
All Product Document

          Object Storage


          Interface Description

          This interface is used to enable the Bucket Trash feature. The user must be the source bucket owner with the FULL_CONTROL permission and the destination bucket owner.


          • Request syntax

              PUT /?trash HTTP/1.1
              Host: <BucketName>.bj.bcebos.com
              Date: <Date>
              Authorization: <AuthorizationString>
              Content-Type: application/json
              Content-Length: <ContentLength>
          • Request header field

            No special header parameters.

          • Request element

            Name Description
            trashDir Trash directory name with a length limit Optional. The default name is .trash if it is left blank.


            1. With the trash feature enabled, the original directory name is overwritten.
            2. "trashDir" can only contain letters, numbers, Chinese characters, underline (_), hyphen (-), and decimal point (.). An error occurs if it contains '/'.
            3. If the Trash feature is enabled for the bucket, the object deleted is put in the trash. The full name of the object in the trash is trashDir + '/' + old object name. If this feature is not enabled for the bucket, or if this feature is enabled for the bucket and the object in the trash is deleted, the object is deleted completely.
            4. The archive file cannot be put in the bucket trash. When you delete an archive file, it is deleted directly.


          • Response header field


          • Response element

            Results Http Status Error Code Description
            JSONformat error 400 MalformedJSON -
            Trash directory name too long 400 EntityTooLarge Not more than 1,024 bytes.
            The trash directory contains invalid characters. 400 InvalidTrashDirectoryName It can only contain letters, numbers, Chinese characters, underline (_), hyphen (-), and decimal point (.).
            The bucket does not exist. 404 NoSuchBucket -
            Access denied 403 AccessDenied Only the bucket owner with the FULL_CONTROL permission can operate it.


          • Request example

            PUT /?trash HTTP/1.1
            Host: bucket.bj.bcebos.com
            x-bce-date: date
            Content-Length: request-body-length
            Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
            Authorization: AuthorizationString
            "trashDir": "trashDirName"
          • Response example

            HTTP/1.1 200 OK
            x-bce-request-id: 4db4b34d-653d-4d9a-b49b-3049ca786409
            Date: Wed, 31 May 2017 08:34:40 GMT
            Server: BceBos
          Storage Bucket Inventory