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          Object Storage

          Access Control

          Signature Authentication and Access

          Baidu AI Cloud adopts the unified API authentication mechanism. For details, see Authentication Mechanism.

          Original AK/SK Authentication

          The original AK/SK means the AK(Access Key ID)/SK(Secret Access Key) that the system automatically assigns to you when you register “BOS”. It is mainly used for authenticating the users' calling behavior, which is equivalent to the user name and password dedicated to the Baidu AI Cloud API. Every request you send to BOS needs to be authenticated before BOS processes your request.

          The interactive process of the original AK/S authentication in the mobile terminal scenario is shown in the figure below:

          There is a certain security risk for you to send your original AK/SK to the mobile terminal. Therefore, it is only recommended that you use the original AK/SK authentication for the test and the STS authentication for the formal service provision.

          Temporary Authorization for Access

          STS Introduction

          BOS can authorize a third party the temporary access privilege through the STS mechanism. STS (Security Token Service) is the temporary authorization service provided by Baidu AI Cloud. With the help of STS, you can grant a third-party user an access token with the custom valid time and privilege. The third-party users can use this credential to directly call Baidu AI Cloud API to access the Baidu AI Cloud resources.


          Here, the third-party user mainly refers to the end-user of your developed App. For example, if you are a mobile App developer, your App end user is called the third-party user.

          The following takes the access to the BOS service via a mobile client as an example:

          If you are a mobile App developer, and have enabled the BOS service and need to provide your App client with the permission to access the BOS service, you can authenticate the mobile client in the following two ways:

          STS Authentication

          To enable the mobile terminal to enjoy the BOS service conveniently and securely, Baidu AI Cloud has developed the STS service to meet the security requirements in mobile scenarios. The temporary authorization can be implemented through STS only, without the need to open your AK/SK.

          The process of using STS for the temporary authorization to the App client is shown in the figure below:


          1. Apply for the permission to access the BOS.

            To access the BOS resources, the App client needs to apply for access permission from AppServer. The AppServer that has enabled the BOS service can authorize and limit the access resources for different App end users.

          2. Apply for a temporary credential.

            AppServer needs to apply for a temporary credential from STS. AppServer applies for the access credential by calling the STS GetSessionToken() interface. Meanwhile, it is required to specify the resource access permission and expiration time. For the calling method of GetSessionToken(), refer to STS Service Interface.

          3. Return the STS credential to AppServer.

            After it processes the application, STS returns a temporary credential to AppServer, including temporary access key AK/SK, SessionToken, expiration date, and AppServer user ID. AppServercan cache the STS credential. When multiple App clients require the same permission, you can directly issue the cached credential to the clients.

          4. Return the STS credential to the App clients.

            AppServer sends the received STS credential to the App clients, and the App clients can cache the STS credential. When the credential becomes invalid, the App clients need to re-apply for a valid credential from AppServer.

          5. The App clients use the STS credential to access the BOS resources.

            The App client device can construct the API request using the returned STS credential to access the BOS resources directly. BOS perceives the STS credential, and relies on STS to verify the credential and respond to the user request correctly.

          Advantages of STS:

          • You do not need to disclose your management account or AK/SK information to any third-party user but only need to apply for a temporary credential from STS and issue it to the third-party user. Also, you can customize the permission and expiration date of the credential.
          • You do not need to pay attention to the cancellation of the permission. The temporary credential is automatically invalid after expiration.

          STS API

          Interface description

          The GetSessionToken API is used to make a request to return a temporary credential during the temporary access authorization.

          Permission description

          The request initiator cannot initiate the request unless the initiator has valid AccessKeyID and SecretAccessKey.


          • Request syntax

            POST /v1/sessionToken?durationSeconds=DurationSeconds HTTP/1.1
            Host: sts.bj.baidubce.com
            Date: <Date>
            Authorization: <AuthorizationString> 
             "accessControlList": [
               "effect": "Allow",
               "resource": ["Bucketname/*"],
               "permission": ["READ"]
          • Request AbortMultipartUploadarameters

            Name Parameter Position Description Default Value Required?
            durationSeconds Query parameters Effective duration of the temporary credential (second). Data type: int. You can specify a maximum value of 129,600 seconds (36 hours). 43200 (12 hours) No
          • Request header field

            Name Data Type Description Default Value Required?
            Authorization string Authentication string. For the calculation method, refer to Generate Authentication String. - No
          • Request element

            The request element of this interface is the main part of the access control. The request element consists of one or more ACL configuration items that are independent of each other.

