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          Statistical Analysis Overview


          Baidu AI Cloud CDN provides you with the statistical analysis of domain name traffic, and you may select to check the data traffic conditions of the domain name accessed on the console.

          • The statistical analysis main includes traffic bandwidth data, PV, UV customer access data, status code data, forward-to-origin data, hit rate data and TOP data.
          • The granular of data statistical curve varies with different duration, and the data statistical curve is used to describe the trend. The accurate billing data shall prevail for detailed data.
          • The statistical analysis data can be downloaded, and the format of downloaded files is .csv, with the file name of "domain name+region+download item+time". For example, the bandwidth download file name is: baiducloud_CDNBandwidth_20160124-20160125.csv。
          • Support to enter the keywords in the drop-down box of "Domain Name Selection" on the page under statistical analysis to search for domain name and view the statistical information.


          • Item: Project refers to a domain name group generated by the customer according to the business classification, and the statistical backend gets the statistical data of the project by real-time merge when the data are warehoused.
          • Edge node: Refer to CDN nodes oriented to customer service directly.
          • Intermediate node: It is CDN node set up for convergence of forwarding to origin, used for return to the user origin server.

          Classification of Data

          Type of data Description
          Traffic and bandwidth data View the total traffic bandwidth data and detailed bandwidth data by regional ISP, network hierarchy and communication protocol according to tag, domain name dimension, real-time and customized data. Please refer to traffic bandwidth data.
          Data of user's access type View the HTTP CODE, QPS and average transmission speed by tag, domain name, regional ISP and communication protocol dimension. Please refer to user access data .
          Status code data 5XX, 4XX, 3XX, and 2 XX can be checked from the dimensions of label, domain name, regional operator, and communication protocol. Please refer to status code data.
          Forward-to-origin data View the forward-to-origin traffic, forward-to-origin bandwidth, count of forwarding request to origin and forward-to-origin HTTP CODE by tag, domain name and communication protocol dimension. Please refer to forward-to-origin data for details.
          Hit rate data View the traffic hit rate and request hit rate by tag and domain name dimension. Please refer to Hit rate data for more information.
          Data of top class View TOP URL, TOP REFERER and TOP client IP by tag and domain name dimension. Please refer to top data.

          Note The statistical data is only used for monitoring and analysis, and there may be a certain difference with the billing data (the error is within 2%) . Please refer to the billing data for checking the billing.

          EdgeJS Edge Service
          Data Type