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          Query the Custom Error Page

          This interface is used to query custom error pages.

          Method Path Description
          GET /v2/domain/{domain}/config?errorPage Query custom error redirection page

          domain: CDN accelerated domain name.

          Response body

          Parameter Type Description
          errorPage list type, element type is ErrorPage Detailed configurations of custom error redirection page

          Response code (Http Status Code)

          HTTP Status Code Description
          200 Success

          Request example

          GET /v2/domain/myself.baidu.com/config?errorPage HTTP/1.1 
          Host: cdn.baidubce.com 

          Response example

          HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
          Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 
          Transfer-Encoding: chunked 
          Set the Custom Error Page
          Set HTTPS Acceleration