
All Product Document

          Object Storage


          Getting Started

          1.Initialize BOSClient.

          BOSClient is a client of BOS service interaction, and all BOS operations of BOS iOS SDK are completed via BOSClient.

          Sample code:

          BCECredentials* credentials = [[BCECredentials alloc] init];
          // Access key and secret key respectively represent AK SK.
          credentials.accessKey = @"<access key>";
          credentials.secretKey = @"<secret key>";
          BOSClientConfiguration* configuration = [[BOSClientConfiguration alloc] init];
          configuration.endpoint = @"https://bj.bcebos.com";
          configuration.credentials = credentials;
          BOSClient* client = [[BOSClient alloc] initWithConfiguration:configuration];

          2.Create bucket.

          Bucket is a namespace on BOS. It is equivalent to a container of data and can store several data entities (objects). Before uploading data, you must create a bucket.

          Sample code:

          BCETask* task = [client putBucket:@"<bucketName>"];
          // Task can be executed asynchronously
          task.then(^(BCEOutput* output) {
            // Result of task execution can be judged in block.
            if (output.response) {
                // Task executed successfully
            if (output.error) {
                // Task execution failed 
            if (output.progress) {
                // Task execution progress 
          // Synchronous mode can be used, until task is executed completely 
          [task waitUtilFinished];

          3.Upload object.

          Object is the most basic data unit in BOS. You can understand object as a file.

          Sample code:

          BOSObjectContent* content = [[BOSObjectContent alloc] init];
          // Set one type in the following 2 lines.
          content.objectData.file = @"<FilePath>";
          content.objectData.data = <NSData object>;
          BOSPutObjectRequest* request = [[BOSPutObjectRequest alloc] init];
          request.bucket = @"<bucketname>";
          request.key = @"<ObjectName>";
          request.objectContent = content;
          __block BOSPutObjectResponse* response;
          BCETask* task = [client putObject:request];
          task.then(^(BCEOutput* output) {
              if (output.progress) {
                  // Printing progress 
                  NSLog(@"put object progress is %@", output.progress);
              if (output.response) {
                  response = (BOSPutObjectResponse*)output.response;
                  // Print ETag.
                  NSLog(@"The eTag is %@", response.metadata.eTag);
              if (output.error) {
                  NSLog(@"put object failure with %@", output.error);

          4.View the objects list under bucket.

          After completing uploads, you can refer to the following code to view all objects under bucket.

          Sample code:

          // Access all object information of specified bucket
          BOSListObjectsRequest* request = [[BOSListObjectsRequest alloc] init];
          request.bucket = @"<bucketname>";
          __block BOSListObjectsResponse* response = nil;
          BCETask* task = [client listObjects:request];
          task.then(^(BCEOutput* output) {
            if (output.response) {
                response = (BOSListObjectsResponse*)output.response;
                for (BOSObjectInfo* object in response.contents) {
                   NSLog(@"The object key is %@", object.key);
            if (output.error) {
                NSLog(@"list objects failure with %@", output.error);

          5.Get the specified object.

          You can refer to the following code to get one or more objects.

          Sample code:

          BOSGetObjectRequest* request = [[BOSGetObjectRequest alloc] init];
          request.bucket = @"<bucketname>";
          request.key = @"<Objectname>";
          request.file = @"<filename>";
          __block BOSGetObjectResponse* response = nil;
          BCETask* task = [self.client getObject:request];
          task.then(^(BCEOutput* output) {
              // ...

          Complete Example

              #import <BaiduBCEBasic/BaiduBCEBasic.h>
              #import <BaiduBCEBOS/BaiduBCEBOS.h>
              void example(void) {
              // Initialization
              BCECredentials* credentials = [[BCECredentials alloc] init];
              credentials.accessKey = @"<access key>";
              credentials.secretKey = @"<secret key>";
              BOSClientConfiguration* configuration = [[BOSClientConfiguration alloc] init];
              configuration.credentials = credentials;
              BOSClient* client = [[BOSClient alloc] initWithConfiguration:configuration];
              // 1.Create bucket
              BCETask* task = [client putBucket:@"<bucketName>"];
              task.then(^(BCEOutput* output) { // Task can be executed asynchronously 
                  if (output.response) {
                      // Task executed successfully
                  if (output.error) {
                      // Task execution failed 
                  if (output.progress) {
                      // Task execution progress 
              [task waitUtilFinished]; // Synchronous mode can be used, until task is executed completely 
              // 2.Upload object 
              BOSObjectContent* content = [[BOSObjectContent alloc] init];
              content.objectData.file = @"<FilePath>";
              BOSPutObjectRequest* request = [[BOSPutObjectRequest alloc] init];
              request.bucket = @"<bucketname>";
              request.key = @"<Objectname>";
              request.objectContent = content;
              __block BOSPutObjectResponse* response = nil;
              task = [client putObject:request];
              task.then(^(BCEOutput* output) {
                  if (output.progress) {
                      // Printing progress 
                      NSLog(@"put object progress is %@", output.progress);
                  if (output.response) {
                      response = (BOSPutObjectResponse*)output.response;
                      //Print ETag.
                      NSLog(@"The eTag is %@", response.metadata.eTag);
                  if (output.error) {
                      NSLog(@"put object failure with %@", output.error);
              [task waitUtilFinished];
              // 3.View object
              BOSListObjectsRequest* listRequest = [[BOSListObjectsRequest alloc] init];
              listRequest.bucket = @"<bucketname>";
              __block BOSListObjectsResponse* listRepsponse = nil;
              task = [client listObjects:listRequest];
              task.then(^(BCEOutput* output) {
                  if (output.response) {
                      listRepsponse = (BOSListObjectsResponse*)output.response;
                      for (BOSObjectInfo* object in listRepsponse.contents) {
                          NSLog(@"The object key is %@", object.key);
                  if (output.error) {
                      NSLog(@"list objects failure with %@", output.error);
              [task waitUtilFinished];
              // 4. 4.Download object 
              BOSGetObjectRequest* getRequest = [[BOSGetObjectRequest alloc] init];
              getRequest.bucket = @"<bucketname>";
              getRequest.key = @"<Objectname>";
              getRequest.file = @"<file>";
              __block BOSGetObjectResponse* getResponse = nil;
              task = [client getObject:getRequest];
              task.then(^(BCEOutput* output) {
                  if (output.response) {
                      getResponse = (BOSGetObjectResponse*)output.response;
                  if (output.error) {
                      NSLog(@"get object failure with %@", output.error);
              [task waitUtilFinished];
              // 5.Release client
              [client shutdown];

