
All Product Document

          Object Storage

          Exception Handling

          BOS exception is prompted in the following 4 ways:

          Exception method Description
          BceBaseException Anthology of exceptions
          BceClientException Client exception
          BceServerException Server exception
          InvalidArgumentException System built-in exception, parameter error

          You can use try to get exceptions generated by an event:

          try {
              $client->deleteObject($bucketName, $objectKey);
          } catch (\BaiduBce\Exception\BceBaseException $e) {
              print $e->getMessage();
              if (strcmp(get_class($e), "BaiduBce\Exception\BceClientException") == 0) {
                  print "Catch a client exception";
              if (strcmp(get_class($e), "BaiduBce\Exception\BceServiceException") == 0) {
                  print "Catch a server exception";
              if (strcmp(get_class($e), "BaiduBce\Exception\BceBaseException") == 0) {
                  print "Catch a base exception";
              if (strcmp(get_class($e), "BaiduBce\Exception\InvalidArgumentException") == 0) {
                  print "Catch a invalid argument exception";

          Client Exception

          Client exception indicates an exception encountered when the client attempts to send a request to the BOS and transmits data. For example, when the network connection is unavailable at the time of sending request, ClientException is returned; and in case of IO exception during file upload, ClientException is also thrown.

          Server Exception

          When an exception occurs on the BOS server, the BOS server returns the corresponding error message to the user to locate the problem. Common server exceptions can be found in BOS Error Message Format.

          File Management
          Version Change Record