
All Product Document

          Object Storage

          Face Detection

          Feature Description

          • It detects the face in the request image and returns the face position, 72 key point coordinates, and face-related attribute information.
          • The detection response speed is related to the number of faces in the image. The larger the number of faces, the longer the response time is.
          • Typical application scenarios: For example, face attribute analysis, processing analysis based on the face key points, and face marketing activity.
          • The position of facial features is marked with a specific coordinate. The 72 key points coordinate also contains the specific coordinate, but it does not contain the detailed description of the corresponding position.

          Request Parameters


          Return Parameters

          Parameters Type Required? Description
          log_id uint64 Yes Log ID
          result_num uint32 Yes Number of faces
          result object[] Yes Collection of the face attribute objects
          +age double No Age. It returns the value when face_fields contains the age.
          +beauty double No Beauty score, which is within the range of 0-100. The larger the image, the more beautiful it is. It returns the value when face_fields contains the beauty.
          +location object Yes Position of the face in the image
          ++left uint32 Yes Distance from face area to left boundary
          ++top uint32 Yes Distance from face area to top boundary
          ++width uint32 Yes Width of face area
          ++height uint32 Yes Height of face area
          +face_probability double Yes Face confidence level, which is within the range of 0-1.
          +rotation_angle int32 Yes Clockwise rotation angle of the face frame relative to the vertical direction, [-180,180]
          +yaw double Yes Left and right rotation angle of the 3D rotation [-90 (left), 90 (right)]
          +pitch double Yes Pitch angle of the 3D rotation [-90 (top), 90 (bottom)]
          +roll double Yes In-plane rotation angle [-180 (anticlockwise), 180 (clockwise)]
          +expression uint32 No Expression: 0. No smile, 1. Smile, 2. Laugh. It returns the value when face_fields contains the expression.
          +expression_probability double No Expression confidence level, which is within the range of 0-1. It returns the value when face_fields contains the expression.
          +faceshape object[] No Face feature confidence level. It returns the value when face_fields contains the face_fields.
          ++type string Yes Face feature: square/triangle/oval/heart/round
          ++probability double Yes Confidence level: 0-1.
          +gender string No Male or female. It returns the value when face_fields contains the gender.
          +gender_probability double No Gender confidence level, which is within the range of 0-1. It returns the value when face_fields contains the gender.
          +glasses uint32 No Whether to wear glasses, 0 – No glasses, 1 - Ordinary glasses, 2 - Sunglass It returns the value when face_fields contains the glasses.
          +glasses_probability double No Glasses confidence level, which is within the range of 0-1. It returns the value when face_fields contains the glasses.
          +landmark object[] No 4 key positions: Left eye center, right eye center, nose tip, and mouth center. It returns the value when face_fields contains the landmark.
          ++x uint32 No X coordinate
          ++y uint32 No y coordinate
          +landmark72 object[] No 72 feature point positions, as shown in the figure. It returns the value when face_fields contains the landmark.
          ++x uint32 No X coordinate
          ++y uint32 No y coordinate
          +race string No yellow, white, black, and arabs. It returns the value when face_fields contains the race.
          +race_probability double No Race confidence level, which is within the range of 0-1. It returns the value when face_fields contains the race.
          +qualities object No Face quality information. It returns the value when face_fields contains the qualities.
          ++occlusion object Yes Probability of blocking of different parts of face, [0, 1] (to be launched)
          +++left_eye double Yes Left eye
          +++right_eye double Yes Right eye
          +++nose double Yes Nose
          +++mouth double Yes Mouth
          +++left_cheek double Yes Left cheek
          +++right_cheek double Yes Right cheek
          +++chin double Yes Chin
          ++blur double Yes Face ambiguity, [0, 1]. 0 indicates that it is clear, and 1 indicates that it is blurred (to be launched).
          ++illumination - Yes The value range is [0,255], indicating the illumination level of the face area (to be launched).
          ++completeness - Yes Face completeness, [0, 1]. 0 indicates that it is complete, and 1 indicates that it is incomplete (to be launched).
          ++type object Yes Real face/cartoon face confidence level
          +++human - Yes Real face confidence level, [0, 1].
          +++cartoon - Yes Cartoon face confidence level, [0, 1].

          Return Example

              "result_num": 1,
              "result": [
                      "location": {
                          "left": 90,
                          "top": 92,
                          "width": 111,
                          "height": 99
                      "face_probability": 1,
                      "rotation_angle": 6,
                      "yaw": 11.61234664917,
                      "pitch": -0.30852827429771,
                      "roll": 8.8044967651367,
                      "landmark": [
                              "x": 105,
                              "y": 110
                      "landmark72": [
                              "x": 88,
                              "y": 109
                      "gender": "male",
                      "gender_probability": 0.99358034133911,
                      "glasses": 0,
                      "glasses_probability": 0.99991309642792,
                      "race": "yellow",
                      "race_probability": 0.99960690736771,
                      "qualities": {
                          "occlusion": {
                              "left_eye": 0.000085282314103097,
                              "right_eye": 0.00001094374601962,
                              "nose": 3.2677664307812e-7,
                              "mouth": 2.6582130940866e-10,
                              "left_cheek": 8.752236624332e-8,
                              "right_cheek": 1.0212766454742e-7,
                              "chin": 4.2632994357028e-10
                          "blur": 4.5613666312237e-41,
                          "illumination": 0,
                          "completeness": 0,
                          "type": {
                              "human": 0.98398965597153,
                              "cartoon": 0.016010366380215
              "log_id": 2418894422
          Disgusting Image Recognition
          General OCR