July 2021
- The bandwidth capping feature was released, which can trigger the domain name stop or deny action when the bandwidth of the specified domain name reaches the threshold.
- Back-to-origin timeout configuration feature was released, which allows you to flexibly set the maximum waiting time for the CDN back-to-origin request.
- The domain name certificate service becomes available, which makes more convenient for users to query the expiration time of the domain name certificate and modify the HTTPS certificate in batches.
- HTTPS two-way authentication function was released. After it is turned on, it supports two-way transmission between the client and the server Encrypted transmission and identity authentication.
- The URL blocking feature was released, which supports the manual addition of the blocked URLs on the console.
- SDK in four languages is released and updated.
Nov. 2020
Pornography identification Added setting options, so that you can set the upper limit and sampling ratio for the test as required.
October 2020
September 2020
- Statistical analysis feature Added the TOP URL file type and file size query feature.
- The multi-user access control feature supports the setting of sub-user API permissions according to tags.
- The OCSP-Stapling feature was released. After being enabled, the CDN server can query the OCSP, which can reduce the delay for the client verification request.
August 2020
The error code statistics interface becomes available, which supports the query of error status code type and corresponding count.
May 2020
Added the EdgeJS edge service feature, which supports the JavaScript code compiled by you at the edge node and provides you with programmable custom edge configuration capabilities.
The The IPv6 switch configuration feature was released. After being enabled, IPv6 client request supports access to the CDN using the IPv6 protocol. The CDN also accesses your origin server using IPv6 client’s IP information.
Added the top client IP display feature for the statistical analysis.
Added the IP batch query feature.
September 2019
Added the GO SDK document.
August 2019
Added domain name certificate | related APIs. You can add, modify, query or delete the domain name certificate. If the domain is already bound to a certificate, you can replace the old certificate with the newly uploaded certificate and bind the id of the new certificate to the domain. Otherwise, you can directly bind the newly uploaded certificate to the domain.
July 2019
- Added the query setting IP, video drag and drop, and mobile control access.Interface
- The Python SDK toolkit can run in Python 2.7 and Python 3 environments.
June 2019
- Support the configuration of HTTPDNS. HTTPDNS is a domain name resolution service, which directly accesses Baidu AI Cloud CDN server through HTTP protocol. Because it bypasses the operator's Local DNS, it can avoid DNS hijacking and obtain real-time accurate DNS resolution results.
- Added optional service types for domain names. Users need to choose their own service types when adding domain names. Baidu AI Cloud recommends corresponding features and configurations according to the different service types selected by users.
- Added custom policies of sub-users based on tags. Therefore, sub-users can quickly build a custom policy based on the tags for the same type of resources (resources with the same tag), which is often suitable for solving the authorization of a large number of different products or services.
May 2019
Added query domain name Whether it is possible to add and query all domain name interfaces under the user name.
April 2019
Added the dynamic acceleration API , which is used to enable, configure and query the acceleration domain name service.
- Added href="https://cloud.baidu.com/doc/CDN/s/ojwvyeoe1/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> the single request response speed limit configuration The single request response rate limit refers to the maximum response rate of each request transmitted to the client under this domain name through a user-defined value. The rate is for a single request, and doubled for multiple requests automatically.
- Added pornography identification Trend and SLA data, which allows you to view the service availability index and compensation plan of the CDN provided by Baidu AI Cloud to users on the console, and the trend of pornographic images and suspected pornographic images at any time within 3 months.
Nov. 2018
- Launched the domain trash feature. Baidu Cloud recovers the domain names that have been registered for more than one year and whose cumulative traffic has not exceeded 1M.
- Added the HTTPS configuration The TLS self-configuration tests the TLS version of the origin server automatically and realizes the self-adaptation of the TLS version in the https configuration.
September 2018
- Launched the pornography identification . The CDN's pornography identification is based on a cloud computing platform, which can quickly detect massive amounts of data and can help users save more than 90% of labor costs. After this feature is enabled, the system automatically detects whether the images accelerated by CDN are pornographic or not when the user uses the CDN service, and the URL of the pornographic image is recorded for the user to export and delete.
- Launched the dynamic acceleration . Through the implementation of the link optimization and intelligent resource allocation, users can make an appropriate choice and carry out special optimization and acceleration for dynamic resources.
- Support the QUIC protocol acceleration The QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connection) protocol is an efficient and reliable protocol based on UDP proposed by Google (pic1). Baidu AI Cloud CDN supports user IP request processing by following the QUIC protocol, ensuring its reliability while improving its speed and efficiency.
- SEO supports the quick inclusion, provides the real-time CDN access log data to the search department in real time for the page hotspot analysis and helps customers process the data with crawlers.
- CDN provides the feature of getting real-time exception logs. Users can extract the parts that show Error in the normal log download separately for troubleshooting.
August 2018
- Allows you to configure the priority of the IP address, Baidu AI Cloud CDN can prepare the priority of the IP address of the precise origin server and set the weight of the source server. Users can define the corresponding weight of each IP address when they configure the IP address. CDN forwards it to origin according to the weight value.
- Added feature, which allows you to perform the SEO optimization.
July 2018
- Added the description of range back-to-origin switch and mobile access configuration switch in the Back-to-origin Configuration, modified the format supported by the encrypted URL for user access in the type C authentication mode in the advanced authentication.
- Added the sub-account refresh feature. The cache refresh feature of the sub-account is consistent with the feature content of the primary account.