          Create BOSClient

          BosClient is the client of BOS service, providing methods for developers to interact with BOS service. Before using SDK to initiate a request to BOS, you need to initialize a BosClient instance and make some necessary settings to it.

          • Basic procedure

            1.Determine service region, for example, Beijing is BCERegionBJ, Guangzhou is BCERegionGZ, and Suzhou is BCERegionSU; 2.Create a BCECredentials, and set accessKey and secretKey fields; 3.Create a BOSClientConfiguration instance, and set credentials field; 4.Introduce the configured BosClientConfiguration into BosClient.

          • Sample Code

            You can create a BOSClient by referring to the following code:

            BCECredentials* credentials = [[BCECredentials alloc] init];
            credentials.accessKey = @"<access key>";
            credentials.secretKey = @"<secret key>";
            BOSClientConfiguration* configuration = [[BOSClientConfiguration alloc] init];
            configuration.region = [BCERegion region:BCERegionBJ];
            configuration.credentials = credentials;

          BOSClient* client = [[BOSClient alloc] initWithConfiguration:configuration];

            >**Note:** `Region` parameter can only be defined as a specified enumerated value, and if not specified, the region is Beijing by default. Baidu AI Cloud currently has opened access to multi-region support, please refer to [Region Selection Description](Reference/Region Selection Description/Region.md#). 
            > Currently, it supports "North China-Beijing", "South China-Guangzhou" and "East China-Suzhou". Beijing: `http://bj.bcebos.com`; Guangzhou: `http://gz.bcebos.com`; Suzhou: `http://su.bcebos.com`. 
          ## Create BosClient with STS Verification 
          IOS SDK is mainly used for the mobile end development scene, while for mobile end authentication, if you disclose your AK/SK to mobile end directly, it will inevitably cause a potential hazard to account, so you are recommended to realize the authentication of mobile end with STS mode. Please refer to [Temporary Authorized Access](BOS/API Reference/Access Control.md#Temporary Authorized Access#) for detailed information on STS. 
          To use STS mode, you need to create a BOSClient with STS first when calling API; for the BOS API interfaces supporting calling via STS, see [STS Service Interface](BOS/API Reference/Access Control.md#STS Service Interface#) 
          - Sample code: 
                BCESTSCredentials* credentials = [[BCESTSCredentials alloc] init];
                credentials.accessKey = @"<access key>"; // Temporarily returned AK 
                credentials.secretKey = @"<secret key>"; // Temporarily returned SK 
                credentials.sessionToken = @"<session token>"; // Temporarily returned SessionToken 
                BOSClientConfiguration* configuration = [[BOSClientConfiguration alloc] init];
                configuration.credentials = credentials;
                BOSClient* client = [[BOSClient alloc] initWithConfiguration:configuration];
            >**Note:** In the following code examples, the original AK/SK is used to create a BOSClient. If you need to use a BOSClient with STS authentication, follow the above method when creating a BOSClient. 
          ## Configure HTTPS to Access BOS
          BOS supports HTTPS, and you can access to BOS service with HTTPS in BOS iOS SDK as follows: 
            configuration.scheme = @"https";
          ## Configure BOSClient 
          If you need to configure some detailed parameters of the BosClient, introduce into the BosClientConfiguration object when constructing the BosClient. BOSClientConfiguration is the configuration class of BOS service. You can set basic network parameters through BOSClientConfiguration. 
          **Set Network Parameters** 
          You can use BOSClientConfiguration to set basic network parameters. 
          - Sample Code 
                BOSClientConfiguration config = [[BOSClientConfiguration alloc] init];
                // Set the maximum number of HTTP connections to 5
                config.maxConurrentConnection = 5;
                // Set TCP connection timeout to 5 seconds 
                config.connectionTimeout = 5;
                // Set the time to request longest transport data as 60 seconds 
                config.totalTransferTimeout = 60;
          - Parameter description 
          All parameters that can be specified through BOSClientConfiguration are shown in the following table: 
          | Parameter                    |  Description                            |
          | ----------------------|  --------------------------------------------|
          | authVersion          |  The authentication algorithm version has a default value of 1 currently                           |
          | APIVersion           |  The BOS API used has a default value of 1 currently                         |
          | scheme               |  The value of HTTP protocol used can be http and https, with default value http.             |
          | region               |  Use the region of BOS service                                  |
          | endpoint             |  If you know the service address clearly, you may not set scheme and region, but set endpoint directly|
          | allowsCellularAccess |  The default value of whether to use cellular network is NO                           |
          | connectionTimeout    |  Set TCP connection timeout, with default value of 60s.                           |
          | totalTransferTimeout |  Set the time to request longest transport data, in second, with default value of 7 days.                     |
          | maxConurrentConnection|  Maximum number of HTTP connections allowed to open.                              |
          SDK Installation
          Bucket Management