
All Product Document

          Object Storage

          Bucket Management

          Create Bucket

          • Basic procedure

            1.Create an instance of BOSClient class 2.Call BOSClient.Createbucket() method. You need to provide the name of bucket, namely <bucketname> .

          • Sample Code

              public void CreateBucket(BosClient client, string bucketName)
                // Create a bucket

            Note: The name of bucket is unique in all regions, so you need to guarantee that BucketName is not the same with the name of bucket in all other regions.

          • Complete example

            See complete example.

          View Bucket List

          • Basic procedure

            1.Create an instance of BOSClient class 2.Call BOSClient.ListBuckets() method to obtain bucket list. 3.Traverse bucket list, and view relevant information.

          • Sample Code

              public void ListBuckets(BosClient client) 
                // Get the user's bucket list. 
                List<BucketSummary> buckets = client.ListBuckets().buckets; 
                // Traverse all buckets. 
                foreach (BucketSummary bucket in buckets) 

            See complete example.

          Judge whether a Bucket Exists or Not

          • Basic procedure

            1.Create an instance of BOSClient class 2.Call BOSClient.DoesBucketExist() method to obtain the result.

          • Sample Code

            To judge whether a bucket exists, you need to do with the following code:

              public void DoesBucketExist(BosClient client, string bucketName) 
                // Obtain the presence information of the bucket 
                bool exists = client.DoesBucketExist(bucketName); //Designate the name of the bucket: 
                // Output result 
                if (exists) 
                  Console.WriteLine("Bucket exists"); 
                  Console.WriteLine("Bucket not exists"); 
          • Complete example

            See complete example.

          Delete Bucket

          • Basic procedure

            1.Create an instance of BOSClient class 2.Call BOSClient.DeleteBucket() method to delete bucket.

          • Sample Code

              public void DeleteBucket(BosClient client, string BucketName) 
                // Delete bucket 

            Note: If the bucket is not null (i.e. bucket has object and unfinished three-step upload Parts), the bucket cannot be deleted and must be emptied to be deleted successfully.

          • Complete example

            See complete example.

          Bucket Privilege Control

          • Basic procedure

            1.Create an instance of BOSClient class 2.Call BOSClient.SetBucketAcl() method. When calling this method, you need to provide bucket name, privilege string, etc. 3.You can also create a SetBucketAclRequest to call SetBucketAcl method, and SetBucketAclRequest can set access privilege of specified users to bucket.

          Set access privileges of bucket

          • Sample Code

            The following code sets the privileges of bucket private.

              public void SetbucketPrivate(BosClient client, string bucketName) 
                client.SetBucketAcl(bucketName, BosConstants.CannedAcl.Private); 

            Note: BosConstants.CannedAcl contains three constant definitions: Private, PublicRead, PublicReadWrite . They correspond to the respective privileges. For specific contents, please see BOS API Document privilege Control Through CannedAcl.

          Set the specified user's access to the bucket

          • Sample Code

            BOS can also set the access privilege of specified users to bucket, see the following codes:

              public void SetBucketAclFromBody(BosClient client, string bucketName) 
                List<Grant> grants = new List<Grant>(); 
                List<Grantee> grantee = new List<Grantee>(); 
                List<string> privilege = new List<string>(); 
                //privilege to specific users 
                grantee.Add(new Grantee() {Id = "userid1"}); 
                grantee.Add(new Grantee() {Id = "userid2"}); 
                //privilege to Everyone 
                grantee.Add(new Grantee() {Id = "*"}); 
                //privilege setting 
                grants.Add(new Grant() {Grantee = grantee, privilege = privilege}); 
                client.SetBucketAcl(new SetBucketAclRequest() {BucketName = bucketName, AccessControlList = grants}); 

            Note: BosConstants.privilege contains three constant definitions: READ, WRITE and FULL_CONTROL, corresponding to respective privileges. For the specific contents, please see BOS API Document Privilege Control through ACL File Uploading.

