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          Cache Management Interface

          Purge Cache/Query Purge Status Purge/GetPurgedStatus

          You can clear cache by URL purge or directory purge. URL refresh is to refresh cache with a file or a resource as the unit. The directory refresh is to clean the cache of all files under the directory in the unit of directory.

          cli := client.GetDefaultClient()                               
          purgedId, err := cli.Purge([]api.PurgeTask{                    
          	 	 Url: "http://my.domain.com/path/to/purge/2.data",      
          	 	 Url:  "http://my.domain.com/path/to/purege/html/",     
          	 	 Type: "directory",                                     
          fmt.Printf("purgedId:%+v\n", purgedId)                         
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                                   
          //Query the removal status according to task ID.                                                
          purgedStatus, err := cli.GetPurgedStatus(&api.CStatusQueryData{ 
          	 Id: string(purgedId),                                      
          fmt.Printf("purgedStatus:%+v\n", purgedStatus)                 
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                                   

          In the example, two types of resource are removed, among which the first one is to remove a file, and the second one is to remove all files under a certain directory. Query the task progress according to the task id returned by purge. api.CStatusQueryData is a relatively complex structure. You can query based on different conditions. For details, please see the definition.


          URL prefetch is the resource warm-up with file as a unit.

          cli := client.GetDefaultClient()                                    
          prefetchId, err := cli.Prefetch([]api.PrefetchTask{                 
          	 	 Url: "http://my.domain.com/path/to/purge/1.data",           
          fmt.Printf("prefetchId:%+v\n", prefetchId)                          
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                                        
          prefetchStatus, err := cli.GetPrefetchStatus(&api.CStatusQueryData{ 
          	 Id: string(prefetchId),                                         
          fmt.Printf("prefetchStatus:%+v\n", prefetchStatus)                  
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                                        

          Query Purging/Prefetching Quota GetQuota

          cli := client.GetDefaultClient()                 
          quotaDetail, err := cli.GetQuota()               
          fmt.Printf("quotaDetail:%+v\n", quotaDetail)     
          fmt.Printf("err:%+v\n", err)                     

          quotaDetail is an object in api.QuotaDetail type, and the details are as follows:

          Field Type Description
          DirRemain int Balance of the directory purge quota in the day.
          UrlRemain int Refresh (including warm-up) URL residual quota in the current day.
          DirQuota int Purge directory total quota
          UrlQuota int Refresh (including prefetch) URL total quota
          Domain Name Configuration Interface
          Dynamic Acceleration Interface