
All Product Document


          Uplink Traffic Statistics

          This interface is used to query upstream traffic & bandwidth data

          Method Path Description
          POST /v2/stat/upload_detail?type=all/dsa/static The type parameter specifies the data type to be queried. “all " queries total data, “dsa " queries dynamic data, and “static " queries static data. The default value is “all”.

          Request body

          Parameter Optional Type Description
          startTime Optional Timestamp Start time of the time range queried, the default is 24 hours ahead of the endTime, UTC time.
          endTime Optional Timestamp End value of the time range queried, the default is the current time. UTC time
          period Optional unsigned int Time granularity of the query, in seconds, the default value is 300s.
          domains Optional list<domain> List of domain names to be queried, when the list is empty, query data of all domain names of the user
          level Optional string Specify to query global, edge data or central node data. "internal " means querying central node data, “edge " means querying edge node data, and “overall " means querying global data. The default is ““overall ".
          isBandwidth Optional bool Specify to query traffic or bandwidth data. When it is true, query bandwidth data; when it is false, query traffic data. The default value is false.

          Response body

          Parameter Optional Type Description
          details Required array(map<time:timesmap>, map<key:value>) Query results, where timesmap is in UTC time format。 When the key is flow or bps, it means the value is traffic data or bandwidth data. When isBandwidth is false, the value of key is flow, otherwise it is bps
          count Required unsigned int The queried data number

          Request example - total bandwidth global data

              "startTime": "2019-12-31T00:00:00Z", 
              "endTime": "2019-12-31T00:10:00Z", 
              "period": 300, 
              "isBandwidth": false, 
              "keys": [] 

          Return example

              "count": 2, 
              "details": [ 
                      "flow": 1710549, 
                      "time": "2019-12-31T00:00:00Z" 
                      "flow": 1432608, 
                      "time": "2019-12-31T00:05:00Z" 
          Statistical Interface (new version)
          Statistical Interface (old version)