
All Product Document

          Object Storage

          Photo Review


          Photo audit service is an photo intelligent review service provided by Baidu AI Cloud. It supports review of multiple dimensions of photo, including pornographic recognition, violent-terrorist recognition, politically sensitive recognition, disgust photo recognition and advertising recognition. photo review application scenarios have a wide range, covering games, social networking, forums, life services, and UGC. If needed, game makers may review the avatar uploaded by the player with the assistance of photo review service.

          With the in-depth integration of photo review service and BOS, you can call the photo review capability through BOS API, SDK, and CLI.

          Charging Mode

          As the call entry of photo review service, BOS only charges the BOS API request fee. For details, please refer to BOS Pricing.

          The fee for photo review service is charged through the photo review product.

          Subscribing Photo Review Service

          At present, Baidu AI Cloud supports the review of photo on BOS. You can upload an object to BOS through Console, SDK, and CLI.

          1.To subscribe the photo review service, you need to choose "photo review" in the "data processing" module on the global overview page and click "use right now".

          After the subscription, the user can call the photo review function through BOS CLI Tools or a BOS API interface. The details of API interface are described below.

          API Interface

          This interface is used to request photo audit service.

          Note: You can use this interface only if you have subscribed the photo review service in the console.


          • Request syntax

            POST <ObjectName>?process HTTP/1.1
            Host: <BucketName>.bj.bcebos.com
            Date: <Date>
            Authorization: <AuthorizationString>
            Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
            Content-Length: <ContentLength>
            	"action" : {
            		"sync" : [{
            				"url" : "$(img-censor)",
            				"parameters" : "<base64_encode(param)>",
          • Request parameter

            • url The fixed value is $(img-censor), which does not need to be modified.
            • parameters This value is base64 encoded for photo audit functional parameter. The photo audit functional parameter is still a json string.

            Basic structure of photo audit functional parameter:

               "antiporn" : {}, 
               "terror" : {}, 
               "ocr" : { 
                   "detect_direction" : "false", 
                   "language_type" : "CHN_ENG",
                   "recognize_granularity" : "big" 

            It can be any combination of multiple sub-services on demand, or a single sub-service such as "porn identification". At this time, the parameter is written as

              "antiporn" : {} 

          The lists of sub-service supported by the photo audit service are:

          • ocr Universal text recognition
          • face Face detection
          • antiporn Pornographic recognition
          • politician Political figure recognition
          • terror Violent-terrorist recognition -public public figure recognition -disgust disgust photo recognition
          • watermark Watermark QR code recognition
          • quality The value of photo quality recognition is the underlying service parameter. See the input parameter of Hetu OCR Universal Text Recognition Service.

            For detailed explanations of sub-service request parameter and return parameter, see the detailed explanation below.

          • Request header



          • Response header fields None
          • Response element

            See the return parameter explanation of each sub-service.


          • Request example

                "antiporn": {}, 
                "ocr": { 
                    "detect_direction": "false", 
                    "language_type": "CHN_ENG",
                    "recognize_granularity": "big" 

          After base64 encoding,


          It is filled in parameters, the request sent is as follows:

          POST <ObjectName>?process HTTP/1.1
          Host: <BucketName>.bj.bcebos.com
          Date: <Date>
          Authorization: <AuthorizationString>
          Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
          Content-Length: <ContentLength>
          	"action" : {
          		"sync" : [{
          				"url" : "$(img-censor)",
          				"parameters" : "eyJhbnRpcG9ybiI6e30sIm9jciI6eyJkZXRlY3RfZGlyZWN0aW9uIjoiZmFsc2UiLCJsYW5ndWFnZV90eXBlIjoiQ0hOX0VORyIsInJlY29nbml6ZV9ncmFudWxhcml0eSI6ImJpZyJ9fQ==",
          • Successful response example

            HTTP/1.1 200 OK
            Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2017 07:30:56 GMT
            Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
            Content-Length: 237
            Connection: keep-alive
            Server: BceBos
            x-bce-debug-id: MTAuNzUuNzguNDA6VGh1LCAyMiBKdW4gMjAxNyAxNTozMDo1NiBDU1Q6MTg1MDY5NDg3OQ==
            x-bce-request-id: 598f7e18-77fb-424a-bc68-95acb0644076
            	"result" : {
            		"antiporn" : {
            			"result" : [{
            					"probability" : 0.000071,
            					"class_name" : "Pornographic"
            				}, {
            					"probability" : 0.000291,
            					"class_name" : "Sexy"
            				}, {
            					"probability" : 0.999638,
            					"class_name" : "Normal"
            			"log_id" : 1853911322,
            			"result_num" : 3
            		"ocr" : {
            			"log_id" : 2471272194,
            			"words_result_num" : 2,
            			"words_result" : [{
            					"words" : " TSINGTAO"
            				}, {
            					"words" : "Qingdao"
            	"log_id" : 149811665151162
          • Failure return example

                "log_id": 149319909347709,
                "error_code": 216500,
                "error_msg": "unknown error" 

            Failure error_code explanation:

            Error code Error message Description
            216101 not enough param Insufficient parameters
            216102 service not support An unsupported underlying service type was entered
            216200 empty photo No photo Url
            216500 unknown error unknown error
            282804 download photo error download photo error
            282000 logic internal error logic internal error



          The user requests a service to identify all text in an photo.

