
All Product Document

          Object Storage


          Interface Description

          This command is used to list all uncompleted Multipart Uploads in the specified bucket. The "Uncompleted" means the Multipart Upload has completed InitMultipartUpload but has not called CompleteMultipartUpload or AbortMultipartUpload. BOS returns up to 1,000 Multipart Uploads each time. BOS supports the prefix and delimiter filtration.


          • Request syntax

            GET /?uploads HTTP/1.1
            Host: <BucketName>.bj.bcebos.com
            Date: <Date>
            Authorization: <Authorization_String>
          • Request header field

            No special request header field.

          • Request parameters

            Name Type Parameter Position Description Required?
            delimiter String Query Parameter Delimiter. This item is mainly used to implement the logic of the list folder. No
            keyMarker String Query Parameter After the object is sorted in the lexicographical order, it is returned from the one next to keyMarker this time. No
            maxUploads Int Query Parameters The maximum number of Multipart Uploads returned in this request, whose default value is 1,000 and the maximum value is also 1,000. No
            prefix String Query Parameter The key prefix. The object key returned must be the prefix. No
            uploads String Query Parameter Indicates that the request is ListMultipartUploads. Yes


          • Response header field

            No special header field.

          • Response element

            Name Type Description
            bucket String The bucket name
            commonPrefixes - If the delimiter is specified during the request, this item is returned. BOS truncates the matched object name
            according to certain rules (from the prefix to the first delimiter). The truncated string is returned as the data of CommonPrefixes after deduplication.
            delimiter String It returns the delimiter value in the request.
            prefix String Object prefix
            isTruncated Bool It indicates whether all data is not returned this time.
            true True indicates that not all results are returned this time. false indicates that all results are returned this time.
            keyMarker String Starting location of MultipartUpload specified by request and returned this time
            maxUploads Int Maximum number of Multipart Uploads specified by request and returned this time
            nextKeyMarker String Last MultipartUpload returned this time, which can be used as KeyMarker for the next request.
            uploads Container Container that saves a MultipartUpload
            +key String Object Name
            +uploadId String MultipartUpload ID
            +owner Container User information of the object
            ++displayName String User name
            ++id String User ID
            +initiated Date Start time of this MultipartUpload
            +storageClass String Storage type of the object. It returnsSTANDARD_IA for the infrequent access, COLD for cold storage, STANDARD for standard storage, and ARCHIVE for archive storage. If it is a multi-AZ bucket, it returnsMAZ_STANDARD_IA for the multi-AZ infrequent accessMAZ_STANDARD for the multi-AZ standard storage.

            Consideration: The delimiter here is similar to that of ListObjects. Please see the interface description of ListObjects.


          • Request example

            GET /?uploads HTTP/1.1
            Host: BucketName.bj.bcebos.com
            Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2016 06:34:40 GMT
            Authorization: AuthorizationString
          • Response example (JSON)

            HTTP/1.1 200 OK
            x-bce-request-id: 4db2b34d-654d-4d8a-b49b-3049ca786409
            Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2016 06:34:40 GMT
            Content-Length: 1330
            Connection: keep-alive
            Server: BceBos
              "uploads": [
                      "storageClass" : "STANDARD_IA",
                      "storageClass" : "STANDARD",
                      "storageClass" : "STANDARD_IA",