            Name Data Type Description Default Value Required? Parent Node
            accessControlList array It identifies the beginning of the ACL body and consists of one or more ACL configuration items. - Yes -
            effect string It allows you to specify whether to execute the request matching this ACL configuration item. The value is Allow or Deny. Allow indicates that the request is executeable. Deny indicates the denial to execute the request. - Yes accessControlList
            eid string ACL configuration item ID - No accessControlList
            id string ACL identifier - No -
            permission array The permission influenced by the ACL configuration item, whose optional values include READ, WRITE, LIST and GetObject. - Yes accessControlList
            region string The region affected by the ACL configuration item. "*" indicates all regions. - Yes accessControlList
            resource array Resources affected by the ACL configuration item, which supports the wildcard. E.g., <BucketName>/<ObjectKey> or <BucketName>/xxx* - Yes accessControlList
            service string Service component affected by the ACL configuration item. "*" indicates all services. - Yes accessControlList


          • Because the response result of GetSessionToken contains the STS credential, it is strongly recommended that you call it through the HTTPS protocol.
          • service: Taking the BOS service as an example, the value is "service":"bce:bos".
          • resource: When the value is "service":"bce:bos", the resource can be bucket or object.

            • When the resource is bucket, its value is . E.g., "resource": sts-bucket-1"];
            • When the resource is Object, its value is <BucketName/ObjectName>, e.g., "resource": sts-bucket-1/ object1"];
            • In addition, the resource also supports wildcard *, indicating all objects in the bucket. For example:"resource": ["sts-bucket-1/*"]。
          • permission: The BOS service supports the READ/WRITE/LIST/GetObject permissions. Each permission corresponds to a group of API requests as follows:

            • The operations corresponding to the READ permission include:

              • GetBucketLocation
              • HeadBucket
              • GetObject
              • GetObjectMeta
              • ListParts
            • The operations corresponding to the WRITE permission include:

              • PutObject
              • PostObjcet

                • InitiateMultipartUpload
                • UploadPart
                • CompleteMultipartUpload
                • AppendObject
                • AbortMultipartUpload
                • DeleteObject
                • DeleteMultipleObjects
              • FetchObject
            • The operations corresponding to the LIST permission include:

              • ListObjects
              • ListMultipartUploads
            • The operations corresponding to the GetObject permission include:

              • GetObject
              • GetObjectMeta

          Note: If no ACL is specified in the request element, the temporary credential returned is the same as your current READ/WRITE permission by default. After it is authorized to a third-party user, it may impose a certain risk to your account resource. It is recommended that you explicitly specify ACL during the temporary authorization to avoid the risk. If the request body is empty, the STS credential returned is the same as your current permission by default.


          • Response header field

          This interface only uses the common response header.

          • Response element
          Name Data Type Description
          accessKeyId string The AK for access to the STS credential.
          expiration date The Access expiration date.
          secretAccessKey string The SK for access to the STS credential.
          sessionToken string SessionToken, which must be available during the access to the STS credential.
          userId string Your User ID.


          • Request example

            POST /v1/sessionToken?durationSeconds=DurationSeconds HTTP/1.1
            Host: sts.bj.baidubce.com
            Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2016 06:34:40 GMT
            Authorization: AuthorizationString
              "accessControlList": [
                "effect": "Allow",
                "resource": ["sts-bucket-1-140683201300192-1447847972462384520478/*"],
                "permission": ["READ"]
          • Response example

            HTTP/1.1 200 OK
            Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
            Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
            Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2016 06:34:40 GMT
              "accessKeyId": "3bdecf4afebd41849628389a20629ecc", 
              "secretAccessKey": "3f901ef12d454b9c92ba2dde7c029140", 
              "sessionToken": "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", 
              "createTime": "2015-11-18T11:48:17Z", 
              "expiration": "2015-11-18T23:48:17Z", 
              "userId": "2d6f4473c99e4ca7be1ca19ec18beacf"

          STS Authentication Process

          When the third-party users use the returned temporary AK/SK and SessionToken to initiate a request to the server of Baidu AI Cloud, how does the server complete the temporary authentication?

          1. First, the server verifies the validity of the request.

            The server finds the corresponding Secret Access Key through the Access Key ID in the request and extracts the signature string and signature in the request. If the signature calculated by the server is the same as that provided in the request, the request is considered valid. Otherwise, the request is considered invalid, and this processing request is denied.

          2. Then, the server verifies whether the requester has the permission to operate the resource.

            The server compares this request with the ACL contained in GetSessionToken during the application for temporary token one by one. After the comparison, the processing logic is shown in the figure below:


          For example:

          Assume that the ACL during the application for the temporary token is as follows:

              "effect": "Allow",
              "resource": ["sts-bucket-1"],
              "region": "bj",
              "service": "bce:bos",
              "permission": ["READ"]

          The authorized third party wants to perform the GetObject operation for img.jpg in sts-bucket-1. Because GetOject corresponds to the READ permission, this request can be written as follows:

              "resource": ["sts-bucket-1/img.jpg"],
              "region": "bj",
              "service": "bce:bos",
              "permission": ["READ"]

          Matching the above ACL fails because the resource does not match. If the resource is written as sts-bucket-1/img.jpg or sts-bucket-1/* during the application for a temporary token, it can be matched successfully.