          Request Parameter

          Parameter Is it required Type Optional value range Description
          language_type No string CHN_ENG, ENG, POR, FRE, GER, ITA, SPA, RUS, JAP, KOR Recognition language type is CHN_ENG by default. Optional values are: - CHN_ENG Mixed Chinese and English; -ENG: English; -POR: Portuguese; -FRE: French; -GER: German; -ITA: Italian; -SPA: Spanish; -RUS: Russian; -JAP: Japanese;-KOR: Korean
          detect_direction No boolean true、false Whether to detect the orientation of the image, which is not detected by default, that is: false. Orientation means that the input image is normal and rotated 90/180/270 degrees counterclockwise. Optional values include:-true: Detect orientation;-false: No orientation is detected.
          detect_language No string true-false Whether to detect language, which is not detected by default. Currently support (Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean)
          probability No string true-false Whether to return confidence of each row in recognition result

          Return parameter

          Field Is it required Type Description
          direction No int32 Image orientation exists when detect_direction = true. --1: undefined, -0: forward, -1: 90 degrees counterclockwise, -2: 180 degrees counterclockwise, -3: 270 degrees counterclockwise
          log_id Yes uint64 Unique log id is used for problem location
          words_result Yes array() Recognition result array
          words_result_num Yes uint32 Number of recognition result, indicating the number of elements of words_result
          +words No string Recognition result string
          probability No object Confidence value of each row in recognition result, including average: Row confidence average, variance: Row confidence variance, min: Row confidence minimum

          Return Example

          "log_id": 2471272194, 
          "words_result_num": 2,
                  {"words": " TSINGTAO"}, 
                  {"words": "Tsingtao Beer"} 



          • Detect the face in the requested photo, and return the face position, 72 key point coordinates and face association attributes information.
          • Detection response speed is related to the number of faces in the photo. The response time will be slightly longer when the number of faces is large.
          • Typical application scenarios: Such as Face attribute analysis, Processing analysis based on key points of face, Face marketing campaign.
          • The positions of the facial features are marked with specific coordinates; the coordinates of the 72 key points also include specific coordinates, but do not include detailed descriptions of corresponding positions.

          Request Parameter


          Return Parameter

          Parameter Type Required or not Description
          log_id uint64 Yes Log id
          result_num uint32 Yes Number of faces
          result object[] Yes Collection of face attribute objects
          +age double No age. Return when face_fields includes age
          +beauty double No Beauty and ugliness scoring, the range is 0-100, the bigger the more beautiful. Return when face_fields includes beauty
          +location object Yes Face position in the image
          ++left uint32 Yes Distance of face region from left border
          ++top uint32 Yes Distance of face region from upper border
          ++width uint32 Yes Face region width
          ++height uint32 Yes Face region height
          +face_probability double Yes Face confidence ranges from 0 to1
          +rotation_angle int32 Yes Clockwise rotation angle of face frame relative to vertical direction, [-180,180]
          +yaw double Yes Left and right rotation angle of 3D rotation [-90 (left), 90 (right)]
          +pitch double Yes Pitch angle of 3D rotation [-90 (up), 90 (down)]
          +roll double Yes Rotation angle in the plane [-180 (counterclockwise), 180 (clockwise)]
          +expression uint32 No Face expression, 0, do not laugh; 1, smile; 2, laugh. Return when face_fields includes expression
          +expression_probability double No Expression confidence ranges from 0 to 1.Return when face_fields includes expression
          +faceshape object[] No Face confidence. Return when face_fields includes faceshape
          ++type string Yes Face type: square/triangle/oval/heart/round
          ++probability double Yes Confidence: 0~1
          +gender string No male, female. Return when face_fields includes gender
          +gender_probability double No Gender confidence ranges from 0 to 1.Return when face_fields includes gender
          +glasses uint32 No Whether towear glasses, 0-without glasses, 1-ordinary glasses, 2-sunglasses. Return when face_fields includes glasses
          +glasses_probability double No Glasses confidence ranges from 0 to 1.Return when face_fields includes glasses
          +landmark object[] No 4 key point locations, left eye center, right eye center, nose tip and mouth center. Return when face_fields includes landmark
          ++x uint32 No x coordinate
          ++y uint32 No y coordinate
          +landmark72 object[] No 72 feature point positions, example image . Return when face_fields includes landmark
          ++x uint32 No x coordinate
          ++y uint32 No y coordinate
          +race string No yellow、white、black、arabs. Return when face_fields includes race
          +race_probability double No Race confidence ranges from 0 to 1.Return when face_fields includes race
          +qualities object No Face quality information. Return when face_fields includes qualities
          ++occlusion object Yes Probability of occlusion of each part of the face, [0, 1](to be online)
          +++left_eye double Yes Left eye
          +++right_eye double Yes Right eye
          +++nose double Yes Nose
          +++mouth double Yes Mouth
          +++left_cheek double Yes Left cheek
          +++right_cheek double Yes Right cheek
          +++chin double Yes Chin
          ++blur double Yes Face blur degree, [0, 1]. 0 means clear, 1 means fuzzy (to be online)
          ++illumination - Yes Value range is [0,255], indicating light level of face region (to be online)
          ++completeness - Yes Face completeness, [0, 1]. 0 means complete, 1 means incomplete (to be online)
          ++type object Yes Real face/cartoon face confidence
          +++human - Yes Real face confidence, [0, 1]
          +++cartoon - Yes Cartoon face confidence, [0, 1]

