
All Product Document

          Object Storage


          Getting Started

          1. Initialize BosClient.

            BosClient is a client interacting with BOS service, and all BOS operations of BOS Python SDK are completed via BosClient. You can refer to [BosClient](#create BosClient). Complete the operation of initializing client.

          2. Create bucket.

            Bucket is a namespace on BOS. It is equivalent to a container of data and can store several data entities (objects). You can complete the operation of creating a bucket by reference to Create Bucket

          3. Upload object.

            BOS is the essential data unit in object, and you can understand object as a file simply. Users can upload object by reference to Upload Object

          4. List all objects in bucket.

            After completing a series of uploads, you can refer to View Object List in Bucket to view all objects under specified bucket.

          5. Get the specified object.

            You can obtain one or more objects by reference to Obtain Object

          Confirm Endpoint

          Before confirming the Endpoint you configured when using the SDK, read the section of the Developer Guide on BOS Access Domain Name to understand Endpoint-related concepts. Baidu AI Cloud currently has opened access to multi-region support, please refer to Region Selection Description.

          Multiple regions are supported currently. The corresponding information is as follows:

          Region Access to EndPoint Support protocol
          Beijing bj.bcebos.com HTTP,HTTPS
          Baoding bd.bcebos.com HTTP,HTTPS
          Suzhou su.bcebos.com HTTP,HTTPS
          Guangzhou gz.bcebos.com HTTP,HTTPS
          Hong Kong hkg.bcebos.com HTTP,HTTPS
          Financial cloud Wuhan special region fwh.bcebos.com HTTP,HTTPS
          Financial cloud Shanghai special region fsh.bcebos.com HTTP,HTTPS

          Get the Key

          To use Baidu AI Cloud BOS, you need to have a valid AK (Access Key ID) and SK (Secret Access Key) for signature authentication. AK/SK is assigned to users by the system and is a string to identify users and verify signatures for accessing BOS. You can obtain and understand your AK/SK information through the following steps:

          Register Baidu AI Cloud Account

          Create AK/SK

          Create BOSClient

          BosClient is the client of BOS service, providing methods for developers to interact with BOS service.

          Access to BOS via AK/SK

          BosClient is a Python client of BOS service, which provides a series of methods for callers to interact with BOS service.

          1.Before creation of BosClient, first create a configuration file to configure BosClient, and in the following, configuration file is named as bos_sample_conf.py, with specific configuration information as follows:

          #!/usr/bin/env python
          #Import Python standard log module
          import logging
          #Import BOS configuration management module and security
          from baidubce.bce_client_configuration import BceClientConfiguration
          from baidubce.auth.bce_credentials import BceCredentials
          #et Host, Access Key ID and Secret Access Key of BosClient
          bos_host = "bj.bcebos.com"
          access_key_id = "AK"
          secret_access_key = "SK"
          #Set handle and log level of log file
          logger = logging.getLogger('baidubce.http.bce_http_client')
          fh = logging.FileHandler("sample.log")
          #Set output sequence, structure and contents of log file
          formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
          #Create BceClientConfiguration
          config = BceClientConfiguration(credentials=BceCredentials(access_key_id, secret_access_key), endpoint = bos_host)  

          Note: For the log file, Logging has the following levels: DEBUG,INFO , WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL.

          In the above code, ACCESS_KEY_ID and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY correspond to the "Access Key ID" and the "Access Key Secret" in the console, respectively. For more information on how to access it, please see the < Operation Guide Manage ACCESSKEY>.

          For the method above, you need to specify service domain name of BOS by themselves, which can be specified by assigning a value to bos_host variable. If not configured, it is not needed to introduce endpoint parameter, and the default is Beijing region http://bos.bj.bcebos.com

          2.After completing the configuration above, create a BosClient by reference to the following codes.

          #Import BosClient configuration file 
          import bos_sample_conf 
          #Import BOS related interface 
          from baidubce import exception 
          from baidubce.services import bos 
          from baidubce.services.bos import canned_acl 
          from baidubce.services.bos.bos_client import BosClient 
          #Create BOSClient. 
          bos_client = BosClient(bos_sample_conf.config) 

          Access to BOS via sts

          BOS can implement temporary authorized access by a third party through the STS mechanism. STS (Security Token Service) is a temporary authorized service provided by Baidu AI Cloud; for more information, please see Introduction to Use of Baidu AI Cloud STS. With STS, you can issue a third-party user with a custom time-based and privileged access credential. The third-party user can use the access credential to directly call API or SDK of Baidu AI Cloud to access its resources.

          To access to BOS via sts, users apply for a set of AK, SK and token via sts-client first, and then configure that set of parameters to BosClient, and users can create a BosClient by reference to the following codes:

          1.Obtain a temporary token, and create a configuration rule "sts_sample_conf.py" to configure BosClient.

          import logging
          from baidubce.bce_client_configuration import BceClientConfiguration
          from baidubce.auth.bce_credentials import BceCredentials
          sts_host = "STS_HOST"
          access_key_id = "AK"
          secret_access_key = "SK"
          logger = logging.getLogger('baidubce.services.sts.stsclient')
          fh = logging.FileHandler("sample.log")
          formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
          config = BceClientConfiguration(credentials=BceCredentials(access_key_id, secret_access_key), endpoint=sts_host)

          Note: Currently, when STS is used to configure client, wherever the endpoint of the corresponding BOS service is, endpoint needs to be configured as http://sts.bj.baidubce.com.