          Access BOS Service Through STS Credential

          After the App clients get the STS temporary credential, they construct the signature through Session Token and the temporary access key (AK/SK). The signature method is the same as the Signature Authentication and Access. The attention should be paid to the following key points: the signature key used by the user is the temporary access key (AK/SK) provided by STS.

          Compared with the ordinary APIs, you only need to add x-bce-security-token: <session-token> to the request when you use the STS credential to call the API. The following takes PutObject as an example:

          PUT /object HTTP/1.1
          Host: <BucketName>.bos.bj.baidubce.com 
          Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2016 06:34:40 GMT 
          Authorization: <AuthorizationString> 
          x-bce-security-token: <SessionToken>
          Content-Type: text/plain 
          Content-Length: 11434 

          Description: At present, STS only supports the API request corresponding to READ, WRITE, and LIST.

          Bucket Access Control

          Overview of Access Control

          BOS supports the management of the bucket access control using ACL. Bucket ACL is the permission attached to a resource, i.e., a bucket. In essence, it is required to authorize who (grantee) to perform which operations (permission). To facilitate users to more precisely control the resources in the bucket, Bucket ACL has Resource and notResource fields. The Resource field is used to implement the access control of the prefix and object granularity within the specified range. The notResource field is used to implement the access control of the prefix and object granularity outside the specified range. Furthermore, Bucket ACL also supports the condition field, which can be used to set the visitor IP and Referer.

          To ensure the high security of your data stored in BOS, we provide you with many multi-level access control capabilities. The access control system of BOS is divided into the following three levels:

          Bucket standard permissions (CannedACL) Coarse-grained custom permissions
          Fine-grained custom permissions

          At present, BOS can set ACL by uploading ACL files or by using CannedAcl. Both methods can be implemented through the PutBucketAcl API. Uploading an ACL file is to describe who (grantee) can perform which operations (permission) for what resources (resource or notResource) under what conditions through a JSON file. It is a high threshold to edit the ACL file directly, so BOS also supports the CannedAcl mode. In essence, CannedAcl encapsulates several common access control scenarios and sets the resources in the “x-bce-acl” field in the header field of PutBucketAcl directly.

          Access Control through CannedAcl Mode

          CannedAcl is a user-friendly way to encapsulate several common access control scenarios. It sets this resource through the “x-bce-acl” field in the header field of PutBucketAcl. Example: x-bce-acl:public-read. The field is case-sensitive.

          The currently supported CannedAcl includes:

          ACL Permission Added
          private The bucket owner has the FULL_CONTROL permission, and others have no permission.
          public-read The bucket owner has the FULL_CONTROL permission, and others have the READ permissions.
          public-read-write The bucket owner has the FULL_CONTROL permission, and others have the READ and WRITE permissions.

          Description: The permission of the bucket created through PutBucket is private by default.

          Access Control Through Uploading ACL File

          ACL file format

          PutBucketAcl can set the access control by uploading an ACL file. BOS ACL uses the policy description language in the JSON format. The naming method is lower camel case. The field is case sensitive.

          Field overview:

          FieldData TypeDescriptionRequired?Parent Node
          accessControlListarrayIt identifies the beginning of the ACL body and consists of one or more ACL configuration items. The ACL configuration item consists of grantee+permission+resource+condition. YesNo
          +effectstringIt specifies whether the request matching this ACL configuration item is executeale. The value is “Allow” or “Deny”. “Allow” indicates that the request is executeale. “Deny” indicates that the denial to execute the request. NoaccessControlList
          +granteearrayIt identifies the grantee. YesaccessControlList
          ++idstringIt identifies the account ID of the grantee. You can log in to the console and click “User Information” -> “Basic Information” under the account name to view the user account ID. Yesgrantee
          +permissionarrayPermission affected by ACL configuration item. The optional values are READ, LIST, WRITE, and GetObject. For the detailed explanation of the permission, see Permission Supported by Bucket ACL. YesaccessControlList
          +resourcearrayResource affected by the ACL configuration item, which represents the access control set for the resource within the specified range of the resource. The wildcard is supported, e.g., <BucketName>/<ObjectKey> or <BucketName>/xxx*. If the resource field is not entered or the bucket name is entered, it is equivalent to setting the Resource field to [<bucketName>, <bucketName>/*], that is, the access control is set for buckets and all objects. NoaccessControlList
          +notResourcearrayResource affected by ACL configuration item, which represents the access control set for the resource beyond the specified range of notResource. The wildcard is supported, e.g., <BucketName>/<ObjectKey> or <BucketName>/xxx*, which represents the access control set for the objects other than ObjectKey in BucketName or the objects other than those with the prefix XXX. If the notResource field is not entered, it is equivalent to that notResource is not configured, that is, the default configuration is adopted, and the access control is set for buckets and all objects. NoaccessControlList
          +conditionarrayLimitation conditions contained in ACL configuration item, which supports the configuration of IP address and referer list.NoaccessControlList
          ++ipAddressarrayIt identifies the IP with access permission granted.Nocondition
          ++refererstringIt identifies the referer with access permission granted.Nocondition
          +++stringLikestringIt identifies the fuzzy matching address in the referer whitelist.Noreferer
          +++stringEqualsstringIt identifies the exact matching address in the referer whitelist.Noreferer
          ++secureTransportboolIt identifies whether only HTTPS access is allowed. The optional values are "true" and "false". If it is not set, it is considered as "false". When it is set to "true", it indicates that only HTTPS access is allowed. Nocondition
          ++currentTimeobjectTime limit condition contained in the condition configuration item, which supports the configuration of "dateLessThan", "dateLessThanEquals", "dateGreaterThan" and "dateGreaterThanEquals". You can select any number of four configuration items for setting. The valid matching condition is that all configuration item settings need to be matched. Nocondition
          +++dateLessThanstringIt identifies that the time for granting the access permission is less than the specified time. The value is a time string, whose format conforms to the ISO 8601 specification, such as “2018-07-01T12:00:00Z”.NocurrentTime
          +++dateLessThanEqualsstringIt identifies that the time for granting the access permission is less than or equal to the specified time. The value is a time string, whose format conforms to the ISO 8601 specification, such as “2018-07-01T12:00:00Z”.NocurrentTime
          +++dateGreaterThanstringIt identifies that the access control time granted is more than the specified time. The value is a time string, whose format conforms to the ISO 8601 specification, such as “2018-07-01T12:00:00Z”.NocurrentTime
          +++dateGreaterThanEqualsstringIt identifies that the time for granting the access permission is more than or equal to the specified time. The value is a time string, whose format conforms to the ISO 8601 specification, such as “2018-07-01T12:00:00Z”.NocurrentTime


          • The ACL format used is described above. When you upload the ACL file, the owner attribute is not required. The JSON field identifies the bucket owner. If it carries the owner attribute, its ID value must be the bucket owner ID.
          • The uploaded ACL file is not greater than 20 KB.
          • If the user sets the ACL in the Header (Canned ACL) and Body of the HTTP message when it uses PutBucketAcl API, it returns “Error 400: Incorrect Parameters".
          • When the currentTime subfield is set, it sets the GMT time. Pay attention to the difference from the local time.
          • Only one resource or notResource can be set in an ACL rule at the same time.

          Bucket ACL Supporting Coarse-grained Custom Permission

          In essence, the permission corresponds to a set of BOS API operations. The BOS API includes bucket-level and object-level APIs. For example, ListObjects is used to view the list of all objects in a bucket, so it is a bucket-level API. PutObject is used to upload a file, so it is an object-level API. Therefore, after you set the permission, you need to set the corresponding resource or notResource in the ACL file. By default, all bucket-level and object-level operations can match with each other when the resource field is not entered, or the bucket name is entered.

          The Bucket ACL supports the following coarse-grained custom permissions:

          Permission Name Permission Supported Operation
          READ Users are allowed to read the object and its related information, but you have not the list permission. The specific operation permissions include GetBucketLocation, HeadBucket, GetObject, GetObjectMeta, ListPartsRestoreObject. The APIs corresponding to the READ permission include both bucket-level API (such as GetBucketLocation) and object-level API (such as GetObject and ListParts).
          LIST With the list permission, you can view the object list in the specified bucket and get all uncompleted MultipartUploads. The specific operation permissions include ListObjects and ListMultipartUploads. The API corresponding to the list permission has the bucket-level API only.
          WRITE Users are allowed to create, overwrite and delete the object in a bucket. The specific operation permissions include PutObject, PostObject, InitiateMultipartUpload, UploadPart, CompleteMultipartUpload, AbortMultipartUpload, AppendObject, DeleteObject, DeleteMultipleObjects and FetchObject. The API corresponding to the WRITE permission has the object-level API only.
          MODIFY Users can carry out the PutObject and AppendObject operations, and cannot add or delete the data. The main feature of this permission is to combine with Deny to prevent the bucket data from being tampered with.
          FULL_CONTROL It includes all permissions above. In addition to all operation permissions of READ, LIST and WRITE, the FULL_CONTROL permission also includes the following operation permissions: PutBucketAcl, GetBucketACL, PutBucketCors, GetBucketCors and DeleteBucketCors. The API corresponding to the FULL_CONTROL permission includes both bucket level API and object level API.