          Return Example

              "result_num": 1,
              "result": [
                      "location": {
                          "left": 90,
                          "top": 92,
                          "width": 111,
                          "height": 99
                      "face_probability": 1,
                      "rotation_angle": 6,
                      "yaw": 11.61234664917,
                      "pitch": -0.30852827429771,
                      "roll": 8.8044967651367,
                      "landmark": [
                              "x": 105,
                              "y": 110
                      "landmark72": [
                              "x": 88,
                              "y": 109
                      "gender": "male",
                      "gender_probability": 0.99358034133911,
                      "glasses": 0,
                      "glasses_probability": 0.99991309642792,
                      "race": "yellow",
                      "race_probability": 0.99960690736771,
                      "qualities": {
                          "occlusion": {
                              "left_eye": 0.000085282314103097,
                              "right_eye": 0.00001094374601962,
                              "nose": 3.2677664307812e-7,
                              "mouth": 2.6582130940866e-10,
                              "left_cheek": 8.752236624332e-8,
                              "right_cheek": 1.0212766454742e-7,
                              "chin": 4.2632994357028e-10
                          "blur": 4.5613666312237e-41,
                          "illumination": 0,
                          "completeness": 0,
                          "type": {
                              "human": 0.98398965597153,
                              "cartoon": 0.016010366380215
              "log_id": 2418894422



          Pornographic recognition.

          Request Parameter


          Return Parameter

          Field Type Required or not Description
          confidence_coefficient string Yes Whether the result is determined, which is divided into two types of "determined" and "undetermined".
          result_num uint32 Yes Return the number of results, that is: Number of elements in result array.
          result array(array(double)) Yes Result array, each content corresponds to the result of a classification dimension.
          conclusion string Yes The final identification result of this image is divided into three types of "pornographic", "sexy" and "normal".
          log_id uint64 Yes Request identification code, random number, unique.

          Each of these elements contains the following fields:

          Field Type Required or not Description Example
          class_name string Yes Classification result name Pornographic
          probability double Yes Classification result confidence 0.89471650123596

          Return Example

          	 "result": [{ 
          	 	 "probability": 0.000301, 
          	 	 "class_name": "Pornographic" 
          	 	 "probability": 0.000054, 
          	 	 "class_name" : " sexy" 
          	 	 "probability": 0.999645, 
          	 	 "class_name": "Normal" 
          	 "conclusion": "Normal", 
          	"log_id": 848999404,
          	 "confidence_coefficient": "Determined", 
          	"result_num": 3



          Political figure recognition.

          Request Parameter


          Return Parameter

          Parameter Subparameter Required Type Required or not Description
          log_id - - uint64 Yes Log id
          result_num - - uint32 Yes Number of faces actually detected (not greater than max_face_num)
          result - - object[] Yes
          - location - object Yes Face position in the input image
          - - left uint32 Yes Distance of face region from left border
          - - top uint32 Yes Distance of face region from upper border
          - - width uint32 Yes Face region width
          - - height uint32 Yes Face region height
          - stars - object[] Yes Public figure array
          - - name string Yes Name
          - - star_id string Yes Character id, globally unique
          - - probability float Yes Similarity, [0, 1]

          Return Example

              "log_id": 3268660173,
              "result_num": 1,
              "result": [ 
                      "location": { 
                          "left": 132, 
                          "top": 168, 
                          "width": 238, 
                          "height": 223 
                      "stars": [ 
                              "name": "Xi Jinping", 
                              "star_id": "515617",
                              "probability": 0.9750030040741 



