
All Product Document

          Object Storage

          Return Response

          After sending an API request, you can receive the response, including response status code, response message header, and response message body.

          Response status code

          The status code is a string of three digit codes, which indicates the status of the API call.
          When the status code is 200, it indicates that the call is successful. When there is a problem with the call, it returns an error code. Refer to Error Code

          Response message header

          Name Type Description
          Content-Length String Length of the HTTP request content defined in RFC2616
          Content-Type String The type of the HTTP request content defined in RFC2616.
          Content-MD5 String The MD5 digest of the HTTP request content defined in RFC2616, which can be contained to verify whether the file saved in BOS is consistent with the user's expected file.
          Connection String Whether or not to disconnect the server. The value is close or keep-alive.
          Date String GMT time specified in the HTTP 1.1 protocol, e.g., Wed, 06 Apr 2016 06:34:40 GMT
          eTag String HTTP protocol entity tag of the object. eTag (entity tag) is created when each object is generated to identify the content of an object. The eTag value can be used to check whether the content of an object changes.
          Server String Name of the server, whose value is BceBos.
          x-bce-request-id String It is the unique ID of the request BceBos created by BCE BOS.
          x-bce-debug-id String It is the ID created by BCE BOS to help you perform the troubleshooting. If you encounter any problem during the use of BOS, this field in the ticket can be used to locate the problems quickly.

          Response Message Body

          The response message body is usually returned in the JSON structured format to deliver the content other than the response message header. For information acquisition request, the response message body is used to carry the got information.

          Error Code

          If an error occurs when a user calls the API, the server returns the corresponding error code and error message to the user to conveniently locate the problem and take actions.

          The format of the error message returned by the system is as follows:

              "message":"The resource you requested does not exist",
              "requestId":" 4db2b34d-654d-4d8a-b49b-3049ca786409"

          The code field is defined as follows:

