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          Object Storage


          Confirm Endpoint

          • Before confirming the Endpoint you configured when using the SDK, read the section of the Developer Guide on BOS Access Domain Name to understand Endpoint-related concepts.
          • Baidu AI Cloud currently has opened access to multi-region support, please refer to Region Selection Instructions.
          • Currently, it supports "North China-Beijing", "South China-Guangzhou" and "East China-Suzhou". Beijing: http://bj.bcebos.com; Guangzhou: http://gz.bcebos.com; Suzhou: http://su.bcebos.com The corresponding information is:
          Access region Corresponding Endpoint
          BJ bj.bcebos.com
          GZ gz.bcebos.com
          SU su.bcebos.com

          Get the Key

          To use Baidu AI Cloud BOS, you need to have a valid AK (Access Key ID) and SK (Secret Access Key) for signature authentication. AK/SK is assigned to users by the system and is a string to identify users and verify signatures for accessing BOS.

          You can get and understand your AK/SK information through the following steps:

          1.Register Baidu AI Cloud Account

          2.Create AK/SK

          Create BOSClient

          BosClient is the client of BOS service, providing methods for developers to interact with BOS service.

          Use AK/SK to Create BosClient

          Access BOS through AK/SK. You can refer to the following code to create BosClient:

          #Use Ruby SDK, and introduce bos_client and Baidubce module 
          require 'baidubce/services/bos/bos_client' 
          include Baidubce 
          #Configure client parameters 
          credentials = Auth:BceCredentials.new( 
          conf = BceClientConfiguration.new( 
          #Create BOSClient. 
          client = Services:BosClient.new(conf) 


          1.In the codes above, accessKeyId corresponds to "Access Key ID" in console and secretAccessKey corresponds to "Access Key Secret" in console; for the way of obtaining, please see the <Operation Guide Manage ACCESSKEY>. 2.You can specify their own domain name by introducing ENDPOINT parameter, which needs to be defined with the domain name of specified region, for example, if the service region is Beijing, the domain name is http://bj.bcebos.com.

          Create BosClient with STS

          Apply for STS Token

          BOS can implement temporary authorized access by a third party through the STS mechanism. STS (Security Token Service) is a temporary authorization service provided by Baidu AI Cloud. With STS, you can issue a third-party user with a custom time-based and privileged access credential. The third-party user can use the access credential to directly call API or SDK of Baidu AI Cloud to access its resources.

          To access BOS via STS, users need to apply for an authentication string via the client of STS; for the application method, see Introduction to Use of Baidu AI Cloud STS.

          Create a BOSClient with STS Token

          After applying for STS, configure STStoken to BosClient, and users can create a BosClient by reference to the following codes:

          1.First perform endpoint configuration for STS. The configuration example of STS is as follows:

              require 'baidubce/services/sts/sts_client' 
              require 'baidubce/services/bos/bos_client' 
              credentials = Baidubce:Auth:BceCredentials.new( 
                  "your ak", 
                  "your sk" 
              sts_conf = Baidubce:BceClientConfiguration.new( 

          2.The sample code of StsClient is as follows:

              #Create StsClient 
              sts_client = Baidubce:Services:StsClient.new(sts_conf) 
              acl = { 
                          id: '8c47a952db4444c5a097b41be3f24c94', 
                          accessControlList: [ 
                                  eid: 'shj', 
                                  service: 'bce:bos', 
                                  region: 'bj', 
                                  effect: 'Allow', 
                                  resource: ["bos-demo"], 
                                  permission: ["READ"] 
              #The DurationSeconds Refers to the Expiration Time, and if It Is a Non-int Value or Such Parameter Is not Set, the Default Value of 12 Hours Is Used as the Expiration Time 
              #sts_client.get_session_token(acl, "test") 
              #sts_client.get_session_token(acl, 1024) 
              sts_response = sts_client.get_session_token(acl) 
              sts_ak = sts_response["accessKeyId"] 
              sts_sk = sts_response['secretAccessKey'] 
              token = sts_response['sessionToken'] 

          Note: Where acl refers to the user defined acl, please see Access control for grammar.

          3.Apply accessKeyID/secretAccessKey/sessionToken obtained to create a new BosClient.

