
All Product Document

          Object Storage

          Product Feature


          This article introduces the common features and usage of BOS. Before you read the feature overview, please check BOS Introduction and Core Concepts to facilitate you to better understand the usage scenarios and feature meaning of the BOS feature.

          Feature List

          BOS has complete and refined management capabilities in data clouding, Bucket management, identity access and management, object management, data publishing, data processing, event notification, monitoring and alarming, etc. In terms of operation mode, BOS supports access and operation through Console, API, SDK, tool.

          Application scenarios Feature reference document Feature description
          Data cloud Local server data cloud: Three party cloud data migration:
          • Data cloud consists of two scenarios, i.e. "local server data cloud", "Tripartite cloud data migration", and each scenario will face the problem of uploading inventory and incremental data. BOS provides a variety of data migration methods. Under the premise of ensuring data consistency, minimize the additional overhead of migration
          • For how to choose data cloud solutions in different scenarios and the introduction of each solution, please see Best practice of data cloud solution
          Bucket Management View Bucket usage data, monitoring data, configuration information and domain name release information
          You need to create a Bucket before using the BOS service. You can view Create Bucket
          BOS provides rich and refined multi-dimensional authority management capabilities:
          • Bucket standard privileges: Private, public read and public read and write granularity configuration
          • Customized fine grain permission: Set READ, LIST, WRITE, FULL_CONTROL and MODIFY privileges for the specified user
          • Customized fine grain permission: 18 kinds of API level fine-grained custom privileges provided by BOS
          The automatic management of data life cycle management realizes the automatic management process of data from creation to archiving to deletion, thereby saving manpower and storage costs. For details, see Life cycle management
          If you configure image forward-to-origin for a Bucket, when a user accesses an object in the Bucket and the object does not exist in BOS, BOS will immediately request the object from the pre-configured forward-to-origin address to ensure normal access
          BOS supports SSE (Server-Side Encryption) encryption encoding for data on the server side. When you configure SSE encryption, when uploading files, BOS will perform server-side encryption settings for the uploaded data by carrying encryption metrics. For details, please refer to Set server-side encryption, or refer to Client-side encryption best practices
          The data synchronization feature can provide Buckets well cross-regional Cross account Or other data replication request The objects in the target Bucket are exact copies of the objects in the source Bucket with the same object name, metadata, and content, such as creation time, owner, user-defined metadata, Object ACL, object content, and so on. For details, view Data synchronization
          BOS provides cross-region resource sharing CORS setting in HTML5 protocol and helps users to realize cross-region access. You can refer to Best practice on how to solve the browser cross-domain CORS problem
          BOS supports the hotlink protection method based on the HTTP header referer field. You can set the whitelist of the Referer field in the BOS console. After the white list is set, only the users in the white list of Referer field can access the data stored in Bucket, and those request outside the white list will be refused. You can also refer to Best practice of hotlink protection
          Bucket compliance retention is a method of data protection. It is used to avoid the risk of accidental deletion of important data after being stored in a Bucket. It is suitable for industries such as finance, insurance, medical care, and securities. Compliance retention is a time-based configuration policy. Users need to set the time period for data retention after opening Bucket compliance retention
          The BOS log feature can be applied to access statistics and security reviews. Each access log records the detailed information of a single access request, including information such as requester, Bucket name, request time, and request operation. When access log function is enabled for Bucket, a log file is generated for the access request of the bucket by hour according to the fixed naming rules, and the file is written into user specified Bucket. For details, see Set access log
          In order to improve the reliability of BOS data, users can ensure that deleted data remains in the recycle bin for subsequent retrieval of deleted data by configuring the function of the recycle bin. For details, see Set up recycle bin
          BOS supports users to host static website on Bucket for light-weighted operation and maintenance of website. After the setting is effective, you can access to the hosting website by directly accessing to the domain name of Bucket.
          Baidu AI Cloud provides a tag management feature. By adding tags to each cloud resource, you can quickly classify and identify and manage these resources, and you can view bills according to tags.
          When the Bucket does not contain any Object and the unfinished three-step upload part, you can delete the Bucket
          Other commonly used Bucket API interfaces
          Multi-user access control Multi-user access control is mainly used to help users manage the access rights of resources under the cloud account. It is applicable to different roles in the enterprise. Different workers can be given different permissions to use the product. It is recommended that you use multi-user access control.