          Complete example

          The following sample code demonstrates the complete process of bucket privilege control:

          using System; 
          using System.Collections.Generic; 
          using System.Linq; 
          using System.Text; 
          using BaiduBce; 
          using BaiduBce.Auth; 
          using BaiduBce.Services.Bos; 
          using BaiduBce.Services.Bos.Model; 
          namespace DotnetSample 
              internal class BucketAclSample 
                  private static void Main(string[] args) 
                      BosClient client = GenerateBosClient(); 
                      const string bucketName =<BucketName>; //Bucket name 
                      // Create a bucket. 
                      client.Createbucket(bucketName); //Designate the name of the bucket: 
                      // Set Bucket as Private. 
                      client.SetBucketAcl(bucketName, BosConstants.CannedAcl.Private); 
                      // Set Bucket as PublicRead. 
                      client.SetBucketAcl(BucketName, BosConstants.CannedAcl.PublicRead); 
                      List<Grant> grants = new List<Grant>(); 
                      List<Grantee> grantee = new List<Grantee>(); 
                      List<string> privilege = new List<string>(); 
                      //privilege to specific users 
                      grantee.Add(new Grantee() { Id = "userid1" }); 
                      grantee.Add(new Grantee() { Id = "userid2" }); 
                      //privilege to Everyone 
                      grantee.Add(new Grantee() { Id = "*" }); 
                      //privilege setting 
                      grants.Add(new Grant() { Grantee = grantee, privilege = privilege }); 
                      client.SetBucketAcl(new SetBucketAclRequest() { BucketName = bucketName, AccessControlList = grants }); 
                  private static BosClient GenerateBosClient() 
                      const string accessKeyId =<AccessKeyID>;        // Your Access Key ID 
                      const string secretAccessKey =<SecretAccessKey>; // Your Secret Access Key 
                      const string endpoint =<EndPoint>;       // Specify BOS service domain name 
                      // Initialize a BosClient 
                      BceClientConfiguration config = new BceClientConfiguration(); 
                      config.Credentials = new DefaultBceCredentials(accessKeyId, secretAccessKey); 
                      config.Endpoint = endpoint; 
                      return new BosClient(config); 

          Complete Example

          The following sample code demonstrates the complete process of creating bucket, viewing bucket, judging whether bucket exists and deleting bucket.

          using System; 
          using System.Collections.Generic; 
          using System.Linq; 
          using System.Text; 
          using BaiduBce; 
          using BaiduBce.Auth; 
          using BaiduBce.Services.Bos; 
          using BaiduBce.Services.Bos.Model; 
          namespace DotnetSample 
              internal class BucketSample 
                  private static void Main(string[] args) 
                      BosClient client = GenerateBosClient(); 
                      const string bucketName =<BucketName>;    //Designate the name of the bucket: 
                      // Create a bucket. 
                      // Get the user's bucket list. 
                      List<BucketSummary> buckets = client.ListBuckets().Buckets; 
                      // Traverse all Buckets. 
                      foreach (BucketSummary bucket in buckets) 
                      // Obtain the presence information of the bucket 
                      bool exists = client.DoesBucketExist(BucketName); 
                      // Output result 
                      if (exists) 
                          Console.WriteLine("Bucket exists"); 
                          Console.WriteLine("Bucket not exists"); 
                      // Delete Bucket 
                      // Obtain the presence information of the bucket 
                      exists = client.DoesBucketExist(bucketName); 
                      // Output result 
                      if (exists) 
                          Console.WriteLine("Bucket exists"); 
                          Console.WriteLine("Bucket not exists"); 
                  private static BosClient GenerateBosClient() 
                      const string accessKeyId =<AccessKeyID>; // Your Access Key ID 
                      const string secretAccessKey =<SecretAccessKey>; // Your Secret Access Key 
                      const string endpoint =<EndPoint>; // Specify BOS service domain name 
                      // Initialize a BosClient 
                      BceClientConfiguration config = new BceClientConfiguration(); 
                      config.Credentials = new DefaultBceCredentials(accessKeyId, secretAccessKey); 
                      config.Endpoint = endpoint; 
                      return new BosClient(config); 
          SDK Installation
          Object Management