           # Use ak, sk and token obtained to create BosClient to access BOS 
              sts_credentials = Baidubce:Auth:BceCredentials.new( 
              conf = Baidubce:BceClientConfiguration.new( 
              client = Baidubce:Services:BosClient.new(conf) 

          Note: Currently, when STS is used to configure client, wherever the endpoint of the corresponding BOS service is, endpoint needs to be configured as http://sts.bj.baidubce.com. ​

          Configure HTTPS to Access BOS

          BOS supports HTTPS transport protocol, you can use HTTPS to access BOS service in BOS Ruby SDK through the following two modes:

          • Specify HTTPS in endpoint.

              #Configure client parameters 
              credentials = Auth:BceCredentials.new( 
              conf = BceClientConfiguration.new( 
              #Create BOSClient 
              client = Services:BosClient.new(conf) 
          • Set HTTPS protocol by specifying https in protocol

              #Configure client parameters 
              credentials = Auth:BceCredentials.new( 
              options = { 
                  'protocol' => 'https' 
              conf = BceClientConfiguration.new( 
              #Create BOSClient 
              client = Services:BosClient.new(conf) 

          Note: If you specify scheme of endpoint while specifying protocol parameter, endpoint should prevail.

          Configure Customized Domain Name/Backup Domain Name to Access BOS

          Use the customized domain name

          If you want to use the customized domain name as the ENDPOINT to access BOS, after binding the customized domain name and a certain bucket of BOS in the console, you can configure ENDPOINT as the customized domain name and open the switch of cname_enabled, such as cdn-test.cdn.bcebos.com, and configure the codes as follows:

          require 'baidubce/services/bos/bos_client'
          include Baidubce
          #Configure client parameters 
          credentials = Auth::BceCredentials.new(
          options = {
              'cname_enabled' => true
          conf = BceClientConfiguration.new(
          #Create a BOSClient. 
          client = Services::BosClient.new(conf)

          Use the backup domain name

          On the basis of using the official domain name and customized domain name as ENDPOINT to access BOS, SDK supports the retry of backup domain name mechanism further when you fail in using ENDPOINT main domain name to access BOS, with the use method shown as follows:

          // If the access to BOS through ENDPOINT fails, SDK will retry backup_endpoint domain name automatically
          options = {
              'backup_endpoint' => "bj.bcebos.com"
          conf = BceClientConfiguration.new(
          #Create a BOSClient. 
          client = Services::BosClient.new(conf)

          Configure BosClient

          Set Custom Parameters

          Ruby SDK sets some basic parameters by default, if the user wants to modify the values of parameters, and create their own parameter configuration, and introduce them when constructing BosClient, with the introduction code reference as follows:

          #Configure customized parameters 
          options = { 
              'protocol' => 'https', 
              'read_timeout_in_millis' => 1000 * 60, 
              'region' => 'bj' 
          conf = BceClientConfiguration.new( 
          #Create BOSClient 
          client = Services:BosClient.new(conf) 

          The parameters are described as follows:

          Parameter Description Default value
          protocol Protocol http
          region Region bj
          open_timeout_in_millis Request timeout (unit: millisecond) 50 * 1000
          read_timeout_in_millis Timeout for transmitting data over open connections (unit: millisecond) 10_60_1000 (The file size and network speed need to be evaluate during the setting; otherwise, the timeout occurs when large files are uploaded)
          send_buf_size Send buffer size 1024 * 1024
          recv_buf_size Receive buffer size 10 1024 1024

          Set Optional Parameters

          BosClient can encapsulate the optional parameters into options. Please refer to the application method for specific interface for the optional parameters of each method. Now, take the put_object_from_string as an example, and refer to the following code to set the optional parameters:

          #Use options to introduce the specified parameter when uploading object 
          user_metadata = { "key1" => "value1" } 
          options = { Http:CONTENT_TYPE => 'string', 
                      "key2" => "value2", 
                      'Content-Disposition' => 'inline', 
                      'user-metadata' => user_metadata 
          client.put_object_from_string(bucket_name, object_name, "obj_str", options) 
          SDK Installation
          Bucket Management