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          Set the IP Access Frequency Limit


          CDN supports Single IP Access Frequency Limitation feature to limit the times of accessing a single node of a single IP in 1s to prevent CC attack.

          The feature of IP access frequency limitation is Closed by Default, the users can adjust QPS (Query Per Second) in the console by themselves, and the requests exceeding QPS limits will return 429 directly.


          • The value of IP frequency limit ranges 1~100000 QPS, with the minimum granular of 1, and only integer is allowed.
          • Limiting the number of accesses per second for a single IP and a single node resists some CC attacks but may also affect the normal access to the website.

          Set IP Access Limit

          1.Log into the CDN Management Console and enter the “Content Delivery Network (CDN)" page.

          2.Click Domain Name Management on the left navigation bar.

          3.Enter the domain name management page, and click the Management of the target domain name operation column.

          4.Enter the “CDN Domain Name Details " page, and select the Access Control tab in the navigation bar at the top of the page.

          5.Enter the access control page, click Edit in the setting module of IP Access Frequency Limit.

          6.Adjust the IP access frequency limit to be the status of Start, and set the value.


          7.After clicking Save, you can see that the IP Access Frequency Limitation has been set successfully in the module of IP access frequency limitation. A message indicating that "the configuration has been updated successfully, and will take effect in about five minutes" will appear on the page.


          Set Cross-domain Access
          Set the Speed Limit for the Response to a Single Request