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          Data of User's Access Type

          Calculation Method

          • pv: The count of request displayed at the console is the actual request count of the user, including the internal forward-to-origin, and the statistical HTTP status code ranges [200,302) && (302,400).
          • qps: It is the pv number divided by the time granularity.
          • uv: It is displayed as a standalone client IP at the console, and is the sum value after deweighing for client to access IP.

          Query Delays

          Generally, pv query delay is 10 minutes, and uv query delay is 2-3 hours for uv query is obtained from access log.

          Query Granularity and Time Span

          • The query span supported is 90 days. pv can output data in 5-minute and one-hour granularity. The uv can only output the data with the granular of 1 hour.
          • When the query range is within one month, pv can output data in 5-minute granularity; when the range is more than one month, it can only output data in one-hour granularity.
          • When ISP data by region are queried, it displays 15 days data at most for 5-minute granularity and 3 months data at most for one-hour granularity.


          • The operator data by region are all the data of edge server, excluding the data of intermediate nodes.
          • ISP data by origin are not available for the uv data, and the duplicate removal granularity is one hour.
          Data of Traffic Bandwidth Type
          Data of Status Code Type