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          Real-time Log Pushing


          When accessing photos, text or video resources with the help of CDN, CDN will generate a great deal of log data, which will be collected in real time. You can deliver the real-time logs generated by CDN accelerated domain name to log service for real-time log analysis through which you can discover and locate the problems existing in the business timely.

          Advantages of Real-time Log Push

          • The traditional log analysis mode requires you to download the log and then re-upload to the data warehouse, and the data will be analyzed after a series of cleaning and data model definition in the data warehouse, which requires more manpower and long time for maintenance.
          • The little real-time log delay (second delay) can help you understand the access details of CDN quickly, and after you enable the service, CDN will deliver the log data to the log service automatically, which eliminates the tedious process of traditional log analysis, and allows you to view the log analysis results in real time.

          Create Real-time Log Push

          1.Log in CDN Management Console, select Log Management.

          2.Select Real-time Log Push, and click Enable Real-time Log Pushing Service.


          3.Enter the page of Real-time Log Push, and click Create Real-time Log Pushing Service.

          4.Configure relevant log service information based on the page prompt.


          Parameter Description
          Service name Project name of the log service created on CDN.
          Region Area where the real-time logs are collected
          Logstore name Logstore is a collection of resources created under a project (Project), and all data in Logstore come from a same data source. The query, analysis and delivery of the log data received takes Logstore as the unit, and CDN will generate Logstore name by default if it is not entered.
          Authorize log service To enable real-time log push, you have to authorize CDN to access Baidu AI Cloud log service.

          5.Click Next to select associate domain name, and click Create to complete the push service.

          Dynamic Acceleration Log
          Value-added Service