
All Product Document

          Object Storage

          Get Object

          Interface Description

          This command is used to get an object from BOS. This operation requires the requester to have the read permission of this object. The requester can set the range in the header to specify the range of the object data.


          • GetObject supports the resumeable upload through the range parameter. It is recommended to enable this feature for the large object.
          • If the range parameter is used in the request header, the return message contains the entire file length and current return range. For example: Content-Range: bytes 0-9/44, which indicates that the entire file length is 44 and the current return range is 0-9.
          • For an object with a range size of 0 byte, it returns “Error 400”. The range is a left and right closed interval.
          • The archive storage object needs to be restored before the GetObject interface is called.

          If you want to get some specific header information in the response request, you can implement it in the following two ways:

          • If you add the header information during PutObject, the system directly returns the information in the response during GetObject. For details, refer to the PutObject interface.
          • If you add “responseXXX=YYY” directly in queryString during GetObject, the returned header contains “XXX: YYY”. YYY”. For example, GET /testBucket/testObject?responseContentType= image/jpg, the response of this HTTP request contains “Content-Type: image/jpg”. image/jpg”. The specific form is response$header=urlencode (value). Note that $header only supports “ContentDisposition, ContentType, ContentLanguage, Expires, CacheControl and ContentEncoding” currently.

          Notes: The responseContentDisposition is set in the BOS domain name. $region.bcebos.com and *.$region.bcebos.com are invalid.

          Request URI

          GET /v1/{bucketName}/{objectKey}

          Parameter Name Parameter Type Required Description Example Value Parameter Position
          bucketName String Yes Bucket name "bucketName_example" Path
          objectKey String Yes Object name "objectKey_example" Path

          Request Header Parameters

          Parameter Name Parameter type Required Description Example value
          range String No Specify the file range returned by the object. Setting bytes=0-9 means that the characters 0-9 are transmitted. All data is returned by default "range_example"

          Request Body Parameters

          Description of Data Structure for Request Body Field

          Response Header Parameters

          Parameter Name Parameter type Description Example value
          Cache-Control String Download the Cache setting of the Object. The common value includes private, no-cache, max-age, and must-revalidate.
          Content-Disposition String Set the browser to download files. The optional values include inline, attachment; filename="download.txt".
          Content-Length String The data size of the returned object.
          Content-Range String If a range is available, it returns the data range of the object.
          Content-Type String Object type and encoding method
          Expires String Cache expiration date during the object download
          ETag String HTTP protocol entity tag of the object
          x-bce-meta-* String Return this item only when there is a custom meta.
          x-bce-storage-class String Return STANDARD for the standard storage, STANDARD_IA for the infrequent access, COLD for the cold storage and ARCHIVE for the archive storage. If it is a multi-AZ bucket, it returns MAZ_STANDARD_IA for the multi-AZ infrequent access and MAZ_STANDARD for the multi-AZ standard storage.
          x-bce-server-side-encryption String Server encryption type of the object. Only AES256 encryption is supported currently.

          Response Body Parameters

          Description of Data Structure for Response Body Field

          Request Example

          GET /v1/bucketName_example/objectKey_example
          Common Request Header
          Range: range_example
          { }

          Response Example

          HTTP/1.1 200 OK
          <Common response header>
          { }

          Error Code

          Refer to the universal error code.

          How to Call API
          Get Object Meta Information