
All Product Document

          Object Storage

          SDK Installation

          Environmental Difference

          You can use JavaScript SDK in Jode.js environment and browser environment, but limited by the function limit and security limit of browser environment itself, in the browser environment, some functions of SDK cannot be used. The details are as follows;

          • Read and write: of local files Local files cannot be operated directly in browser, so PutobjectFromFile and Getobject and other relevant APIs of BOS service cannot be used. Similarly, Node.js environment also does not have Blob object, so the PutobjectFromBlob of BOS service is exclusively developed for browser environment.
          • Bucket related operation: Limited by cross-origin access of browser, corresponding CORS configuration needs to be set on server for cross-origin access. Baidu AI Cloud supports CORS configuration of object in specific bucket, but does not cross-region access to API of bucket level, so ListBuckets and other relevant APIs cannot be used in browser end; for API of bucket level, please see Bucket.

          Node.js Environment

          Node.js version Supported

          • Version Node 4.x and above

          Installation Steps

          JavaScript package has been uploaded to npm manager; use npm directly to install development kit of SDK:

          npm install @baiducloud/sdk

          2.Then use the following in your program:

          import {BosClient} from '@baiducloud/sdk';
          const config = {
              endpoint: <EndPoint>,         //Introduce into domain name of the region where the bucket is.
              credentials: {
                  ak: <AccessKeyID>,         //Your AccessKey 
                  sk: <SecretAccessKey>       //Your AccessKey 
          let bucket = 'my-bucket';
          let key = 'hello.js';
          let client = new BosClient(config);
          client.putObjectFromFile(bucket, key, __filename)
              .then(response => console.log(response))    // Success 
              .catch(error => console.error(error));      // Failed 

          The interface returns a promise object

          Browser Environment

          Browser Version Supported

          Browser type Lowest version
          Google Chrome 28.0+
          Microsoft Internet Explorer 10.0
          Mozilla Firefox 23.0+
          Apple Safari 5.1+
          Opera 17.0+
          Android Browser 4.3+

          Installation Steps

          1.Bower is recommended for installation:

          npm install @baiducloud/sdk

          2.Load baidubce-sdk.bundle.min.js to page via <script>:

          <script src="node_modules/@baiducloud/sdk/dist/baidubce-sdk.bundle.min.js"></script>

          When js is loaded to page, the functions of sdk can be used via global variable baidubce.sdk.

          3.Then use the following in your program:

          const config = {
             endpoint: <EndPoint>,         //Introduce into domain name of the region where the bucket is. 
             credentials: {
                ak: <AccessKeyID>,         //YourAccessKey
                sk: <SecretAccessKey>       //Your SecretAccessKey
          let bucket = 'my-bucket';
          let key = 'hello.js';
          let client = new baidubce.sdk.BosClient(config);
          client.putObjectFromString(bucket, key, 'hello world')
              .then(response => console.log(response))    // Success
              .catch(error => console.error(error));      // Failed