
All Product Document

          Object Storage

          Multi-AZ Storage


          After the multi-AZ storage is enabled, BOS stores the user data in multiple availability zones in the same region dispersedly.

          The multi-AZ storage can provide powerful disaster recovery capability. When an availability zone is unavailable for physical reasons, BOS can still guarantee the normal access to data, to ensure business continuity.

          Metric Comparison

          When the multi-AZ storage is enabled or disabled, the metrics of standard storage objects are compared as follows:

          Comparative Metrics Standard Storage
          Standard Storage Infrequent Access
          with Multi-AZs
          Infrequent Access
          Availability 99.99% 99.95% 99.99% 99.95%
          Minimum storage time None None 30 days 30 days
          Data retrieval cost None None Bill-by-traffic (GB) Bill-by-traffic (GB)
          Data access characteristics Real-time access, millisecond delay. Real-time access, millisecond delay. Real-time access, millisecond delay. Real-time access, millisecond delay.
          Applicable scenarios Scenarios requiring extremely high reliability, such as mobile application, website video, and data analysis. such as mobile application, website video, and data analysis. Scenarios requiring extremely high reliability, such as online disk storage, monitoring data and media resource backup. such as online disk storage, monitoring data and media resource backup.
          Scenario characteristics Frequent data reading scenarios. Frequent data reading scenarios. Scenarios where the average monthly visits are less than 1. Scenarios where the average monthly visits are less than 1.


          • The data reliability of the standard storage, standard storage - multi-AZ, infrequent access and infrequent access – multi-AZ is 99.9999999999%.

          Operation Mode

          The user can set the multi-AZ storage during creation of the bucket through the console. Please see:

          Usage Instructions

          • BOS only supports the selection of the multi-AZ storage during the creation of a bucket. After successfully creating a bucket, you cannot modify the enable/disable status of the multi-AZ storage. Please make a plan in advance according to your business conditions.
          • At present, the BOS multi-AZ storage supports the standard storage - multi-AZ and infrequent access – multi-AZ.
          • At present, the BOS multi-AZ storage is in the open beta test stage in North China - Beijing, East China - Suzhou and South China - Guangzhou regions. You can Submit Ticket to apply for testing.
          Data Encryption and Protection
          Data Replication