          Bucket ACL Supporting Fine-grained Custom Permission

          To ensure the high security of your data stored in BOS and meet your more fine-grained permission access control of the BOS resources, BOS expansively supports various fine-grained permissions based on the coarse-grained and fine-grained permissions of READ, LIST, WRITE, MODIFY, and FULL_CONTROL.

          The bucket related permissions are described as follows:

          Bucket Related Permission Supported Operations
          GetBucket This permission indicates that users are allowed to get the bucket content and its related information. For example, list the objects in bucket, and list all the uncompleted Multipart Uploads in the bucket during the three-step upload.
          GetBucketAcl This permission indicates that users are allowed to get the bucket ACL information.
          PutBucketAcl This permission indicates that users are allowed to add the bucket ACL.
          GetBucketCors This permission indicates that users are allowed to get the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) rules in the bucket.
          PutBucketCors This permission indicates that users are allowed to set or delete a CORS rule in specified bucket.
          GetBucketStyle This permission indicates that users are allowed to get or list the rules of Bucket Style.
          PutBucketStyle This permission indicates that users are allowed to add or delete the rules of Bucket Style.
          GetBucketMirroring This permission indicates that users are allowed to get the mirroring-based back-to-origin related information of the bucket.
          PutBucketMirroring This permission indicates that users are allowed to add or delete the mirroring-based back-to-origin related information of the bucket.
          GetCopyRightProtection This permission indicates that users are allowed to get the copyright protection configuration information of a bucket.
          PutCopyRightProtection This permission indicates that users are allowed to enable or disable the copyright protection feature of the bucket.

          The object related permissions are described as follows:

          Object Related Permission Supported Operations
          PutObject This permission indicates that users are allowed to perform the object upload related operation, such as PutObject, PostObject, AppendObject, FetchObject, CopyObject, Three-step Upload and Three-step Copy.
          GetObject Only GetObject and GetObjectMeta operations are supported. The API corresponding to the GetObject permission has the object level API only.
          RestoreObject This permission indicates that users are allowed to restore the archive file.
          DeleteObject This permission indicates that users are allowed to delete a single object or objects in a batch.
          RenameObject This permission indicates that users are allowed to rename the object.
          ListParts This permission indicates that users are allowed to list all parts with specified UploadIduploaded successfully during the three-step upload, and the user can view the current progress of three-step upload.
          GetObjectAcl This permission indicates that users are allowed to get the object ACL.
          PutObjectAcl This permission indicates that users are allowed to the Add Object Acl and Delete the Object Acl.


          • The new coarse-grained and fine-grained permissions and the previous ones of READ, LIST, WRITE, FULL_CONTROL, MODIFY and GetObject and RestoreObject do not affect each other. Among them, READ, WRITE, LIST, FULL_CONTROL and MODIFY are coarse-grained permission.
          • The coarse-grained permissions are superior to the fine-grained permissions. If both coarse-grained and fine-grained permissions are configured, the coarse-grained permissions overwrite the fine-grained permissions, and the coarse-grained permissions should prevail.
          • The bucket-level fine granularity refers to related operations for buckets.
          • The object-level fine granularity refers to related operations for objects.

          Bucket ACL Supports Deny and Data Tamper-proof Features

          Bucket ACL also supports the effect field, which is used to set the effect of this permission. Effect can be configured as Allow or Deny.


          • When the effect is not configured, it is implicitly set to “Allow” by default. When the effect is configured as “Allow”, it is explicitly set to “Allow”. The case that the effect is not configured is equivalent to the case that the effect is configured as “Allow”.
          • The semantics of Deny is superior to Allow. When the user configures both Allow and Deny, the Deny should prevail. When the coarse-grained permissions are configured as “Deny”, they are not allowed regardless of whether the fine-grained permissions are configured as “Allow”.
          • When the coarse-grained permissions are configured as “Allow”, but the fine-grained permissions are configured as “Deny”, the difference set of the coarse-grained permissions and fine-grained permissions are taken. The operation of the difference set is allowed.
          • At present, the READ, LIST, WRITE, FULL_CONTROL, and MODIFY permissions are coarse-grained permissions, and the other permissions are fine-grained permissions.

          To avoid the risk of data deletion and tampering due to key leakage, less strict permission control, and operation error, BOS introduces the bucket data tamper-proof feature. It can achieve the bucket data tamper-proof effect by setting the combination of MODIFY, coarse-grained permission, and Deny keyword in the bucket ACL.

          At present, the coarse-grained permissions related to the write operation include WRITE, FULL_CONTROL, and MODIFY, and the fine-grained permissions include PutObject, RenameObject, and DeleteObject.

          There are two main ways to use Modify, i.e., Allow and Deny.


