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          Operational Guideline

          The overseas CDN console provides you with convenient and quick CDN operation experience. In the console, you can log into CDN, enable and access CDN, configure CDN parameters, view statistical analysis and monitor.

          Operation Include the operation instruction
          Access the Domain Name The following operations are included for accessing a domain name:
          • Log into the console and have identity authentication
          • Enable CDN service
          • Access CDN: Add domain names, domain name conflict, modify expired configurations and add tags.
          • Bind CNAME
          • and check the domain name details
          Manage Domain Name The following operation can be done on the domain name management page
          • Domain Name Overview: In the “Domain Name Management” page, you can check the domain name list.
          • Enable Acceleration: You can select “Enable Acceleration " to re-accelerate the domain name for domain names that have been disabled or in arrears.
          • Stop Acceleration: After the domain name acceleration is stopped, the CDN service automatically resolves the domain name back to the origin server address. Service is not influenced, only the CDN acceleration is stopped
          • Alarm Strategy: Configure the domain name that needs to create alarm strategy.
          • Chang the Billing Mode : Currently, CDN supports two charging mode, namely "bill-by-traffic" and "bill-by-daily-peak", and the users can change the billing method based on their needs, and after the user submits the change request, the new billing method will take effect at 0 o'clock the next day.
          • Domain Name Configuration Copy: When you have multiple domain names that need the same configuration, you can use such feature to copy the configuration of a domain name to other optional domain name. Such feature supports single copy and batch copy, thus saving your operation time for configuration greatly.
          Configure Domain Name You can have the following operations on the domain name configuration page.
          • Cache Configuration Including the operations of configurating cache expiry data, cache Key calculation strategy and error code customized setting.
          • Access Control It includes operations of setting hotlink protections, advanced authentication, setting IP access limit, setting cross-domain access, configuring response speed limit for a single request, getting real user IPs and controlling multi-user access.
          • https Configuration: CDN supports HTTPS acceleration, and you have to upload related certificates and configurations.
          • Forward-to-origin Configuration: CDN supports to configure the origin domain name as “accelerated domain name ", “origin server domain name” or “custom domain name ".
          • Advanced Setting: CDN supports the modification of HTTP header, flv and mp4 video drag, Quic protocol configuration, SEO optimization configuration, bandwidth threshold feature, WAF security protection and other features.
          • Pre-release: CDN pre-release feature realizes the release and validation of small traffic before the new configuration is released on the whole network, therefore avoiding the problem that the service is affected by a wrong configuration.
          • Set HTTPDNS: HTTPDNS is a domain name resolution service, which can directly access the server of Baidu AI Cloud CDN through HTTP protocol. As it bypasses the operator’s Local DNS, it can avoid DNS hijacking and obtain real-time and accurate DNS resolution results.
          EJS Service EJS provides you with a programmable custom edge configuration service. Baidu takes the lead in supporting Nginx to extend JS objects and support the JavaScript code compiled by you on edge nodes.
          Statistical Analysis CDN provides you with the statistical analysis of domain name traffic, and you may select to check the data traffic conditions of the domain name accessed on the console.
          Cache Purging CDN supports cache clean and cache preloading features.
          Value-added Service CDN value-added service currently includes the dynamic acceleration feature.
          Amount Query You may query CDN bill by day or by month according to the needs. CDN supports the bill query according to billing by traffic usage and by value-added service.
          Porn Detection CDN supports the feature of porn detection. During the use of CDN, the system automatically detects whether the images accelerated via CDN are pornographic or not.
          Log Management CDN provides you with perfect log management and download features. You can query, download or automatically store CDN log files according to the actual situation.
          Real-time exception logs can also be obtained.
          Value-added Service CDN provides value-added services and dynamically accelerates the delivery of dynamic content to users through the secure and reliable optimal transmission path, effectively improving the access speed of static and static content mixed sites.
          Identity and Access Management Help the user to manage the access privilege of the resources under the cloud account, apply to different roles in the enterprises, and assign different privilege to the workers to use the products.
          Common Tools Common tools of CDN provide you with IP detection, configuration change query and domain name reclaiming operations.
          Tag Management CDN supports tag management, which manages the domain name with project dimension as required.
          CDN Overview
          Access the Domain Name