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          Detailed Interface to Query the Acceleration Domain Name


          This interface is used to query the detailed configuration information of the accelerated domain name.

          Method Path Action
          GET /v2/domain/{domain}/config Get the basic information of the assigned accelerated domain name configuration

          domain:Need to query the accelerated domain name of CDN.

          Response code (Http Status Code)

          HTTP Status Code Description
          200 Successfully queried
          400 Request error

          Response body

          Parameter Type Description
          domain String Access of domain name for acceleration to CDN
          cname String A CNAME domain name generated to accelerate the domain name, and it is required to resolve CNAME for accelerating domain name to such domain name at the DNS (domain name resolution) service provider.
          status String Accelerated domain name running status: RUNNING and STOPPED
          createTime Timestamp Time to create the domain name, UTC time
          lastModifyTime Timestamp The latest modification time (UTC)
          isBan String Blocked or not: NO means not blocked, and YES means blocked.
          form String "default " means the default type, “image " means small picture files, “download " means large file downloads, “media " means streaming VOD, and “dynamic " means dynamic and static acceleration.
          origin list Origin server configuration
          defaultHost String Host header by default; when the origin server level host is inexistent, the default host of domain name level is used
          cacheTTL list Cache policy of file type and path
          limitRate Int Download speed limit, with the unit of Byte/s
          requestAuth requestAuth Access authorization configuration
          https HTTPSConfig HTTPS acceleration configuration
          followProtocol Bool Whether the protocol follow origin is enabled.
          seoSwitch seoSwitch seoSwitch configuration

          HTTPSConfig type is as follows:

          Parameter Optional Type Description
          enabled Required Bool Enable HTTPS acceleration, and the default is False.
          certId Optional String Required when enabled=true, it is the certificate ID returned by the SSL certificate service.
          httpRedirect Optional Bool When it is True, redirect HTTP request 302 to HTTPS, and the default is False.
          httpRedirectCode Optional Int Redirect status code, you can select 301/302, and the default is 302.
          httpsRedirect Optional Bool When it is True, redirect HTTPS request 302 to HTTP, and the default is False.
          httpsRedirectCode Optional Int Redirect status code, you can select 301/302, and the default is 302.
          http2Enabled Optional Bool Enable HTTP2 feature, and the default is True.
          httpOrigin Optional Bool When it is True, it forwards to origin by HTTP protocol, and it defaults to be False.
          sslVersion Optional String Set the TLS version, and the content is one of the following four: SSLV3, TLSV1, TLSV11 and TLSV12.

          Request example

          GET /v2/domain/myself.baidu.com/config HTTP/1.1 
          Host: cdn.baidubce.com 

          Response example

          HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
          Content-Length: 190
          Content-Type: application/json;utf-8
          x-bce-request-id: 81d0b05f-5ad4-1f22-8068-d5c9de60a1d7
          Server: BCE-CDN 
          	 "status": "RUNNING", 
          	 "lastModifyTime": "2014-06-17T18:10:22Z", 
              "form": "image", 
              "origin": [ 
          	 "cacheTTL" : [ 
                  {"type": "suffix", "value": ".jpg", "ttl":36000, "weight": 30}, 
                  {"type": "suffix", "value": ".mp4", "ttl":36000, "weight": 30}, 
                  {"type": "path", "value: "/path/to/my/file", "ttl":1800, "weight": 5} 
              "cacheFullUrl": true, 
              "limitRate": 1024000 
          Domain Name Operation Interface
          Advanced Setting Interface