          Violent-terrorist recognition

          Request Parameter


          Return Parameter

          Field Type Required or not Description
          result array(array(double)) Yes Violent-terrorist confidence score.
          log_id uint64 Yes Request identification code, random number, unique.
          result_coarse object[] Yes Coarse-grained score result
          name string Yes Coarse-grained tags include two tags: Normal, Violent-terrorist
          score float Yes Confidence score of the corresponding tag, the large the score is, the higher the confidence is
          result_fine object[ ] Yes Fine-grained score result
          name string Yes Fine-grained tags include 9 tags: Normal, police force, bloodiness, dead body, explosion fire, homicide, riot, violent-terrorist figure, military weapon
          score float Yes Confidence score of the corresponding tag, the large the score is, the higher the confidence is

          Return Example

              "errno": 0, 
              "msg": "success", 
              "data": { 
                  "result": 0.0082325544208288, 
                  "result_coarse": [ 
                          "name": "Normal", 
                          "score": 0.99176746606827 
                          "name": "Violent-terrorist ", 
                          "score": 0.0082325544208288 
                  "result_fine": [ 
                          "name": "Normal", 
                          "score": 0.98908758163452 
                          "name": "Police Force", 
                          "score": 0.0062405453063548 
                          "name": "Bloodiness", 
                          "score": 0.0009653537417762 
                          "name": "Dead Body", 
                          "score": 0.001054480439052 
                          "name": "Explosion Fire", 
                          "score": 0.00011743687355192 
                          "name": "Homicide", 
                          "score": 0.0011699661845341 
                          "name": "Riot", 
                          "score": 0.000021190358893364 
                          "name": "Violent-terrorist figure" 
                          "score": 0.0010401027975604 
                          "name": "Military Weapon", 
                          "score": 0.00030337597127073 



          Public figure recognition

          Request Parameter

          Parameter Is it required Type Description
          max_face_num No uint32 Maximum number of faces to be processed, default value of 1 and maximum value of 5
          max_star_num No uint32 Maximum number of similar stars for single face, default value 4

          Return Parameter

          Parameter Subparameter Subparameter Type Required Description
          log_id - - uint64 Yes Log id
          result_num - - uint32 Yes Number of faces actually detected (not greater than max_face_num)
          result - - object[] Yes
          - location - object Yes Face position in the input image
          - - left uint32 Yes Distance of face region from left border
          - - top uint32 Yes Distance of face region from upper border
          - - width uint32 Yes Face region width
          - - height uint32 Yes Face region height
          - stars - object[] Yes Public figure array
          - - name string Yes Name
          - - star_id string Yes Character id, globally unique
          - - probability float Yes Similarity, [0, 1]

          Return Example

              "log_id": 3268660173,
              "result_num": 1,
              "result": [ 
                      "location": { 
                          "left": 132, 
                          "top": 168, 
                          "width": 238, 
                          "height": 223 
                      "stars": [ 
                              "name": "Xi Jinping", 
                              "star_id": "515617",
                              "probability": 0.9750030040741 



          Disgust photo recognition

          Request Parameter


          Return Parameter

          Parameter Type Required Description
          log_id uint64 Yes Request identification code, random number, unique.
          result double Yes Score

          Return Example

          	 "result": 9.2708455667889E-7, 
          	"log_id": 2977989308



          Watermark detection

          Request Parameter


          Return Value

          Parameter Type Required Description
          log_id uint64 Yes Request identification code, random number, unique.
          result_num uint32 No Return the number of results, that is: Number of elements in result array
          result array(object) No Return result array, each item being a detected result

          Each content of elements in result contains the following fields:

          Parameter Type Required Description
          location object No Position information (pixel position from left, pixel position from top, pixel width, pixel height)
          probability double Yes Classification result confidence [0-1.0]
          type string Yes Return result type (watermark, bar code, QR code)

          Return Example

          	 "result": [{ 
          	 	 "probability": 0.99872654676437, 
          	 	 "type": "watermark" 
          	 	 "probability": 0.98578763008118, 
          	 	 "type": "watermark" 
          	"log_id": 686882979,
          	"result_num": 2



          photo quality

          Request Parameter


          Return Parameter

          Parameter Subparameter Type Required Description
          log_id - uint64 Yes Log id
          result - object[] Yes
          - aesthetic double Yes Aesthetics
          - clarity double Yes Sharpness

          Return Example

          	 "result": { 
          	 	 "aesthetic": 0.26410301526388, 
          	 	 "clarity": 0.28039423624674 
          	"log_id": 93316007
          Event Notification
          Static Website Trusteeship