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          Being the client of the CDN service, CdnClient provides a series of methods for developers to interact with the CDN service.

          Create CdnClient

          Access to CDN via AK/SK

          Access CDN via AK/SK, and users can create a CDN Client by reference to the following codes:

          Before creating a CdnClient, you need to configure the CdnClient by creating a configuration file named YourConf.php with specific content as follows:

          	 //Report all PHP errors 
          	 define('CDN_CLIENT_ROOT', dirname(__DIR__)); 
          	 //Set Access Key ID, Secret Access Key and ENDPOINT of CdnClient 
          	$g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG =
          	    'credentials' => array( 
          	        'accessKeyId' => 'your ak', 
          	        'secretAccessKey' => 'your sk', 
          	    'endpoint' => 'http://cdn.baidubce.com', 
          	 //Set the format and level of the log 
          	 $__handler = new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler(STDERR, \Monolog\Logger::DEBUG); 
          	 new \Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter(null, null, false, true) 
          	 new \BaiduBce\Log\MonoLogFactory(array($__handler)) 

          In the above code, the variables AK and SK are assigned to user by the system, and they are strings used to identify the user and perform signature verification for accessing CDN. Among them, ak corresponds to the “Access Key ID” in the console, and SK corresponds to “Access Key Secret” in the console. Please refer to Get AK/SK.

          Create CdnClient

          After completing the above configuration, refer to the following code to create CdnClient.

          	 include 'BaiduBce.phar'; 
          	 require 'YourConf.php'; 
          	 use BaiduBce\BceClientConfigOptions; 
          	 use BaiduBce\Util\Time; 
          	 use BaiduBce\Util\MimeTypes; 
          	 use BaiduBce\Http\HttpHeaders; 
          	 use BaiduBce\Services\Cdn\CdnClient; 
          	 //Call parameters in the configuration file 
          	 global $g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG; 
          	 //Create a CdnClient 
          	 $client = new CdnClient($g_CDN_TEST_CONFIG);
          Getting Started
          Acceleration Domain Name Management