)          

          Set/Query Mobile Access Control SetMobileAccess/GetMobileAccess

          By enabling the mobile access control, the origin server can distribute the resource contents on the mobile end/PC end in a targeted manner. Currently, custom configuration on mobile end is not supported temporarily.

          cli := client.GetDefaultClient()                        
          testDomain := "test_go_sdk.baidu.com"                   
          //Set up mobile access                                               
          err := cli.SetMobileAccess(testDomain, true)            
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                            
          //Cancel to set mobile access                                             
          err = cli.SetMobileAccess(testDomain, false)            
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                            
          //Query mobile access settings                                             
          mobileAccess, err := cli.GetMobileAccess(testDomain)    
          fmt.Printf("mobileAccess:%+v\n", mobileAccess)          
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                            

          Set/Query HttpHeader SetHttpHeader/GetHttpHeader

          CDN supports to modify the header information in the response (HTTP response header) from the CDN node to the client and the request (HTTP request header) from the CDN node to the origin server.

          cli := client.GetDefaultClient()                              
          testDomain := "test_go_sdk.baidu.com"                         
          //Set the HTTP request header added or deleted when the CDN system works                                       
          err := cli.SetHttpHeader(testDomain, []api.HttpHeader{        
          	 	 Type:   "origin",                                     
          	 	 Header: "x-auth-cn",                                  
          	 	 Value:  "xxxxxxxxx",                                  
          	 	 Action: "remove",                                     
          	 	 Type:   "response",                                   
          	 	 Header: "content-type",                               
          	 	 Value:  "application/octet-stream",                   
          	 	 Action: "add",                                        
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                                  
          //Cancel the HTTP request header added while CDN system is working                                       
          err = cli.SetHttpHeader(testDomain, []api.HttpHeader{})       
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                                  
          //Query the HTTP request headers added or deleted when the CDN system is working                                       
          headers, err := cli.GetHttpHeader(testDomain)                 
          fmt.Printf("headers:%+v\n", headers)                          
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                                  

          headers is an object in api.HttpHeader type, and it is described in detail as follows:

          Field Type Description
          Type string "origin " means this header takes effect when it forwards to origin, and “response " means it takes effect when it responds to the user.
          Header string header is an http header field. Generally, it is a standard Header of HTTP, or it can be a custom one by user, such as x-bce-authoriztion.
          Value string Assign the Header value.
          Action string It indicates whether to delete or add. You can select remove/add, and the default is add; the console only supports add action at present; API performs compatibility with the back-end remove configuration.
          Describe string Description, optional, can be Chinese, uniformly use Unicode; the length should be no more than 100 characters

          Set/Query SEO Switch property SetDomainSeo/GetDomainSeo

          SEO (Search Engine Optimization) optimization is a method to improve the website’s natural ranking in related search engines by using rules of the search engines. Currently, CDN system supports two optimal configurations: (1)Search engine enables automatic forward-to-origin;(2)The data link with Baidu search.

          cli := client.GetDefaultClient()                     
          testDomain := "test_go_sdk.baidu.com"                
          //Set SEO optimization                                           
          err := cli.SetDomainSeo(testDomain, &api.SeoSwitch{  
          	 DirectlyOrigin: "ON",                            
          	 PushRecord:     "OFF",                           
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                         
          //Query SEO optimization settings                                         
          seoSwitch, err := cli.GetDomainSeo(testDomain)       
          fmt.Printf("seoSwitch:%+v\n", seoSwitch)             
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                         

          seoSwitch is an object in api.SeoSwitch type, and the details are as follows:

          Field Type Description
          DirectlyOrigin string ON means setting direct forward-to-origin, and OFF means the opposite.
          PushRecord string ON means pushing access records to Baidu search, and OFF means the opposite.

          Set/Query Page Optimization SetFileTrim/GetFileTrim

          After page optimization is enabled, it automatically deletes annotations and repeated white spaces in html, which effectively removes redundant content on the page, reduces file size and improves the efficiency of accelerated delivery.

          cli := client.GetDefaultClient()          
          testDomain := "test_go_sdk.baidu.com"     
          //Set page optimization                                 
          err := cli.SetFileTrim(testDomain, true)  
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)              
          //Cancel page optimization                                 
          err = cli.SetFileTrim(testDomain, false)  
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)              
          //Query the page optimization settings                               
          fileTrim, err := cli.GetFileTrim(testDomai 
          fmt.Printf("fileTrim:%+v\n", fileTrim)    
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)              

          Set/Query Video Drag SetMediaDrag/GetMediaDrag

          CDN supports to drag videos in flv and mp4 type. Enabling drag reduces the origin rate and increases the speed.