          • The write operation includes Add, Overwrite and Delete operations. The Add operation refers to uploading an object that did not exist previously. The Overwrite operation refers to uploading an object that existed previously.
          • The coarse-grained write permission MODIFY includes the partial operation of fine-grained write permissions RenameObject and PutObject, such as PutObject, PostObject, AppendObject, CopyObject, FetchObject, and MultiUploadInitObject.
          • If any one of write granularities PutObject, RenameObject, DeleteObject, WRITE, and FULL_CONTROL is configured as “Allow” and MODIFY is not configured as “Deny”, users are allowed to perform the normal write operation.

          The example of Allow is shown in the table below:

          Example of Configuring MODIFY as “Allow” Description of Configuration Example Remarks
          Allow MODIFY Only Allow MODIFY is configured as “Allow”, and other write granularity permissions are not configured. In this scenario, only Overwrite operation is allowed, but the Add or Delete operation is not allowed.
          Allow MODIFY write permissions + Allow fine-grained write permissions Allow MODIFY and the fine-grained write permissions are configured. In this scenario, the Add operation under the fine-grained write permissions configured is allowed, and any Overwrite operation are allowed.
          Allow MODIFY write permissions + Allow coarse-grained write permissions Allow MODIFY and the coarse-grained write permissions are configured. In this scenario, any Write operation is allowed.
          Allow MODIFY + Allow coarse-grained write permissions + Allow fine-grained write permissions Allow MODIFY and the coarse-grainedand fine-grained write permissions are configured. In this scenario, any Write operation is allowed. When the coarse-grained and fine-grained write permissions are configured at the same time, the coarse-grained write permissions should prevail.
          Allow MODIFY + Deny fine-grained write permissions are Allow MODIFY is configured, and the Deny fine-grained write permissions are configured. In this scenario, the Add and Delete operations are not allowed, and Overwrite operations beyond the fine-grained write permissions configured are allowed.
          Allow MODIFY + Deny coarse-grained write permissions are Allow MODIFY is configured, and the Deny coarse-grained write permissions are configured. In this scenario, the Add, Delete, and Overwrite operations are not allowed.
          Allow MODIFY + Deny fine-grained write permissions + Allow coarse-grained write permissions Allow MODIFY and the coarse-grained write permissions are configured, but the Deny fine-grained write permissions are configured. In this scenario, the corresponding Add, Delete and Overwrite operations under fine-grained write permissions configured are not allowed, and the Add and Overwrite operations beyond the fine-grained write permissions configured are allowed.

          The example of Deny is shown in the table below:

          Example of Configuring MODIFY as “Deny” Description of Configuration Example Remarks
          Deny MODIFY Only MODIFY is configured as “Deny”, and other write granularity permissions are not configured. In this scenario, the Overwrite operation is not allowed, but the Add and Delete operations are allowed.
          Deny MODIFY + Deny coarse-fine grained write permissions Deny MODIFY and the fine-grained write permissions are configured. In this scenario, the Overwrite operation is not allowed, and the Add and Delete operations beyond the fine-grained write permissions configured are allowed.
          Deny MODIFY + Deny coarse-fine-grained write permissions Deny MODIFY and the coarse-grained write permissions are configured. In this scenario, any Write operation is not allowed.
          Deny MODIFY + Deny coarse-grained write permissions Deny MODIFY and coarse-grained and fine-grained write permissions are configured. In this scenario, the Write operation is not allowed. When both the coarse-grained and fine-grained write permissions are configured, the coarse-grained write permissions should prevail.
          Deny MODIFY + Allow fine-grained write permissions Deny MODIFY is configured, and Allow fine-grained write permissions is configured. In this scenario, the Add and Delete operations under the fine-grained write permissions configured are allowed, and the Overwrite operation is not allowed.
          Deny MODIFY + Allow coarse-grained write permissions Deny MODIFY and Allow coarse-grained write permissions are configured. In this scenario, any Add and Delete operations are allowed, but the Overwrite operation is not allowed.
          Deny MODIFY + Deny fine-grained write permissions + Allow coarse-grained write permissions Deny MODIFY and Deny fine-grained write permissions are configured and the Allow coarse-grained write permissions is configured. In this scenario, the Add, Delete and Overwrite operations under the fine-grained write permissions configured are not allowed, and the Add and Delete operations under other fine-grained write permissions configured are allowed, but the Overwrite operation is not allowed.

          Request Authorization Process

          When you use ACL for the access control management of the bucket, each bucket has one ACL file only, but one or more groups of ACL configuration items in each ACL can be used to define different operation permissions of different resources for different users. The accessControlList field is used to identify the beginning of the ACL body. Each group of ACL configuration items in the ACL file consists of grantee+permission+resource (or notResource)+condition. If you can authorize a request successfully, it is required to match all conditions in a group of ACL configuration items. When a request is initiated, it matches the configuration items in the ACL one by one. No authorization is made as long as one condition in a group of ACL configuration items does not match?. The ACL authorization process is shown in the figure below:

          Assume that the grantee defined in the ACL file is *, i.e., all users, the permission is READ, and the resource is bucket1.

