
All Product Document

          Object Storage

          Data Processing and Use

          Lifecycle Management

          BOS supports users to set lifecycle rules for bucket to clear the expired files automatically and save storage space. For files of different prefixes, users can set more rules simultaneously. When setting a lifecycle rule for bucket, pay attention to the usage of the following parameters:

          Rule item Description Is it necessary to fill in Comments
          id Identifier of rule Required Rule id in the same bucket must be unique and cannot be repeated. If the user does not fill in, the system will automatically generate one for the user.
          status State of rule Required The value is enabled or disabled, and when the rule is disabled, it is invalid.
          resource Rule is effective to which resources Required For example: Effective for object prefixed with prefix/in samplebucket: samplebucket/prefix/*
          condition Conditions on which the rule relies Required Currently, only time form is supported
          +time Time constraints Required Realized via the defined dateGreaterThan
          ++dateGreaterThan Describe time relationship Required Support absolute time date and relative time days. The format of absolute time date is yyyy-mm-ddThh: mm: ssZ, eg. 2016-09-07T00: 00: 00Z. The absolute time is UTC time and must end with 0:00:00 (UTC 0 o'clock); the description of relative time days follows ISO8601, and the minimum time granularity supported is day, such as: $ (lastModified) + P7D represents the time of object 7 days after last-modified.
          action Action to perform on resource. Required -
          +name Name of operation executed Required The values are Transition, Deleteobject, AbortMultipartUpload.
          +storageClass Storage type of object Optional It is settable when action is Transition with value of STANDARD_IA or COLD, indicating the conversion from original storage type to infrequency storage or cold storage.

          Set Lifecycle Rule

          A lifecycle rule can be set via the following codes:

          // import "github.com/baidubce/bce-sdk-go/bce"
          ruleStr := `{
              "rule": [
                      "id": "delete-rule-1",
                      "status": "enabled",
                      "resource": ["my-bucket/abc*"],
                      "condition": {
                          "time": {
                              "dateGreaterThan": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                      "action": {
                          "name": "DeleteObject"
          // 1. Set via stream calling interface
          body, _ := bce.NewBodyFromString(ruleStr)
          err := bosClient.PutBucketLifecycle(bucketName, body)
          // 2. Introduce string directly
          err := bosClient.PutBucketLifecycleFromString(bucketName, ruleStr)

          View Lifecycle Rule

          Lifecycle rules in bucket can be viewed via the following codes

          res, err := bosClient.GetBucketLifecycle(bucketName)
          fmt.Printf("%+v\n", res.Rule)

          Delete Lifecycle Rule

          Lifecycle rules can be cleared via the following codes:

          err := bosClient.DeleteBucketLifecycle(bucketName)

          Cross-origin Resource Sharing

          Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a standard cross-origin solution provided by HTML5, and BOS supports CORS standard for cross-origin access currently. For the introduction of cross-origin access, please see Cross-origin Access.

          Set CORS Rule

          You can set CORS rules for bucket, and the rules support setting via json string, file, stream and object:

          // import "github.com/baidubce/bce-sdk-go/service/bos/api"
          // 1. Set via stream calling interface 
          err := bosClient.PutBucketCors(bucketName, body)
          // 2. Introduce string directly
          err := bosClient.PutBucketCorsFromString(bucketName, corsString)
          // 3. Introduce CORS file name
          err := bosClient.PutBucketCorsFromFile(bucketName, corsFile)
          // 4. Introduce object 
          corsObj := api.BucketCORSType{
          	corsObj := api.BucketCORSType{
              AllowedOrigins: []string{"example.com"},
              AllowedMethods: []string{"HEAD", "GET"},
              AllowedHeaders: []string{"*"},
              AllowedExposeHeaders: []string{"user-custom-expose-header"},
              MaxAgeSeconds: 3600,
          err := bosClient.PutBucketCorsFromStruct(src, &api.PutBucketCorsArgs{CorsConfiguration:[]api.BucketCORSType{corsObj}})

          Get CORS Rule

          You can obtain the CORS rules of specified bucket.

          result, err := bosClient.GetBucketCors(bucketName)

          The definition of result object is the same with the request parameter of PutbucketCorsFromStruct interface.

          Delete CORS Rule

          CORS rules of bucket can be deleted by reference the following codes, and the deleted bucket cannot be cross-origin accessed.

          err := bosClient.DeleteBucketCors(bucketName)

          Type of Management Storage

          Each bucket has its own storage type, and if no storage type is specified during upload of object under the bucket, the storage type of that bucket will be inherited by default.

          Set Storage Type of Bucket

          The default storage type of bucket is standard mode, and users can set the type via the following codes:

          storageClass := "STANDARD_IA"
          err := bosClient.PutBucketStorageclass(bucketName, storageClass)

          Get Bucket Storage Type

          The following codes enable it to view the default storage type of a bucket:

          storageClass, err := bosClient.GetBucketStorageclass(bucketName)

          Set Access Log

          BOS GO SDK supports recording request record when users access to bucket as log, and users can specify the log storage location of bucket. Logs include requester, bucket name, request time, request time, etc. For the detailed function of bucket log, see Set Access Log.

