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          Configuration Problems

          How long does it take to verify the domain name

          In general, you can complete the verification in 1 minute, and if you fail, a prompt will be shown on the page within 1 minute.

          How long does the domain name take effect after binding with CNAME

          The effective time of CDN switch depends on the effective time of resolution by the DNS resolver, and it is determined by the TTL duration set on the DNS server.

          Where is the configuration of CDN cache

          CDN supports the cache with directory as unit, and you can just add the type to the cache configuration as directory caching. For more information, please see Purge the Cache.

          What is the difference between “IP origin server” address and “domain name origin server” address? Which one is better

          For IP origin server, a request is directly sent to the origin server; for domain name origin server address, the corresponding IP of origin server should be resolved firstly, and then a request may be sent to IP address. What types of origin server address shall be selected is dependent on the actual situation of the user, and if the user's server changes frequently, it is recommended to use the domain name origin server; otherwise, it is recommended to use IP origin server.

          How to understand the configuration item of expiration time

          The current configuration items of expiration time support file extension, root directory, precise file and status code. For detailed explanation, please see Cache Expiration Configuration.

          For example: ".jpg" means all the files with the suffix of .jpg, and "/ddd" means all the subfolders and subfiles under ddd directory.

          Set the referer blacklist and whitelist. If you set the whitelist, you can only use the domain names in the whitelist. If you set the blacklist, you cannot use the domain names in the blacklist as an entrance to access.

          Does CDN forwarding to origin support redirection source of 302

          CDN supports the redirection source of 302. “forwarding to origin following 302” feature is enabled, to support the redirection source of 302.

          Where to see the CDN forwarding to origin IP

          If you need to get forward-to-origin IP address, you can log in Console-Content Distribution Network CDN-Tools-IP detection, and click “Get Forward-to-Origin” button on the top right corner to get the forward-to-origin ip address.

          Can CDN process the resource acceleration of non-standard ports? For example, a certain point is deployed on www.example.com:8080, can this point be accelerated by CDN

          CDN supports the acceleration of non-80-port resources.

          How to configure DNS when CDN acceleration is applied onto a domain name What information shall be added

          Take the domain name to accelerate s.cnmooc.org as an example:

          1)Add the following information in DNS: Host record: s,Record type: CNAME,Record value: s.cnmooc.org.a.bdydns.com.

          2)Delete the previous A records of s.cnmooc.org. The same domain name cannot have A record and CNAME record, which may result in conflict.

          Can the .ltd domain name not be used for CDN acceleration

          CDN supports .ltd domain name acceleration.

          What is video drag

          Video drag means that on the delivery layer of the VOD system, the CDN system supports to drag the progress bar of the client player. CDN downloads the original video file from the origin server. Changes and intercept the metadata and data of the video according to some parameters in the client HTTP request, to generate the fragments that meet the client requirements. Then send the generated fragments to the client.

          If the user enables the video drag feature in CDN console, CDN request a full video file to the origin server upon the user's first request. The request after this, CDN analyzes start parameter and end parameter and returns part of the video clips to the client. Thus achieve the purpose of increasing the speed and reducing the forward-to-origin rate.

          CDN can enable the video drag feature for MP4 and FLV, two types of videos. For specific operation, please see Set the Video Drag.

          How to set the video drag

          Configure suffix list, start parameter name and end parameter name according to the actual conditions.

          • Suffix list Suffix is the file suffix name. The suffix of MP4 file defaults to “mp4”, and that of flv file defaults to “flv”. As different users have different definitions for the suffix name of the file types, you can enter the suffix name, one or more, which meet the requirements of your own specifications in the video drag-and-drop setting, and multiple suffix names should be separated by commas.
          • Start parameter name It is a parameter indicating the start time of video drag, which is default as “start”. As each user's definition and identification of the video start parameter are not exactly the same, the user can change the parameter name according to the actual situation. CDN recognizes the start parameter value you set as the start time or byte.
          • End parameter name Parameter indicating the end time of video drag, the default is “end ". As each user's definition and identification of the video end parameter are not exactly the same, the user can change the parameter name according to the actual situation. CDN recognizes the end parameter value you set as the start time or byte.

          Setup example:

          If user A sets the suffix value of mp4 as “mp4V”, start parameter name and end parameter name are set as “start1” and “end2” respectively. The address of the user's video request is:


          CDN recognizes a file with the suffix “mp4v” as an mp4 file, directly resolve the values corresponding to start1 and end2 parameters, and return relevant contents to you.

          How to bind BOS data in the account into CDN in another account

          If you want to bind the BOS data in your account with the CDN in another account, you should set the privilege as public-reading in BOS, don’t enable CDN acceleration and add customized domain name (the CDN accelerated domain name of another account) 2. Add customized domain name in another account, the origin server is BOS official domain name, and add accelerated domain name CNAME analysis.

          How does BCH configure CDN?

          BCH supports access to CDN, with the steps shown as below:

          1. Enable CDN at first
          2. Fill in the corresponding accelerated domain name.
          3. Fill in the temporary domain name of the BCH for the domain name type of the origin server.
          4. Add cname resolution records to the domain name resolution interface to resolute to the domain name of CDN
          5. Bind the corresponding accelerated domain name on the BCH domain name binding interface. Note: After BCH console is bound to the accelerated domain name, no CNAME resolution from accelerated domain name to temporary domain name is needed. In addition, the temporary domain name doesn’t support to be accelerated domain name. Please refer to CDN Access for more information about CDN access, see Domain Name Binding for BCH binding to domain name.

          Does CDN origin port support 8011

          Currently, our CDN console only supports setting 80 and 443 ports, if you have other ports, you are suggested to submit storage and CDN/content distribution network CDN ticket to describe your problems in details to explain the applied forward-to-origin ports and business scenarios, and we will evaluate and verify, and the ports can be activated soon after passing the verification.

          What if CDN has multiple origin servers

          If you have multiple origin servers, you can choose to use IP address for the type of origin server when adding CDN, and when using IP address, you can specify weight for each IP, and CDN will go forward to origin according to the IP weight you set up. Please refer to the [Documentation on Official Website](CDN/Operation Guide/Access the Domain Name.md#Add a new domain name) for specific introduction

          How does CDN limit an independent IP to constantly brush traffic

          If you want to prevent CDN from malicious traffic and CC attack, you can set IP access frequency limit to restrict the IP address of your CDN being frequently accessed, see Set IP Access Frequency Limit for detailed activation approach.

          How does CDN set page compression

          1. Enter the “Domain Name Management” page, and click [Manage] next to the domain name to configure
          2. Click [Advanced Configuration], and select page compression;
          3. 3.In the page compression area, click [Enable] and select corresponding compression mode.

          Details see Page Compression configuration

          How to set a directory without acceleration

          Add the specified directory on the cache configuration interface, and set the cache expiration time as 0 to avoid caching. For more information, please see Cache Configuration.

          Can CDN block the access to a particular IP

          CDN blacklist supports single IP and IP network segment setting. If you want to prohibit one IP or network segment, just fill it out directly. The specific position is: Baidu AI Cloud console –CDN-domain name management – click corresponding domain name to enter the setting page – access control – blacklist takes into force.

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          Fault Problems