          • If the request is PutObject, that is, upload the file cat.jpg to bucket1, the request is denied because PutObject does not belong to the API contained in the READ permission?.
          • If the request is GetObject, that is, download the file cat.jpg from bucket1, the request can be authorized because the permission corresponding to GetObject is READ, which can match all conditions in the ACL.

          **Description:** For CopyObject, the READ, GetObject, or FULL_CONTROL permission is required for the source object, and the WRITE or FULL_CONTROL permission is required for the target object.


          • This example mainly explains the basic usage of the grantee and permission.

            Assume that the bucket1 owner wants another Baidu AI Cloud user (userId=16147f559dd14bb294175a8bab74ff1f) to help him manage bucket1, that is, this user has the FULL_CONTROL permission for bucket1. The corresponding ACL file format is shown as follows:

                "accessControlList": [
                        "grantee": [
                                "id": "16147f559dd14bb294175a8bab74ff1f"
                        "permission": [
          • This example mainly explains the usage of multiple ACL configuration items.

            If the bucket1 owner hopes that everyone can read the contents of the bucket, but only one Baidu AI Cloud user (userid=b124deeaf6f641c9ac27700b41a350a8) can manage the bucket, all users have the READ permission, while the user (userid=b124deeaf6f641c9ac27700b41a350a) has the FULL_CONTROL permission. The corresponding ACL file format is shown as follows:

                      "accessControlList": [
                              "grantee": [
                                      "id": "b124deeaf6f641c9ac27700b41a350a8"
                              "permission": [
                              "grantee": [
                                      "id": "*"
                              "permission": [
          • This example mainly explains the usage of the condition field.

            If the bucket1 owner allows users (userid=10eb6f5ff6ff4605bf044313e8f3ffa5) of a specific IP address range to manage the bucket, the IP address range is defined through the condition, and these users have the FULL_CONTROL permission. The corresponding ACL file format is shown as follows:

                    "accessControlList": [
                            "grantee": [
                            "permission": [
                            "condition" : {
                              "ipAddress": [
          • This example mainly explains the usage of secureTransport and currentTime fields of the condition.

            If the bucket1 owner only allows users (userid=10eb6f5ff6ff4605bf044313e8f3ffa5) accessed at the specified time through HTTPS to manage the bucket, the secureTransport and currentTime address ranges are defined through the condition, and these users have the FULL_CONTROL permission. The corresponding ACL file format is shown as follows:

                 "accessControlList": [
                          "grantee": [
                                  "id": "10eb6f5ff6ff4605bf044313e8f3ffa5"
                          "permission": [
                          "resource": [
                          ]"condition": {
                              "currentTime": {
                                  "dateLessThan": "2020-07-01T12:00:00Z" ,
                                  "dateGreaterThan": "2018-03-01T15:00:00Z"
                              "secureTransport": true
          • This example mainly explains the usage of the referer field.

            The bucket1 owner allows users (userid=c558855ea8514c299508699b115473ef) whose referer matches the configured whitelist through the specific IP to view the bucket and object information. The referer field is used to define the whitelist to which access is allowed, stringEquals is used for exact matching, and stringLike is used for fuzzy matching. * in the stringLike represents zero to any number of characters. There can be one * at most, * can be put anywhere in the string. The corresponding ACL file format is shown as follows:

                     "accessControlList": [
                              "condition": {
                                  "referer": {
                                      "stringLike": [
                                      "stringEquals": [
                                  "ipAddress": [
                              "grantee": [
                                      "id": "c558855ea8514c299508699b115473ef"
                              "permission": [
                              "resource": [
          • This example mainly explains the usage of the resource field.

            The resource field can be used to set the access permission for files and directories (prefix) in the bucket. The bucket1 owner only allows another Baidu AI Cloud user (userid=10eb6f5ff6ff4605bf044313e8f3ffa5) to have the FULL_CONTROL permission for the object with the prefix “cook”, the object with the prefix “edu/” and the object with “Travel/China National Geographic”. There is one and only one * at the end of resource field. Because the resource specified in the resource field is the object, only the object-level API operations (such as PutObject, GetObject, and DeleteObject) contained in the FULL_CONTROL permission are executed. The corresponding ACL file format is shown as follows:

                    "accessControlList": [
                            "grantee": [
                            "permission": [
                            "resource": [
                                "bucket1/travel/China National Geographic Magazine"
          • This example mainly explains the usage of notResource field.