          cli := client.GetDefaultClient()                       
          testDomain := "test_go_sdk.baidu.com"                  
          //Set video drag                                            
          err := cli.SetMediaDrag(testDomain, &api.MediaDragConf{ 
          	 Mp4: &api.MediaCfg{                                
          	 	 DragMode: "second",                            
          	 	 FileSuffix: []string{                          
          	 	 StartArgName: "startIndex",                    
          	 Flv: &api.MediaCfg{                                
          	 	 DragMode:   "byteAV",                          
          	 	 FileSuffix: []string{},                        
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                           
          //Query video drag settings                                            
          mediaDragConf, err := cli.GetMediaDrag(testDomain)     
          fmt.Printf("mediaDragConf:%+v\n", mediaDragConf)       
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                           

          mediaDragConf is an object in api.MediaDragConf type, and it is defined as follows:

          type MediaDragConf struct { 
          	 Mp4 *MediaCfg 
          	 Flv *MediaCfg 

          You can set up the drag-and-drop related to Mp4 or Flv types of video stream, with the detailed MediaCfg shown as follows:

          Field Type Description
          FileSuffix []string The CDN system supports pseudo-streaming playback of MP4 files files. Usually these files have extensions of .mp4, .m4v, and .m4a, so this fileSuffix value is a collection of file extensions, such as: [ "mp4", "m4v ", "m4a "], when type is mp4. fileSuffix is [ "mp4 "] by default; when type is flv, fileSuffix is [ "flv "] by default.
          StartArgName string Name of the start parameter, and the default is “start ". You can customize the parameter name, but it cannot be the same as endArgName.
          EndArgName string Name of the end parameter, and the default is “end ". You can customize the parameter name, but it cannot be the same as startArgName.
          DragMode string Drag in seconds for the mp4 type and in bytes for the flv type. For the flv type, you can select the “byteAV " or “byte” mode; for the mp4 type, you can only select the “second” mode

          Set/Query Page Compression SetContentEncoding/GetContentEncoding

          After enabling the page compression feature, you can compress most static files, effectively reducing the size of transmitted content by users and enhancing the delivery effect. Currently, the page compression supports two modes: Brotli compression and Gzip compression.

          cli := client.GetDefaultClient()                                     
          testDomain := "test_go_sdk.baidu.com"                                
          //Set the page compression algorithm to gzip                                                     
          err := cli.SetContentEncoding(testDomain, true, "gzip")              
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                                         
          //Set the page compression algorithm to br                                                       
          err = cli.SetContentEncoding(testDomain, true, "br")                 
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                                         
          //Disable direction compression                                                            
          err = cli.SetContentEncoding(testDomain, false, "br")                
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                                         
          //Query page compression algorithm. When page compression is disabled, contentEncoding is empty.                                
          contentEncoding, err := cli.GetContentEncoding(testDomain)           
          fmt.Printf("contentEncoding:%+v\n", contentEncoding)                 

          Set HTTPS Acceleration SetDomainHttps

          To configure one acceleration domain name of HTTPS, you must upload the certificate. Please refer to Certificate Management for the details of certificate.

          cli := client.GetDefaultClient()                          
          testDomain := "test_go_sdk.baidu.com"                     
          err := cli.SetDomainHttps(testDomain, &api.HTTPSConfig{   
          	 Enabled:          false,                              
          	 CertId:           "ssl-xxxxxx",                       
          	 Http2Enabled:     true,                               
          	 HttpRedirect:     true,                               
          	 HttpRedirectCode: 301,                                
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                              
          err = cli.SetDomainHttps(testDomain, &api.HTTPSConfig{    
          	 Enabled: false,                                       
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                              

          The ‘api.HTTPSConfig’ structure is complex, and the details are as follows:

          Field Type Description
          Enabled bool Enable HTTPS acceleration, and the default is false. When enabled=false, the following fields are invalid.
          CertId string When enabled=true, this item is required, and it is the certificate ID returned by the SSL certificate service. When enabled=False, this item is invalid.
          HttpRedirect bool When enabled is true, redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS (the redirection status code is configured by httpRedirectCode), and the default is false. When enabled=false, this item is invalid, and httpsRedirect and it cannot be true at the same time.
          HttpRedirectCode int Redirection status code, you can select 301/302, and the default is 302. When enabled=false, this item is invalid; when httpRedirect=false, this item is invalid.
          HttpsRedirect bool When enabled is true, redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS (the redirection status code is configured by httpRedirectCode), and the default is false. When enabled=false, this item is invalid, and httpsRedirect and it cannot be true at the same time.
          HttpsRedirectCode int Redirection status code, you can select 301/302, and the default is 302. When enabled=false, this item is invalid; when httpsRedirect=false, this item is invalid.
          Http2Enabled bool Enable HTTP2 feature. When enabled=false, this item is invalid. Should notice the null value of the bool object of go is false.
          HttpOrigin bool When it is true, use the HTTP protocol to forward to origin, and the default is false. When enabled=false, this item is invalid.
          SslVersion string Set TLS version, it defaults to support the versions from TLSv1.0 to TLSv1.3, or set to be one of the following four version, namely SSLV3, TLSV1, TLSV11 and TLSV12; when enabled=false, it is invalid. It usually takes the default value, without setting
          Domain Name Operation Interface
          Cache Management Interface