          In the codes above, access_key_id corresponds to "Access Key ID"in the console, and secret_access_key corresponds to "Access Key Secret" in the console.

          2.Create StsClient, and configure BceClientConfiguration with the temporary token obtained. Create file "sts_sample.py", and apply for a set of AK, S and token via StsClient.

          import sts_sample_conf
          from baidubce.services.sts.sts_client import StsClient
          from baidubce.bce_client_configuration import BceClientConfiguration
          from baidubce.auth.bce_credentials import BceCredentials
          sts_client = StsClient(sts_sample_conf.config)
          duration_seconds = 3600
          # you can specify limited permissions with ACL
          access_dict = {}
          access_dict["service"] = "bce:bos"
          access_dict["region"] = "bj"   
          access_dict["effect"] = "Allow"
          resource = ["*"]
          access_dict["resource"] = resource
          permission = ["READ"]
          access_dict["permission"] = permission
          access_control_list = {"accessControlList": [access_dict]}
          # Create StsClient
          response = sts_client.get_session_token(acl=access_control_list, duration_seconds=duration_seconds)
          sts_ak = str(response.access_key_id)
          sts_sk = str(response.secret_access_key)
          token = response.session_token
          bos_host = "BOS_HOST"
          #Configure BceClientConfiguration
          config = BceClientConfiguration(credentials=BceCredentials(sts_ak, sts_sk), endpoint = bos_host, security_token=token)

          3.After completing the configuration above, create a BosClient by reference to the following codes.

          import sts_sample 
          #Import BOS related interface 
          from baidubce import exception
          from baidubce.services import bos
          from baidubce.services.bos import canned_acl
          from baidubce.services.bos.bos_client import BosClient
          #Create a BOSClient
          bos_client = BosClient(sts_sample.config)

          Configure HTTPS to Access BOS

          You can access to BOS service with HTTPS in BOS Python SDK in the following 2 ways:

          • Specify HTTP in endpoint.

            config = bce_client_configuration.BceClientConfiguration(
                credentials = bce_credentials.BceCredentials(
                    access_key_id = 'your-ak',
              	    secret_access_key = 'your-sk'
                endpoint = 'https://bj.bcebos.com'
            client = bos_client.BosClient(config)
          • Set HTTPS protocol by specifying https in protocol

             config = bce_client_configuration.BceClientConfiguration(
                 credentials = bce_credentials.BceCredentials(
                     access_key_id = 'your-ak',
             	    secret_access_key = 'your-sk'
                 endpoint = 'bj.bcebos.com',
                 protocol = baidubce.protocol.HTTPS
             client = bos_client.BosClient(config)

          Note: If you specify scheme of endpoint while specifying protocol parameter, endpoint should prevail.

          config = bce_client_configuration.BceClientConfiguration(
              credentials = bce_credentials.BceCredentials(
                  access_key_id = 'your-ak',
          	    secret_access_key = 'your-sk'
              endpoint = 'http://bj.bcebos.com',
              protocol = baidubce.protocol.HTTPS
          client = bos_client.BosClient(config) 

          Configure custom domain name/alternate domain name to access BOS

          Use custom domain name

          If you want to use a custom domain name as an endpoint to access BOS, after binding the custom domain name with a bucket in Bos on the console, configure endpoint as a custom domain name and open cname_enabled switch,example cdn-test.cdn.bcebos.com,The configuration code is as follows:

          config = bce_client_configuration.BceClientConfiguration(
              credentials = bce_credentials.BceCredentials(
                  access_key_id = 'your-ak',
          	    secret_access_key = 'your-sk'
              endpoint = 'http://cdn-test.cdn.bcebos.com',
              cname_enabled = True
          client = bos_client.BosClient(config) 

          Use alternate domain name

          On the basis of using official domain name and user-defined domain name as endpoint to access BOS, the SDK further supports the mechanism of using endpoint primary domain name to access BOS again when it fails to access BOS. The usage method is as follows:

          config = bce_client_configuration.BceClientConfiguration(
              credentials = bce_credentials.BceCredentials(
                  access_key_id = 'your-ak',
          	    secret_access_key = 'your-sk'
              endpoint = 'http://cdn-test.cdn.bcebos.com',
              cname_enabled = True,
              # If using endpoint to access BOS fails, the SDK will automatically retry the backup_endpoint domain name
              backup_endpoint = 'cdn-test.bj.bcebos.com'
          client = bos_client.BosClient(config)

          Configure BosClient

          Set Network Parameters

          You can set some network parameters:

          #Set request timeout period 
          bos_sample_conf.config.connection_timeout_in_mills = TIMEOUT 
          #Set size of receiving buffer region 
          #Set size of sending buffer region 
          #Set connection retry strategy 
          #Cubic exponential retreat retry 
          bos_sample_conf.config.retry_policy = BackOffRetryPolicy() 
          #No retry 
          bos_sample_conf.config.retry_policy = NoRetryPolicy() 

          Parameter description

          All parameters that can be specified via bos_client_configuration are as shown in the table below:

          Parameter Description
          port BOS port number
          send_buf_size Send buffer size
          recv_buf_size Receive buffer size
          connection_timeout_in_mills Request timeout (unit: millisecond)
          retry_policy Connect retry strategy, which is cubic exponential retreat by default when initializing Client
          SDK Installation
          Bucket Management