
All Product Document

          Object Storage

          SDK Installation

          Runtime Environment

          C# SDK kit can run in Microsoft .NET Framework v4.6 environment.

          Installation Steps

          1.Download C# SDK compression kit in Official Website.

          2.Decompress the downloaded bce-dotnet-sdk-version.zip, and then copy it to the engineering folder.

          3.Add "reference > browse" in Visual Studio project.

          4.Add SDK kit BceSdkDotNet.dll and the third party dependency kits log4net.dll and Newtonsoft.Json.dll.

          SDK's Directory Structure

                 ├── Auth                                        //BCE's signature related class 
                 ├── Http                                        //BCE's Http communication related class 
                 ├── Internal                                    //SDK's internal class 
                 ├── Model                                       //BCE's public model class 
                 ├── Services 
                 │       └── Bos                                 //BOS service related class 
                 │        ├── Model                           //Internal model of BOS, such as Request or Response 
                 │        ├── BosClient.cs                 //BOS client entry class 
                 │        └── BosConstants.cs              //Specific constant definitions for BOS, such as permission constant 
                 │        └── Sts                                 //Sts certification related class 
                 │        ├── Model                           //Internal model of BOS, such as Request or Response 
                 │        └──  StsClient.cs                 //STS client entry class 
                 ├── Util                                        //BCE's utility tool class 
                 ├── BceBaseException.cs                       //BCE base exception class 
                 ├── BceClientBase.cs                          //BCE client base class 
                 ├── BceClientConfiguration.cs                  //Configuration of BCE's HttpClient 
                 ├── BceClientException.cs                      //Exception class of BCE's client 
                 ├── BceServiceException.cs                     //The exception class after interacting with the BCE's server 
                 ├── BceConstants.cs                            //Universal constants of BCE (region, request header, error code, etc.) 
                 ├── DefaultRetryPolicy.cs                      //Default retry strategy 
                 └── IRetryPolicy.cs                           //Retry strategy
          Bucket Management