            The resource field can be used to set the access permission for the objects other than some specified files and directories (prefix) in the bucket. The bucket1 owner only allows another Baidu AI Cloud user (userid=10eb6f5ff6ff4605bf044313e8f3ffa5) to have the FULL_CONTROL permission for the objects other than those with the prefix “cook”, those with the prefix “edu/” and that with “Travel/China National Geographic”. There is one and only one * at the end of notResource field. Because the resource specified in the notResource field is the object, only the object-level API operations (such as PutObject, GetObject, and DeleteObject) contained in the FULL_CONTROL permission are executed. The corresponding ACL file format is shown as follows:

                     "accessControlList": [
                             "grantee": [
                             "permission": [
                             "notResource": [
                                 "bucket1/travel/China National Geographic Magazine"
          • This example mainly explains the basic usage of bucket level permission. If the bucket1 owner hopes that only one Baidu AI Cloud user (userid=b124deeaf6f641c9ac27700b41a350a8) can view the bucket information or list the object in the bucket, the user has the GetBucket permission. The corresponding ACL file format is shown as follows:
              "accessControlList": [
                      "grantee": [
                              "id": "b124deeaf6f641c9ac27700b41a350a8"
                      "permission": [
          • This example mainly explains the basic usage of the object-level permission.

            If the bucket1 owner hopes that everyone can read and write the object in a bucket, but only one Baidu AI Cloud user (userid=b124deeaf6f641c9ac27700b41a350a8) can manage the bucket, all users have the GetObject and PutObject permissions, while the user (userid=b124deeaf6f641c9ac27700b41a350a) has the FULL_CONTROL permission. The corresponding ACL file format is shown as follows:

                  "accessControlList": [
                          "grantee": [
                                  "id": "b124deeaf6f641c9ac27700b41a350a8"
                          "permission": [
                          "grantee": [
                                  "id": "*"
                          "permission": [
          • This example mainly explains the basic usage of the bucket data tamper-proof.

            If the bucket1 owner does not hope one Baidu AI Cloud user (userid=b124deeaf6f641c9ac27700b41a350a88) to tamper with the data in the bucket, but allows the user to add and read the data, this user (userid=b124deeaf6f641c9ac27700b41a350a8) has the Deny MODIFY, Allow PutObject and Allow READ permissions, and the corresponding ACL file format is shown as follows:

              	"accessControlList": [
              			"effect" : "Deny",
              			"grantee": [
                                  "id": "b124deeaf6f641c9ac27700b41a350a8"
                          "permission": [
              			"effect" : "Allow",
              			"grantee": [
                                  "id": "b124deeaf6f641c9ac27700b41a350a8"
                          "permission": [

          View Access Permission

          • View the access permission of a bucket. For more information, see GetBucketAcl API.
          • The returned ACL is automatically added with the owner attribute.

          Object Access Control

          BOS supports the management of the Objectaccess control using ACL. Object ACL is permission attached to a resource, i.e., an object. In essence, it authorizes who (grantee) can perform which operations (permission).

          At present, BOS can set ACL by uploading ACL files or by using CannedAcl. Both methods can be implemented through the PutObjectAcl API.

          • Uploading an ACL file is to describe the Object ACL information through a JSON file. It is a high threshold to edit the ACL file directly, so BOS also supports the CannedAcl mode.
          • In essence, CannedAcl encapsulates several common access control scenarios and sets the resources in the “x-bce-acl” or “x-bce-grant-read/x-bce-grant-full-control” field in the header field of PutObjectAcl directly.

          Permission Supported by Object ACL

          Permission Value Supported by Object ACL Supported Operations
          READ This attribute indicates that users are allowed to read the object content and its related information.
          FULL_CONTROL This attribute indicates that users have access control of an object, which is equivalent to the READ and put/get/delete object acl permissions.

          CannedACLSupported Types

          Acl Permission Added
          private The bucket owner has the FULL_CONTROL permission, and others have no permission.
          public-read The bucket owner has the FULL_CONTROL permission, and others have the READ permissions.

          Three Types of Headers Supported by CannedACL

          To facilitate the permission setting, you can add CannedACL during the creation and copy of object and setting of the object ACL, and set the object access control through "x-bce-acl" or "x-bce-grant-permission" in the header field. At present, setting CannedACL and uploading ACL files in the same request are not supported. There are mainly the following header settings. Two types of headers cannot appear in one request at the same time.

          CannedACL Header Effective Value Required?
          x-bce-acl private/public-read No
          x-bce-grant-read It supports multiple IDs, separated by commas No
          x-bce-grant-full-control It supports multiple IDs, separated by commas No


          • If the object is an archive file, you cannot set and delete the object ACL configuration for this file before the archive file is just uploaded and restored.

          The Canned ACL API can be modified through the header

          Error Code
          Image Review Service Interfaces