
All Product Document

          Object Storage

          Configure File

          Server Properties

          The file server.properties is used to configure ports, flow limitation and thread count of RPC services, and only the listening port number is modified without special requirements, with the default listening port number of 8090.

          ## The port number listened by server progress 
          # Number of processing threads corresponding to each client request 

          Client Properties

          client.propertiesIt must be encoded with UTF8 It mainly includes the information on migration task list and concurrency, and some configurations in the configuration files are reloaded automatically after being modified, such as serverThreadNum (the number of concurrent threads expected to be used by server for a single migration request); some cannot be reloaded, such as taskList (task list), please refer to the descriptions in the reference files for specific configurations.

          Configuration Example

          Migration types Example file Description
          Migrate from http to BOS properties_examples/client.properties.http Give the list of url (each url represents a file that can use GET request for download directly), and migrate to BOS
          Migrate from OSS to BOS properties_examples/client.properties.oss Give the object list of OOS, configure as/sk and other information of source end and destination end
          Migrate from COS to BOS properties_examples/client.properties.cos Give the object list of COS, configure as/sk and other information of source end and destination end
          Migrate from Qiqiu Cloud to BOS properties_examples/client.properties.qiniu Give the object list of Qiqiu Cloud, configure as/sk and other information of source end and destination end
          Migrate from AWS S3 to BOS properties_examples/client.properties.s3 Give the object list of AWS S3, configure as/sk and other information of source end and destination end; S3 region needs filling for srcEndpoint parameter
          Migrate from FDS to BOS properties_examples/client.properties.fds Give the object list of the source Mi Eco Cloud, configure as/sk and other information of source end and destination end
          Migrate from BOS to BOS properties_examples/client.properties.bos Give the object list of the source BOS, configure as/sk and other information of source end and destination end
          Check from BOS to BOS properties_examples/client.properties.bos-check Give the object list and relevant information of source BOS, and check if the destination end matches with the source end

          Parameter Description

          • serverThreadNumber After the single request set by such configuration is sent to server, server uses multiple threads to process such request. If the conditions of source and destination end as well as server resources permit, the number is set with the standard to take full of the server bandwidth, which needs adjusting several times. Memory occupied by server = serverThreadNumber \x{2217} blockSize \x{2217} maxConnectionsPerServer
          • serverList Migrate the server list, each server consists of ip and port number, and ; is used between servers for separation, the example is shown as follows:

            serverList= 8090; 8090 
            The option serverList` can be null, no migration server is available if it is null, the migration is suspended. 
          • filesPerRequest Number of files distributed to migration server by each request. It is recommended that each migration request is completed in more than 30 seconds after this value is configured. As one request uses one tcp for connection, it is necessary to ensure that the connection of last tcp can be disconnected normally at the beginning of the next request to avoid excessive tcp fd. You can try to increase the value from small to large at the beginning of the migration until the completion time of each migration request is greater than 30 seconds.
          • taskList Task list (absolute path). The taskList contains one or more migration task lists (absolute path of the file) that are pre-processed, and the number of lines of each file represents the granularity of the task, the smaller the granularity, the less repetitive the migration work will be as the task progress recovers.



            The contents of above taskList represent the list of three files. When it starts with #, it indicates that this line is commented out, and is not handled as a migration task.

          • listDelimiter and listFormat

            The format of file list corresponds to the properties name in the configuration file, and the field value is case-sensitive. The listDelimiterrepresents the delimiter between each line of each column of data in the file list; the listFormat represents which columns shall be included in each line of the file list, and the column is separated with;.

            listDelimiter=" " 

            Example for the contents of file list

            bucketA 	 prefixA/aaa/object1 	 prefixB/bbb/object1 
            bucketA 	 prefixA/aaa/object2 	 prefixB/bbb/object2 
            #bucketA prefixA/aaa/object3 prefixB/bbb/object3 
            bucketA 	 prefixA/aaa/object4 	 prefixB/bbb/object4 

            When it starts with #, it indicates that this line is commented out, and is not handled as a migration task.

            The fields supported the format of current file list include:

            field Meaning Example
            srcAk AK at source end
            srcSk SK at source end
            dstAk AK at destination end (bos)
            dstSk SK at destination end (bos)
            srcBucketName bucket name at source end
            BucketName bucket name at source end
            ObjectName object name at source end
            dstBucketName bucket name at destination end
            dstObjectName The name after migration can be changed by such item
            contentType If not available at source end, store at contentType of bos after migration text/plain
            contentDisposition If not available at source end, store at contentDisposition of bos after migration attachment; filename="abc.mp4"
            toBosIa Whether to migrate to bos ia toBosIa

          srcBucketName/BucketName is yes/or relation, taking one or the other, and the priority shall be given to srcBucketName.

          • migrationStrategy Migration policies

            1. FORCE_OVERWRITE: mandatory overwriting of the files at the destination end may destroy destination-end files, which is dangerous and shall be used with caution and used on the premise of determining the requirements;
            2. KEEP_DESTITNATION: skip if a file with the same name on the destination end exists
            3. KEEP_NEWER: if a file with the same name exists at the destination end, it is newer than that at the source end, skip the file; otherwise override it; if the file with the "same name" does not exist at the destination end (the file name may be changed during the migration), copy it to the destination end directly according to the migration rules
            • KEEP_DESTITNATION and KEEP_NEWER are two migration policies that are appropriate for smooth business switching, are equally efficient for double-write at source and destination end, and shall be used depending on the specific requirements.
            • The migration policy is set to be an unknown policy other than the three policies, and it is set to be KEEP_DESTINATION by default.
          • headQps, putQps and bandwidth: QPS and bandwidth speed limit

            1. HeadQps represents the upper limit of QPS for getobjectMeta requests when migrating from data source to BOS or comparing and checking BOS data, with a maximum of 5000 times/second;
            2. PutQps represents the upper limit of QPS for putObject requests when migrating from data source to BOS, with a maximum of 1500 times/second;
            3. Bandwidth represents the upper limit of bandwidth for putObject requests when migrating from data source to BOS, with a maximum of 3000 MBps.

          Deploy Mode