
All Product Document

          Object Storage

          Insufficient Balance Reminder and Arrearage Processing

          • Reminder of insufficient balance: - Determine whether your account balance (including available vouchers) is sufficient to pay for the bill of next 3 days based on the amount of your bill in the last 3 days. If it is not enough to pay, the system sends a renewal reminder.

            • Determine whether your account balance (including available vouchers) is sufficient to pay for the next day's bill based on the amount of your bill in the last day. If it is not enough to pay, the system sends a renewal reminder.
          • Arrears:

            • Check whether your account balance is sufficient to pay the expenses on the bill of BOS on the hour of Beijing Time (for example, check whether your account balance is sufficient to pay the bill from 10: 00 o'clock to 11:00 o'clock at 11:00 o'clock of Beijing Time), and if it is not sufficient, which means arrearage, the system will send a notice of arrear.
            • The service is stopped immediately in case of arrear, the system will send a notice to stop the service due to such arrear, and the data will be reserved for you for 15 days, during which the fee for storage space will be charged. The data will be deleted if it is not charged within 15 days, and the system will send a notice for deleting data 1 day before the data are deleted and when the data are deleted. Within 15 days after the service is stopped due to arrear, if the available
            • Balance is greater than 0 after the user recharges, the BOS data are restored automatically.
          Resource Bundle Billing
          Overview of Billing Items