
All Product Document

          Object Storage



          BOS FS mounts bucket to local directory to execute the command:

          bosfs mybucket my_local_directory -o endpoint=http://bj.bcebos.com -o ak=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -o sk=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -o logfile=xx/xx.log 

          After the execution, the background enables a daemon progress named bosfs, if it is successfully mounted, the command dfcan be used to view the mounting point. In addition,/etc/mstab can be viewed to understand the mounting options used specifically.

          Meanwhile, bosfs supports to mount sub-directory, and the way to mount the sub-directory is to change the bucket name into bucket/subdir, and then the sub-directory can be implemented as the root directory of the mounting point.

          Note: Only the root user is entitled to execute fusermount by default, and if the specific user is required to execute fusermount, the command usermod -a -G fuse YourAccount is used to add such specific user into the user group of fuse.


          1.Use the command umount to uninstall it directly.

          2.For the non-root user without the permission for uninstallation, if such user is added into the fuse user group, the user can use fusermount -u my_local_directory for uninstallation.

          3.The user can also uninstall it by shutting down the bosfs progress at the background, but as it may damage the Unflush files, such operation is not recommended generally.

          Operation Example