          Object Management You can upload files through various methods such as console, API, SDK, BOS desktop client, and specify the Meta information and storage type of Object when uploading files. For different usage scenarios, BOS supports simple upload, form upload, Block upload and resumable upload and Additional upload, or refer to the best practices in typical file upload scenariosWeb-side direct transfer practice
          Data element information (Object Meta) It is the metadata information carried by the file to identify the data characteristics of the file. You can modify the metadata information of the file in the console
          You can modify the privilege information of Object individually. Without modifying the file privileges, the file access privileges will be consistent with the Bucket privileges. For details, please refer to Object privilege settings
          You can copy and move the uploaded files through the console, API, and SDK. For details, see Copy data
          You can change the storage type of files stored in BOS at any time. Currently, BOS supports the conversion of storage types between standard storage, infrequent storage and cold storage, but does not support archive storage type conversion currently.
          You can download files, preview files, share files
          In order to manage data more conveniently, the BOS console provides a folder feature. You can create folders in the Bucket to store files as needed, or you can delete the folders directly when you don’t need them.
          Set soft links for frequently used files for quick access
          You can delete uploaded files through the console, API, and SDK. For details, see Delete data
          Other commonly used Object API interfaces
          Domain name and release management BOS supports the setting of multiple domain names for the created Bucket to release the stored data:
          • BOS automatically generates Bucket official domain name for each Bucket;
          • BOS supports the modification of official domain names to generate custom domain names;
          • BOS supports the opening of Bucket CDN domain names, so as to realize the acceleration of CDN downstream distribution;
          • After enabling the CDN domain name, you can also enable the CDN uplink acceleration feature to accelerate upstream scenarios;
          You can also refer to Best practices for accelerating BOS using CDN . If you want to use CDN upload acceleration, please refer to Best practices for using CDN to dynamically accelerate upload to BOS
          Data processing
        • CLI tool call image review
          • You can process images through the console and API. BOS supports multiple image processing methods such as cutting, rotation, scaling, inscribed circle, watermark, etc.;
          • At the same time, BOS provides an intelligent content review program based on deep learning to accurately identify pornographic, violent, terrorist, politically sensitive, and WeChat business advertisements in photos and videos
          • The image processing protocol can be widely used in mobile apps. For direct BOS file transfer and image processing in typical scenarios of mobile APP, please refer to Mobile Meitu APP Practice
          BOS provides a new audio and video processing interface in the industry, supports uploading mp4 format files and automatically saves them in hls format, for reading and using m3u8 style players, which fully meets the usage flow of "UGC upload-automatic processing-playback", Eliminate the original complex video operation processing logic, accelerate the business
          The typical application scenario of Select scan feature is and big data scenario. You can complete big data processing operations in the cloud without downloading the data locally
          Event notification
          • The BOS Event Notification Function is a set of intelligent trigger platform based on the BOS data processing framework V2.0 . Developers can define the data behaviors that occur in the Bucket with business concern based on the features provided by the platform,. For example, BOS will monitor the Put Object, Append Object and other behaviors that occur in the Bucket, and provide trigger notifications to users' downstream business systems;
          • At the same time, BOS combines Baidu powerful AI capabilities to directly trigger the monitored user behavior to various data processing capabilities, such as Universal Object Recognition, Universal Character Recognition, Multimedia Transcoding, Cloud Function Computing (CFC) etc., and the processed results are directly sent to the user downstream business systems
          Monitoring service BOS supports statistics on the data in the Bucket, and analyzes it from the dimensions of resource usage, access, user behavior, and hot information, and presents it in the form of graphs or reports
          Other service BOS provides the quota management feature. This feature supports the configuration of the upper limit of the number of Buckets and the upper limit of the total capacity in your account, and realizes custom control of the elasticity of storage services
          Make in-depth analysis of data usage, and scientifically predict the frequency of continuous use of data by subsequent customer services, so as to give users the most cost-effective life cycle configuration policy
          BOS supports viewing and exporting usage data on the global overview page. The data metrics cover the total capacity of a single Bucket, total traffic and total requests, and support to download the summarized data and fine-granular data with one button


          For BOS features and common problems during use, please refer to Overview of FAQ.

          Application Scenarios
          Usage Limitations