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          Object Storage

          Image Processing Noun Interpretation


          Before you use image processing, please understand some basic concepts involved in image processing.

          Basic Concept

          Photo service domain name

          Photo service domain name refers to the domain name that is applied to access photo service. Photo service and ordinary BOS access use the same domain name. The system will provide Bucket with an official domain name <bucketname>.region.bcebos.com which is issued by an outer net. The user can also add customized domain names. photo service will open CDN acceleration if Bucket opens CDN acceleration release. If you want to activate the accelerated CDN release of Bucket, please refer to CDN Accelerated Release.

          Note: Picture processing of existing domain names is not affected after Console is upgraded. Officially provided bceing.com in earlier stage is mainly used for probational photo service for clients, and will have no reason to exist after its upgrade. It is allowed to keep using opened bceming.com domain name, which will be returned later.

          Processing command

          Processing command refers to a command used to convert and process pictures in UPL. Its form is “Abbreviation Command_parameter value”. BOS generates and returns another converted and disposed picture by designated parameter values of processing command. For example, “w_250” indicates that picture width should be processed to be 250 px.

          Executing process mode of some type with respect to picture can be regarded as a set of command, such as: Executing picture zoom function can be a set of command and execution of picture clipping function can be another set of command.


          During multiprocessing of a picture, URL accessed by this picture will became complicated and very long, which goes against management and reading. In order to make the image URL more concise and elegant, or when you want to hide the processing metrics and protect the original image, you can add a set of image processing commands as an image style and customize the name for the style. After creating a style, you can only directly call the style name to achieve the desired image processing effect, without calling complex and lengthy command names.


          Separator refers to one used to differentiate some key fields in URL .

          Photo information

          The exif information contains property information and shooting data of digital photos, however, not every image contains exif information. You can get the exif information of the photo through commands.


          The pipeline is used to connect and implement the execution of multiple independent commands. For example, the pipeline processing command format in the image processing V1.0 protocol is http://${userdomain}/${objectkey}@${commands 1}|${commands 2}, the execution order is from the left to the right in the order specified by the pipeline.

          Introduction to Data Processing
          Image General Settings