
All Product Document

          Object Storage

          Usage Limitations


          Some features of BOS are limited in the quota and quantity. Please read the following documents before use.

          Usage Limitations

          Product Limitations Detailed Description
          • BOS supports the total number of buckets under the user-defined account, but the maximum number of buckets that can be created under the primary account is 100. To adjust the total number of buckets, please Submit Ticketto contact us.
          • There is no upper limit of buckets under the account by default. You can also customize the total capacity of buckets under the account through the Quota Management Feature of BOS.
          • There is no upper limit for the capacity of a single bucket.
          • The BOS bucket name is globally unique. The creator must set a unique name for the new bucket. The maximum length of the bucket name is 64 bytes.
          • A single bucket supports the creation of up to 1000 lifecycle rules.
          • A single bucket supports the creation of up to 20 data synchronization rules.
          • The maximum length of the object name is 1,024 bytes.
          • The maximum length of the user-defined meta is 2,048 bytes.
          • For Multipart Upload file, it can be up to 5 TB.
          • For the file uploaded through Simple Upload, such as put and append, it can be up to 5 GB.
          • Because the deleted object cannot be restored, it is recommended to confirm this before deletion.
          Data transmission
          • BOS sets the public network bandwidth threshold to 10 Gbps and the private network bandwidth threshold to 50 Gbps for a single bucket. When the user's upload or download behavior reaches the bandwidth threshold, the system gives an alarm of RequestRateLimitExceeded error. At present, this restriction is effective for all regions of BOS. If you have special business needs and want to increase the bandwidth threshold in a short time, please Submit Ticket to contact us.
          Domain name
          • In addition to the official domain name, a single bucket supports users binding up to 200 custom domain names.
          Image Processing
          • Original image format supported: jpg, png, bmp, webp, heic, and gif.
          • Destination format supported: jpg, png, bmp, webp, heic, and gif.
          • The image size supported should not exceed 20 MB, and the image width and height should not exceed 4,096 pixels.
          • The width and height of the output image in the processing results should not exceed 4,096 pixels, including intermediate output image between pipeline and the subcommand.
          • Up to 4 groups of actions can be specified, i.e., 4 actions.
          • The same parameter cannot be repeatedly specified under an action.
          • A single bucket supports the creation of up to 400 image processing styles.
          Product Feature