
All Product Document

          Object Storage

          Delete Bucket

          Interface Description

          This interface is used to delete a bucket. Before the deletion, you need to ensure that all objects in this bucket and the uncompleted three-step upload parts have been deleted. Otherwise, the deletion fails.


          1. Before you delete a bucket, confirm that the cross-region replication is not enabled for this bucket. This bucket is not the source bucket or destination bucket in the cross-region replication rule. Otherwise, it cannot be deleted.
          2. Only the bucket owner can delete the corresponding bucket. Otherwise, it returns “Error 403 Forbidden: AccessDenied”.
          3. To ensure user data security and prevent accidental deletion, BOS does not allow users to delete a non-empty bucket. If the user attempts to delete a bucket with the object, it returns “Error 409 Conflict: BucketNotEmpty”.

          Request URI

          DELETE /v1/{bucketName}

          Parameter Name Parameter Type Required Description Example Value Parameter position
          bucketName String Yes Name of bucket to delete "bucketName_example" Path

          Request Body Parameters

          Instructions for Data Structure of Request Body Field

          Response Body Parameters

          Instructions for Data Structure of Response Body Field

          Request Example

          DELETE /v1/bucketName_example
          Common Request Header
          { }

          Response Example

          HTTP/1.1 200 OK
          <Common response header>
          { }

          Error Code

          Refer to the universal error code.

          Create Bucket
          Enumerate Buckets