          Error Code(code) Message Description HTTP Status Code
          AccessDenied Access denied. Access Denied 403 Forbidden
          AccountOverdue Your request is denied because there is an overdue bill in your account. User arrears 403 Forbidden
          BadDigest The Content-MD5 you specified did not match what we received. Incorrect Content-MD5 field, which is not consistent with the actual uploaded data MD5. 400 Bad Request
          BucketAlreadyExists The requested bucket name is not available. The bucket namespace is shared by all users of the system. Please select a different name and try again. The bucket already exists. 409 Conflict
          BucketNotEmpty The bucket you tried to delete is not empty. Attempt to delete a bucket that is not empty. 409 Conflict
          EntityTooLarge Your proposed upload exceeds the maximum allowed object size. The uploaded data exceeds the limit. 400 Bad Request
          EntityTooSmall Your proposed upload is smaller than the minimum allowed object size. The uploaded data is smaller than the limit. 400 Bad Request
          InappropriateJSON The JSON you provided was well-formed and valid but not appropriate for this operation. The JSON format in the request is correct, but its semantics does not meet the requirements. For example, a required item is missing, or the value type does not match. Considering compatibility, all unrecognized items shall be directly ignored, and this error shall not be returned. 400 Bad Request
          InappropriateXML The XML you provided was well-formed and valid but not appropriate for this operation. The applicable scenario is the same as the InappropriateJSON. 400 Bad Request
          InternalError We encountered an internal error. Please try again. All other undefined errors. When other types of corresponding errors (including common and service-customized errors) are available, this type of error needs to be avoided. 500 Internal Server Error
          InvalidArgument Invalid Argument. Invalid argument 400 Bad Request
          InvalidBucketName The specified bucket is not valid. BucketName is invalid. 400 Bad Request
          InvalidEncryptionAlgorithm The specified encryption algorithm is invalid. The specified encryption algorithm is invalid. 400 Bad Request
          InvalidHTTPAuthHeader The HTTP authorization header is invalid. Consult the service documentation for details. Means an error in the Authorization header field format. 400 Bad Request
          InvalidHTTPRequest There was an error in the body of your HTTP request. The HTTP body format is incorrect. For example, it does not conform to the specified Encoding. 400 Bad Request
          InvalidObjectName Your object key is too long. The object key is too long. 400 Bad Request
          InvalidPart One or more of the specified parts could not be found. The part might not have been uploaded, or the specified entity tag might not have matched the part's entity tag. The invalid part. It is found that some parts do not exist or the eTag of parts does not match in the third step for the three-step upload. 400 Bad Request
          InvalidPartOrder The list of parts was not in ascending order. Parts list must be specified in the order by part number. The uploaded parts must be arranged in the ascending order of PartNumber to implement the third step for the three-step upload. 400 Bad Request
          InvalidPolicyDocument The content of the form does not meet the conditions specified in the policy document. Policy format error 400 Bad Request
          InvalidRange The requested range cannot be satisfied. The requested range is invalid. 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable
          InvalidURI Could not parse the specified URI. The URI form is incorrect 400 Bad Request
          MalformedJSON The JSON you provided was not well-formed. The JSON format is illegal 400 Bad Request
          MalformedXML The XML you provided was not well-formed or did not validate against our published schema. The XML format is illegal 400 Bad Request
          MaxMessageLengthExceeded Your request was too big. It exceeds the message length limit. 400 Bad Request
          MetadataTooLarge Your metadata headers exceed the maximum allowed metadata size. The metadata exceeds the limit. 400 Bad Request
          MethodNotAllowed he specified method is not allowed against this resource. The requested method is not allowed. 405 Method Not Allowed
          MissingContentLength You must provide the Content-Length HTTP header. It is lack of the Content-Length field. 411 Length Required
          MissingDateHeader Request must have a "date" or "x-bce-date" header. In the request, do not either of date or x-bce-date. If you add both the date ad x-bce-date, the priority of the x-bce-date is higher than the date. For the their format, refer to
          date: Wed, 06 Apr 2016 06:34:40 GMT
          x-bce-date: 2016-04-06T08:23:49Z
          400 Bad Request
          NoReplicationConfiguration The Replication configuration does not exist. The cross-region replication is not configured. 404 Not Found
          NoSuchBucket The specified bucket does not exist. This bucket does not exist. 404 Not Found
          NoSuchBucketEncryption The bucket is not encrypted. This bucket is not encrypted. 404 Not Found
          NoSuchKey The specified key does not exist. This Object does not exist. 404 Not Found
          NoSuchUpload The specified multipart upload does not exist. The upload ID might be invalid, or the multipart upload might have been aborted or completed. The three-step upload corresponding to this uploadId does not exist. 404 Not Found
          NotImplemented A header you provided implies functionality that is not implemented. The system is not implemented. 501 Not Implemented
          ObjectUnappendable The object can not be appended The AppendObject operation is performed for the unappendable object. 403 Forbidden
          OffsetIncorrect Offset not equal to current object length When the appendable object is appended, the value is not equal to the size of the object uploaded, or the value is not 0, but the object does not exist. 409 Conflict
          PreconditionFailed The specified If-Match header doesn't match the eTag header. Preprocessing error 412 Precondition Failed
          ReplicationNotEnabled The Bucket Replication is not enabled. The cross-region synchronization is not enabled. 404 Not Found
          ReplicationStatusError The Bucket Replication Status is not correct. Please make sure both the source and dest bucket have no enabled replication conf, and both are not the dest replication bucket of other bucket. The source bucket or destination bucket of the cross-region replication has been specified in another cross-region replication rule. 409 Conflict
          ReplicationStatusNotEmpty The bucket you tried to delete has an enabled replication conf or is a dest replication bucket of other bucket. The cross-region replication feature is enabled for the bucket to be deleted. 409 Conflict
          RequestExpired Request has expired. Timestamp date is XXX. The requested timestamp has expired. The request is timeout. You need to modify XXX to the value of x-bce-date. If there is only the date in request, you need to convert the date into the format specified in this specification. 403 Forbidden
          RequestTimeout Your socket connection to the server was not read from or written to within the timeout period. The request timeout. 408 Request Timeout
          ServiceUnavailable Please reduce your request rate. The service is unavailable. 503 Service Unavailable
          SignatureDoesNotMatch The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details. The signature contained in the Authorization header field is inconsistent with the server verification. 403 Forbidden
          SlowDown Please reduce your request rate. The requests are too frequent. 503 Slow Down
          TooManyBuckets You have attempted to create more buckets than allowed. The number of buckets created exceeds the limit. 400 Bad Request
          InvalidStaticWebSiteFormat The format of index file or 404 file is not allowed. The index or 404 file name or format is not allowed. For example, the file format is not allowed, or the index has the same name as the 404 file. 400
          NoSuchBucketStaticWebSiteConfig The static web site configuration does not exist. The bucket does not enable the static website hosting feature. 404
          StaticWebSiteIsDisable Static web site is disabled or not implemented. The static website hosting feature is disabled. For example, BOS does not allow the bucket of this region to enable the static website hosting feature, or the static website hosting feature is not launched. 501
          InvalidObjectState The object is frozen or restoring. The archive file status is invalid, and the archive file is frozen or restoring. 403
          NotArchiveObject Object is not archive storage class. The current object is not an archive file. 400
          RestoreAlreadyInProgress The object is restoring. Don't restore the object again. You have called the RestoreObject API successfully, and the BOS server is unfreezing it. Do not execute RestoreObject repeatedly. 409
          RestoreAlready The object is restored. It is in the unfreezing status and does not need to be called repeatedly. 409
          Object Related Interfaces