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          Region refers to each physical node distributed globally. You can choose to deploy products in different regions according to the geographical location of customer groups. Baidu AI Cloud currently provides services in the following areas: North China - Beijing , North China - Baoding ,South China - Guangzhou,East China - Suzhou,Finance East China - Shanghai,Finance Central China - Wuhan,Hong Kong,Singapore.

          North China Region, South China Region, East China Region, Financial Central China, and Financial East China Data Centers provide multi-line BGP backbone network lines with network capabilities covering all provinces and cities across the country to achieve stable and high-speed access.

          Please pay attention to the following details, which may be related to the service you choose:

          1. Cloud service products in the same region communicate through the intranet.
          2. The intranets of cloud service products currently in different regions cannot communicate with each other.

            Product service Region description Example
            cloud server -The cloud server intranet between different regions is not interconnected by default.
            -Cloud servers BCC and BLB, EIP, CDS and other cloud service intranets between different regions are not interconnected by default.
            The BCC and CDS intranets in the North China area are interconnected; however, the BCC in the North China area and the CDS intranet in the South China area are not interconnected.
            Container engine CCE -By default, the intranets of container clusters between different areas are not interconnected.
            -By default, container clusters in different areas and the BLB intranet is not interconnected.
            The container clusters and BLB intranets in the same region in North China are interconnected; however, the clusters in North China and the BLB intranet in South China are not interconnected.
            Load balance BLB Do not support cross-region deployment When BLB is bound to BCC, you can only choose to bind the cloud server in this region.
            SQL database RDS -By default, RDS intranets in different regions are not interconnected with each other.
            -Cloud servers BCC and RDS intranets in different regions are not interconnected with each other.
            The BCC in North China Region and the RDS in South China Region is not interconnected with each other.
            Simple caching service SCS The BCC and SCS intranets in different areas are not interconnected with each other. The BCC in North China Region and the SCS Intranet in South China Region are not interconnected.
            Object storage BOS -The cloud server and object storage BOS in the same region are interconnected.
            -The BCC and BOS intranets in different areas are not interconnected.
            The BCC and BOS intranets in the North China Region region are interconnected, but the BCC in the North China Region region and the BOS intranet in the South China Region are not interconnected.
          3. When you are purchasing Baidu AI Cloud services, we recommend that you choose the data center closest to your target user's area, which can reduce the access delay and increase the user's access speed.
          4. The SLA guarantee of the product service level agreement in South China Region is consistent with that in North China Region. Any subsequent discrepancies will be notified on the official website.
          5. For information about the regions supported by each service, please see the table below, which globally indicates that the service does not require region selection. :

            • Calculate relevant product area information.
            Product name Global North China - Beijing North China - Baoding South China - Guangzhou East China - Suzhou Finance East China - Shanghai Finance Central China - Wuhan Hong Kong
            cloud server
            Exclusive server DCC
            Physical server BBC
            Container engine CCE
            Application engine Pro BAEPRO
            Function computation CFC  
            • Network related product area information.
            Product name Global North China - Beijing North China - Baoding South China - Guangzhou East China - Suzhou Finance East China - Shanghai Finance Central China - Wuhan Hong Kong
            Elastic public network IP EIP
            Load balance BLB
            AI cloud analysis
            Private net VPC
            Express Tunnel ET  
            • Store CDN related product area information.
            Product name Global North China - Beijing North China - Baoding South China - Guangzhou East China - Suzhou Finance East China - Shanghai Finance Central China - Wuhan Hong Kong
            Object storage BOS
            Cloud disk CDS
            File storage CFS
            Content delivery network CDN
            Storage gateway BSG  
            • Database related product area information.
            Product name Global North China - Beijing North China - Baoding South China - Guangzhou East China - Suzhou Finance East China - Shanghai Finance Central China - Wuhan Hong Kong
            Cloud database RDS
            Cloud database SCS
            Cloud database TableStorage
            Cloud database DRDS
            Data Transmission Service DTS
            Cloud database DocDB for MongoDB
            Cloud Data FusionDB
            Cloud database HTAP for CockroachDB
            • Security and management related product area information.
            Product name Global North China - Beijing North China - Baoding South China - Guangzhou East China - Suzhou Finance East China - Shanghai Finance Central China - Wuhan Hong Kong
            DDoS basic protection
            Application firewall service WAF
            Business security risk control AFD
            Cloud monitoring BCM
            Cloud Audit BCT
            SSL Certificate Service
            Host Security Agent
            Security detection service SRD
            Flow audit IDS
            Key management service KMS  
            • Data analysis related product area information.
            Product name Global North China - Beijing North China - Baoding South China - Guangzhou East China - Suzhou Finance East China - Shanghai Finance Central China - Wuhan Hong Kong
            Baidu MapReduce BMR
            Baidu Data Factory PINGO
            Baidu Data Science Platform
            Baidu Deep Learning
            Baidu data warehouse Palo
            Baidu Elasticsearch
            Baidu log service BLS
            Baidu Messaging System  
            • Website service related product area information.

