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          Call Instructions


          The domain name of the BCE CDN API interface is http://cdn.baidubce.com. All interfaces use /v2 as the prefix. The interface specification follows the BCE standard, uses HTTP protocol communication and supports HTTP1.0/1.1. Support PUT, POST, GET and DELETE request methods of HTTP.

          General Agreement

          Coding and Data Formats

          JSON format is used for data exchange, Content-Type is application/json style, and all the request/response body content uses UTF-8 coding.

          Date and Time

          There are various methods to express date and time. For the purpose of unification, unless there are conventions or corresponding specifications, all fields expressing date and time specified in the HTTP standard utilize GMT, and UTC time for other places expressing date and time. The users should follow ISO 8601, and the following restrictions are made:

          • Fields expressing the date all utilize the YYYY-MM-DD format, e.g. 2014-06-01 which means June 1, 2014.
          • Fields expressing time all utilize the hh:mm:ss format, with the capital letter Z added at the end, which means UTC time. E.g. 23:00:10Z means UTC time: 23:0:10.
          • When the date and time is combined, the capital letter T is added between the two items, e.g. 2014-06-01T23:00:10z means UTC time: 23:00:10 on June 1, 2014.

          Use the above format for time-related numeric types in the BCE CDN API, which is called the Timestamp type.

          Normalized String

          Generally, one string can include any Unicode character. In programming, this kind of flexibility will bring about numerous troubles. Therefore, the concept of "normalized string" is introduced. One normalized string only includes the percent-encoding characters and URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) unreserved characters. RFC 3986 stipulates that "URI non-reserved characters" include the following characters: Letters (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9), hyphen (-), dot mark (.), underline (_), tilde (~). The method to change any string into a normalized string is:

          • To convert strings into UTF-8 encoded byte stream.
          • To keep all "URI non-reserved characters" unchanged.
          • To make the Percent-encoding specified in RFC 3986 once for the rest bytes, namely, two sexadecimal strings representing the byte value are behind one "%". All the letters are in upper case. Example: Original string: This is an example for test Corresponding specification string: this%20is%20an%20example%20for%20%E6%B5%8B%E8%AF%95

          When requesting, you have to UrlEncode the Value of Querystring, as shown below:

          public static String uri-encode(CharSequence input, boolean encodeSlash) { 
                    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder() 
                    for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) { 
                        char ch = input.charAt(i); 
                        if ((ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || ch == '_' || ch == '-' || ch == '~' || ch == '.') { 
                        } else if (ch == '/') { 
                            result.append(encodeSlash ? "%2F" : ch) 
                        } else { 
                    return result.toString() 

          Coding Specification

          • The parsable contents and all request/response body contents are currently encoded with UTF-8, and more encoding types will be supported in the future.
          • When a request is conducted, you have to perform UrlEncode for the Value of QueryString.

          Signature Authentication

          This CDN API will authenticate every access request to ensure security for users. Access Key and request signature mechanism are adopted for security authentication. Access Key consists of Access Key ID (AK for short) and Secret Access Key (SK for short), both of which are strings, and it is issued to users by Baidu AI Cloud Official. The Access Key ID is used to identify the user, and the Secret Access Key is a key used to encrypt the signature string and the signature verification string on the server side, which shall be kept strictly confidential.

          Format of the Signature String


          Application Steps

          For getting AK/SK, please see Get AK/SK.

          Signature Generation Algorithm

          Baidu AI Cloud adopts a unified API authentication verification mechanism. For details, please see Authentication Mechanism.

          Common Header

          Public Request Header Fields

          The following information shall be contained in the HTTP header field of the request for the CDN API service:

          Header(Header) Description Required or not
          host http host Yes
          Authorization Including Access Key and request signature. Yes
          x-bce-date The time of creating the request, and the fields expressing the date all utilize the YYYY-MM-DD format, e.g.2014-06-01 which means June 1, 2014. If the user uses the standard Date domain, the header can be left blank. When the two exist simultaneously, x-bce-date shall prevail. No
          x-bce-content-sha256 It represents the hexadecimal strings of SHA256 signature of the content part. The content refers to HTTP Request Payload Body, namely, the original data of the Content part before HTTP encode. No
          x-bce-request-id Id used to track debug, a uuid character No

          Public Response Header Field

          Header(Header) Description
          x-bce-request-id The requestId of the corresponding request
          Content-Type application/json,charset=utf-8。 The phase I coding only supports utf-8, so charset is fixed.

          Error Message Format

          In addition to the HTTP status code, the error information of the BCE CDN API also contains the error information in JSON format in the HTTP body, and the content is as follows:

          Parameter name Type Description
          requestId String RequestId causing the error.
          code String It means a specific error type.
          message String Detailed description on the error.


              "message":"The requested url belongs to domain which is not under acceleration", 
              "requestId":" 81d0b05f-5ad4-1f22-8068-d5c9de60a1d7" 

          General Error Code

          In addition to the definition of the error format listed separately for each interface subsequently, the generic error code for BCE CDN API includes but not limited to the following forms:

          HTTP Status Code Code Message Description
          400 InvalidArgument Invalid Argument. Invalid parameter
          400 InvalidHTTPAuthHeader The HTTP authorization header is invalid. Consult the service documentation for details. The format of Authorization header is wrong.
          400 InvalidHTTPRequest There was an error in the body of your HTTP request. The HTTP body format is wrong.。 E.g. inconformity with the designated Encoding, etc.
          400 MalformedJSON The JSON you provided was not well-formed. The JSON format is invalid.
          403 SignatureDoesNotMatch The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details. The signature attached in the Authorization header is inconsistent with the server authentication.
          403 InvalidAccessKeyId The Access Key ID you provided does not exist in our records. The Access Key ID does not exist.
          405 MethodNotAllowed he specified method is not allowed against this resource. Invalid requested method
          500 InternalError We encountered an internal error. Please try again. Undefined system error

          Province and ISP Format

          Region Mapping Operator Mapping
          Beijing beijing Telecom ct
          Tianjian tianjin Unicom cnc
          Hebei hebei Mobile cmnet
          Inner Mongolia nmg Education Network ce
          Shanxi shanxi Dr. Peng pbs
          Shanghai shanghai Broadcasting and TV oc
          Anhui anhui 21Vianet sjhl
          Jiangsu jiangsu Founder Broadband fdbn
          Zhejiang zhejiang Wasu wasu
          Shandong shandong Other other
          Fujian fujian
          Jiangxi jiangxi
          Guangdong guangdong
          Guangxi guangxi
          Hainan hainan
          Henan henan
          Hubei hubei
          Hunan hunan
          Heilongjiang hlj
          Jilin jilin
          Liaoning liaoning
          Shaanxi shaanxi
          Gansu gansu
          Ningxia ningxia
          Qinghai qinghai
          Xinjiang xinjiang
          Chongqing chongqing
          Sichuan sichuan
          Yunnan yunnan
          Guizhou guizhou
          Tibet xizang
          Overseas oversea
          Other other
          API Overview
          Domain Name Operation Interface