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          Object Storage

          Bucket Access and Management

          How can BOS view the domain name address of bucket?

          Log in BOS console, enter the overview page corresponding to the bucket, you can view the domain name of the official website and customized domain name as well as CDN acceleration. Also, you can click "Management" of "Domain Name Publishing Information" to enter the domain name editing module, and add the customized domain name and accelerate CDN as well as publish the cache-related configuration.

          Does BCC Use private network to access BOS bucket in other regions?

          If BCC accesses the BOS bucket in the same region, it accesses via private network; if BCC accesses the BOS bucket in other regions (such as: BCC in Beijing accesses the bucket in Guangzhou), it accesses via public network, but such access is not available until BCC is bound with the public network IP.

          Does BOS support to create folders under bucket?

          In essence, BOS is a<key, value> system with bucket as the storage space. Therefore, the folder displayed on administrative console is actually a kind of "simulated folder". Two methods can be used to create a "simulated folder":

          • To create a file ended with "/", such as a file named "fakeFolder/";
          • Add a prefix in the file name, such as a file named "fakeFolder/img.jpg", and the files with the same prefix appear in the same simulated folder.

          BOS supports for folder creation in the following two ways:

          • By operations of console, please refer to Manage Folders.
          • By operations of codes, please refer to SDK file Java.

          Does BOS support cross-origin access?

          BOS supports to set cross-origin access (CORS), please refer to the Cross-origin Resource Sharing for API interface. Please refer to Set Cross-origin Access as to how to set CORS on the console.

          Does BOS support hotlinking prevention?

          BOS supports hotlinking prevention by adding customized permissions. The customized permission setting of bucket includes:

          • Allow referer to be null;
          • Not allow referer to be null;
          • Set the matched referer string.
          • Please refer to Set Referer Whitelist for specific setting methods.

          How does BOS bind Https certificate?

          BOS supports to customized domain name to open https. (Hong Kong and Hong Kong Area II do not support), with the setting method: Log in "Console -BOS object Storage -bucket Name", click "Release Management -Customized Domain Name Editing", and select to open HTTPS configuration. If Hong Kong and Hong Kong Area II want to open the customized domain name https, CDN needs to be used, and the specified procedures are to configure BOS Customized Domain Name to Open cdn Acceleration Services at first, and then Configure HTTPS on CDN and then access.

          Bucket has been configured with cross-origin requests, why is it still unable to make cross-origin resource requests?

          Please refer to CORS Cross-origin Best Practices as to configure bucket Cross-origin on the browser. If it still does not work after the configuration, it may be caused by cache problem of the browser, you are recommended to test again after clearing the browser cache.

          How to delete the newly created bucket?

          The object storage bucket cannot be deleted after they are created, but as long as you don't upload files to BOS or browse the uploaded files, no billing is generated.

          How does BOS open CDN?

          Currently, BOS supports for the bucket specified by CDN acceleration. After you select the bucket to be accelerated, you shall modify the DNS resolution of bucket domain name to CNAME domain name provided by CDN, thus accessing CDN node to open CDN acceleration.

          What is BOS private network traffic? Does the traffic accessing BOS via BAE count as private network traffic?

          For BCC of the same account in the same region, BAE and BOS communicate with each other on private network by default, namely private network traffic, and BCH does not support the mutual communication with the private network of BOS temporarily. The private network in different region does not communicate with each other, and the public network is used for transmission.

          When the private network is used to transmit data, the traffic is not charged, but charged for storage and request. If you buy the storage package, what the storage package deducts is only the storage cost.

          If your access is made via outer net, the request and traffic are charged, and if you open CDN function at the same time, the CDN fees are charged.

          What to do if the domain name of BOS system is blocked by the applet of WeChat at the backstage?

          After you are recommended to Bind Customized Domain Name, the customized domain name is used to access resources, and a domain name is supported to bind a bucket at present.

          How to monitor the outtraffic of BOS?

          The outtraffic includes three parts, namely writing amount of outer net, returning source traffic and Cross-origin duplication traffic. BOS console supports to view the writing amount, reading amount, reading times, writing times, CDN returning source traffic and other monitoring information, please refer to Statistics and Monitoringfor the specific introduction to the monitoring items.

          How to access the access log of BOS?

          To access the access log of BOS, you need to open the function of access log for bucket, and please refer to Set Access Log for detailed methods of operations. Please refer to Access Log for log meaning and detailed description of format.

          It takes about 2-3 hours for an access request to be completed from the occurrence of such access request to the storage of corresponding log to the target bucket, but due to the influence of the network environment and other factors, some logs may be delayed for a longer time to be stored in the target bucket, so please wait patiently.

          How to access the data in the bucket after the domain name is bound?

          The binding of customized domain name by BOS can access your object directly with browser URL, and the customized domain name bound cannot be accessed normally until it is filed. The binding takes effect in 3 minutes in general.

          BOS does not support to view the specific reference information of link temporarily. If you do not want others to refer to the BOS link, you can set the white list of Referer field by BOS console. After the white list is set, only the users in the white list of Referer field can access the data stored in bucket, and those request outside the white list will be refused. However, if the Referer is null, it is accessible by default, and is not restricted by white list. Please refer to Hotlinking Prevention for detailed configurations.

          Can you view the traffic generated by which file from the outtraffic of outer net?

          Currently, two methods can be used for confirmation:

          1.By setting and viewing the log for confirmation. 2.View statistical analysis -hotspot analysis, and specify corresponding bucket for confirmation.

          Please refer to Statistics and Monitoring for detailed operations.

          Can BOS be extracted online?

          Currently, BOS does not support online compression and extraction, and you are recommended to unzip the file before local uploading or after the file is downloaded.

          How can CDN access one of the private BUCKETS in BOS?

          It can be done by setting the returning source of private bucket. Please refer to Returning Source Configurations for detailed operations .

          Authentication and Privilege Management
          Object Upload, Download and Management