          Enable Bucket Log

          You can enable bucket log function by setting bucket used to place log and prefix of log file. The following sample codes enable it to set the location and prefix of access log:

          // import "github.com/baidubce/bce-sdk-go/bce"
          // 1. Set from JSON string 
          loggingStr := `{"targetBucket": "logging-bucket", "targetPrefix": "my-log/"}`
          err := bosClient.PutBucketLoggingFromString(bucketName, loggingStr)
          // 2. Set from parameter object
          args := new(api.PutBucketLoggingArgs)
          args.TargetBucket = "logging-bucket"
          args.TargetPrefix = "my-log/"
          err := bosClient.PutBucketLoggingFromStruct(bucketName, args)
          // 3. Set from the read file of json format 
          loggingStrem := bce.NewBodyFromFile("<path-to-logging-setting-file>")
          err := bosClient.PutBucketLogging(bucketName, loggingStream)

          View Setting of Bucket Log

          The following codes give the information on how to obtain the log configuration information assigned to bucket:

          res, err := bosClient.GetBucketLogging(bucketName)

          Disable Bucket Log

          To disable the log function of bucket, it is only needed to delete interface:

          err := bosClient.DeleteBucketLogging(bucketName)

          Encryption of Server

          Set Server Encryption Function

          You can set the function of enabling service encryption for a bucket, and all data stored in that bucket are encrypted to ensure data security.

          err := bosClient.PutBucketEncryption(bucketName, algorithm)

          algorithm parameter is an encryption algorithm, which only supports "AES256" encryption algorithm currently.

          Get Encryption of Server

          You can call the following interfaces to obtain server encryption function of bucket:

          algorithm, err := bosClient.GetBucketEncryption(bucketName)

          Delete Server Encryption Function

          You can call the following interfaces to delete the server encryption function of bucket:

          err := bosClient.DeleteBucketEncryption(bucketName)

          Original Photo Protection

          You can set original photo protection for the pictures stored under bucket, and users need to specify the resources to be protected.

          Enable Original Photo Protection

          The original photo protection is enabled via the following codes:

          err := bosClient.PutBucketCopyrightProtection(bucket, resources)

          resources parameter is variable, and more parameters can be specified.

          Get Setting of Original Photo Protection

          You can obtain the original photo protection resources set by bucket via the following sample codes:

          resources, err := bosClient.GetBucketCopyrightProtection(bucketName)

          Delete Original Photo Protection Configuration

          err := bosClient.DeleteBucketCopyrightProtection(bucketName)

          Static Website Hosting

          Enable Static Website Hosting

          You can set a bucket to enable static website hosting through the following sample codes:

          // import "github.com/baidubce/bce-sdk-go/service/bos/api"
          // 1. Set via stream calling interface
          err := bosClient.PutBucketStaticWebsite(bucketName, body)
          // 2. Introduce json string directly 
          jsonStr := `{"index": "index.html", "notFound": "404.html"}`
          err := bosClient.PutBucketStaticWebsiteFromString(bucketName, jsonStr)
          // 3. Introduce object
          args := &api.BucketStaticWebsiteType{
          	Index: "index.html",
          	NotFound: "404.html",
          err := bosClient.PutBucketStaticWebsiteFromStruct(bucketName, args)
          // 4. Simple interface setting 
          err := bosClient.SimplePutBucketStaticWebsite(bucketName, "index.html", "404.html")

          Get the Setting of Static Website Hosting

          You obtain the setting of static website hosting of specified bucket via the following codes:

          result, err := bosClient.SimplePutBucketStaticWebsite(bucketName)

          Delete Setting of Static Website Hosting

          Delete the static website hosting function of specified bucket via the following sample codes:

          err := bosClient.DeleteBucketStaticWebsite(bucketName)

          Cross-origin Replication

          BOS provides a cross-origin replication function, and for the bucket created by users in a physical origin, for security and other purposes, you can configure the replication of all bucket data to another physical origin.

          Enable Bucket Cross-origin Replication Function

          You can enable the cross-origin replication function of bucket via the following codes:

          // 1. json string
          jsonStr := `{
            "destination": {
            "replicateHistory": {
          err := bosClient.PutBucketReplicationFromString(bucketName, jsonStr)
          // 2. Use configuration file name
          err := bosClient.PutBucketReplicationFromFile(bucketName, configFile)
          // 3. Use parameter object
          argsObj := &api.PutBucketReplicationArgs{
          	Id: "sample-bucket-replication-config",
          	Status: "enabled",
          	Resource: []string{"bucket/abc"},
          	ReplicateDeletes: "enabled",
          	Destination: &api.BucketReplicationDescriptor{"bucket-abc", "COLD"},
          	ReplicateHistory: &api.BucketReplicationDescriptor{"bucket-abc", "COLD"},
          err := bosClient.PutBucketReplicationFromStruct(bucketName, argsObj)
          // 4. Use stream 
          err := bosClient.PutBucketReplication(bucketName, bodyStream)

          Get the Configuration of Bucket Cross-origin Replication

          You can obtain the configuration of bucket cross-origin replication with the following sample codes, and the result returned is the same with Put interface field

          result, err := bosClient.GetBucketReplication(bucketName)

          Delete Bucket Cross-origin Replication Configuration

          You can delete bucket cross-origin replication function with the following sample codes:

          err := bosClient.DeleteBucketReplication(bucketName)

          Get Cross-origin Replication to Progress

          As cross-origin replication requires the background for asynchronous replication, users can inquire the current replication to function via the following interfaces:

          result, err := bosClient.GetBucketReplicationProgress(bucketName)

          The returned result object contains the following fields

          • Status(string): current status
          • HistoryReplicationPercent(float64): current replication to progress
          • LatestReplicationTime(string): time of the latest replication

          Get the list of replication rules

          Users can use the following example code to get a list of bucket replication rules

          list, err := bosClient.ListBucketReplication(srcBucket)
          File Management
          Error Processing