              Product name Global North China - Beijing North China - Baoding South China - Guangzhou East China - Suzhou Finance East China - Shanghai Finance Central China - Wuhan Hong Kong
              Site service
              Domain name service BCD
              Cloud virtual host BCH
              Intelligent Traffic Management ITM
              Mobile Resolution HTTPDNS  
            • Smart multimedia services related product area information.

              Product name Global North China - Beijing North China - Baoding South China - Guangzhou East China - Suzhou Finance East China - Shanghai Finance Central China - Wuhan Hong Kong
              Multimedia Cloud Transcoding MCT
              Live streaming service LSS
              Video on demand VOD
              Document service DOC
              Video content review VCR
              Video Content Analysis VCA  
            • IoT services related product area information.

              Product name Global North China - Beijing North China - Baoding South China - Guangzhou East China - Suzhou Finance East China - Shanghai Finance Central China - Wuhan Hong Kong
              Internet of things IoT Hub
              IoT Parser
              Time sequense database TSDB
              Rule Engine
              IoT Visualization
              Smart Edge BIE
              DuGo - AI Auto Cloud
              Positioning Services DuMap
              Logistics Position Service LPS  
            • AI service related product area information.
            Product name Global North China - Beijing North China - Baoding South China - Guangzhou East China - Suzhou Finance East China - Shanghai Finance Central China - Wuhan Hong Kong
            Baidu Machine Learning BML
            Speech Technology
            Face recognition
            Text recognition
            Natural language processing
            Content regulation
            Image recognition
            Image search
            Smart Outbound
            Human Analysis
            Robot platform ABC Robot
            Intelligent call center
            AR Augmented Reality
            Apollo training platform
            EasyDL customized training and service platform
            Understanding and Interaction Technology UNIT  
            • Digital marketing cloud service related product information.
            Product name Global North China - Beijing North China - Baoding South China - Guangzhou East China - Suzhou Finance East China - Shanghai Finance Central China - Wuhan Hong Kong
            Baidu Feed API
            Search Referer API
            Smart recommendation BRS
            Baidu public opinion API  
            • Blockchain service related product information.
            Product name Global North China - Beijing North China - Baoding South China - Guangzhou East China - Suzhou Finance East China - Shanghai Finance Central China - Wuhan Hong Kong
            Baidu Blockchain engine BBE  
            • Application service related product information.

              Product name Global North China - Beijing North China - Baoding South China - Guangzhou East China - Suzhou Finance East China - Shanghai Finance Central China - Wuhan Hong Kong
              Baidu Push Platform SPP
              Simple e-mail service SES
              Cloud Call Center CCC
              Baidu Devops Platform Devops
              Simple message service SMS
              Application Performance Management APM
              Questionnaire Survey Service
              Manual test
              Mobile App Testing  
            • Cloud market services related product information.

              Product name Global North China - Beijing North China - Baoding South China - Guangzhou East China - Suzhou Finance East China - Shanghai Finance Central China - Wuhan Hong Kong
              Cloud Market  


          1. How to choose the service area?

            When you are purchasing Baidu AI Cloud services, it is recommended that you choose the data center that is closest to the area where your target users are located. This can reduce access delays and increase user access speed.

          2. Can South China Region be put on record, and has it been connected with the record system?

            Yes, the record is not directly related with the regional selection, but the business form. Station-based services need to be recorded no matter where they are deployed.

          3. What line is in South China Region?

            Multi-line BGP backbone network lines, which ensure high-speed access for users nationwide.

          4. Is the billing method and amount in South China Region the same as in Beijing Region?

            For the same product, the billing method is the same. If there are any subsequent billing differences due to the influence of the operator, they will be notified on the official website.

          5. How does the console area switch?

            The navigation bar on the console page of the official website supports selecting areas, and users can switch according to their needs. For example, the cloud server supports handover between the two regions of North China Region and South China Region.


          6. Can North China cloud server access BOS storage files in South China Region?

            Accessible. Users can access Bos bucket files across regions, which will incur additional charges. For details, see BOS Billing Rules.

          Available Zone