
All Product Document

          Object Storage

          Create Soft Link

          Interface Description

          The PutSymlink interface is used to create the soft link (Symlink) for the existing destination object in the same bucket of BOS. You can access the destination object through this soft link.


          • The soft link file and destination object file need to be located in the same bucket.
          • At present, the soft link can be set for object files of the standard storage, infrequent access, cold storage, and archive storage. The soft link file itself does not support the archive type. If the user specifies the archive type or does not specify the storage type and the default storage type of the bucket is archive type, it returns “CODE_INVALID_ARGUMENT”.
          • When this interface is called to create the soft link, it does not check whether the destination file exists, and you have the permission to access the destination file. When you call the GetObject API using the soft link, check whether the user has the read permission of the soft link and destination file and the destination file exists.
          • To create the soft link, you must have the corresponding write permission.
          • If the header "x-bce-forbid-overwrite" is not specified and there is an object file with the same name as the soft link file, the object with the same name is overwritten by default during the creation of the soft link.
          • It does not support the secondary soft link. No check is done when the user creates the secondary soft link, but the user cannot access the object data pointed to through the secondary soft link.

          Request URI

          PUT /v1/{bucketName}/{objectKey}?symlink

          Request Header Parameters

          Parameter Name Parameter Type Required? Description Example Value
          xBceSymlinkTarget String Yes Specify the destination file of the soft link. The naming convention is the same as the object. The destination file of the soft link cannot be the soft link file. "xBceSymlinkTarget_example"
          xBceForbidOverwrite String No Specify whether the object with the same name is overwritten during the creation of the soft link. If x-bce-forbid-overwrite is not specified, the object with the same name is overwritten by default. When x-bce-forbid-overwrite is specified as true, it indicates that overwriting the object with the same name is prohibited. When x-bce-forbid-overwrite is specified as false, it indicates that overwriting the object with the same name is allowed. "xBceForbidOverwrite_example"
          xBceMeta_ String No User-defined meta "xBceMeta__example"
          xBceStorageClass String No Specify the storage type of the soft link file. STANDARD represents the standard storage, STANDARD_IA represents the infrequent access, and COLD represents the cold storage. If it is not specified, it is the bucket storage by default. The soft link file itself does not support the archive type. "xBceStorageClass_example"

          Request Body Parameters


          Response Header Parameters

          Parameter Name Parameter Type Description Example Value
          ETag String HTTP protocol entity tag of the destination object name for the soft link

          Response Body Parameters


          Request Example


          Response Example

          HTTP/1.1 200 OK
          <Common response header>
          { }

          Error Code

          Refer to the universal error code.

          Select Scanning
          Get Soft Link