Baidu AI Cloud


Cloud Compute Service

Create an Instance


Creating an instance requires the real name authentication. Anyone who does not pass the real name authentication can go to the [Personal Authentication](#UserGuide/Identity Verification/Individual Identity or [Enterprise Authentication](#UserGuide/Identity Verification/Enterprise Identity under the security authentication in the Baidu AI Cloud official website console for the authentication.

BCC instance

  • Considerations for billing:

    • To create a postpaid instance, the account cash balance and the general voucher must be greater than 100 CNY. To create a prepaid instance, the account cash balance must be greater than or equal to the instance cost.
    • When you create the public IP with specified bandwidth, the billing mode is bill-by-bandwidth.
  • Considerations for instance:

    • Specify the virtual machine type to create through the instanceType field. For the virtual machine types supported by API currently, see [InstanceType](#BCC/API Reference/ The parameters instanceType, cpuCount and memoryCapacityInGB can determine the required model and configuration.
    • You can not purchase both GPU card and FPGA card for the same instance. When you purchase an instance with GPU card or FPGA card, you must specify the number of GPU cards or FPGA cards for the virtual machine to purchase through cardCount.
    • When you purchase the virtual machine with GPU card or FPGA card, the number of CPU cores (cpuCount), memory capacity (memoryCapacityInGB), system disk type and size (ephemeralDisks) to purchase in the request should be empty or meet the requirements of [GPU BCC Optional Specification Configuration](#BCC/API Reference/ BCC Optional Specification Configuration) or [FPGA BCC](#BCC/API Reference/ BCC Optional Specification Configuration) [Optional Specification Configuration of ](#BCC/APIReference/ BCC Optional Specification Configuration)depending on the number and type of GPU cards or FPGA cards.
  • Considerations for storage:

    • When you create an instance, you can specify the system disk size. The system disk size range is [40, 500] GB. The 40 GB of free hp1 type CDS disk is used as the system disk by default. For the specified system disk type, see [StorageType](#BCC/API Reference/
    • Baidu AI Cloud provides 40 GB of free system disk. If it exceeds 40 GB of free quota, the excess part is charged as per corresponding CDS disk.
    • The system disk added during the creation of instance can not be changed after the creation, and it does not support to create or add the system disk separately.
    • The system disk does not support the mount, uninstall or delete.
    • When you create the CDS system disk and data disk, it supports to select the disk size at the step width 1 GB.
    • An instance can mount up to 5 CDS disks by default.
    • The system disk size of BCC instance can not exceed up to 500 GB.
    • You can purchase one temporary data disk for each instance at most. Only the hp1 type of temporary data disk exists by default.
    • To create a memory optimized instance, you must purchase the temporary data disk, and specify the storage capacity of the temporary data disk through ephemeralDisks. The temporary data disk is of nvme type by default, which does not need to specify.
  • Considerations for network:

    • BCC instances support user-defined security groups and subnets, both of which need to be specified under the same VPC If you do not specify a security group and subnet, you will automatically enter the system's default security group and subnet when you create a dedicated instance.
  • Other Precautions

    • Batch creation is supported, and if one instance fails to be created in the creation, all instances are rolled back and all creations fail. If a CDS is included when it is created, the CDS will also be rolled back.
    • If the interface is asynchronously created, the instance status can be queried via the [Designated Instance Details Interface](#BCC/API Instance Related Interface/Query the details of Designated
    • You can specify DCC to create an instance by this interface, and the dedicated instance is not billed. Dedicated instances can only create temporary disks and specify disk types by ephemeralDisks.

DCC Instance

This API is also used to create the instance on DCC. The following operations may be related to your business during the creation of DCC instance:

  • The dedicated instance cannot be renewed.
  • This API is used to create one or more dedicated instances.
  • Batch creation is supported, and if one instance fails to be created in the creation, all instances are rolled back and all creations fail. If a CDS is included when it is created, the CDS will also be rolled back.
  • The dedicated instance support creating and adding local disks.
  • The local disk does not support the mount, uninstall or delete.
  • DCC allows users to customize the parameters such as the CPU and memory of the dedicated instance. The resources of the dedicated instance created will use DCC resources.
  • The dedicated instance can only creates temporary disks and specify disk types by ephemeralDisks.
  • The dedicated instance support user-defined security groups and subnets, both of which need to be specified under the same VPC If you failed to specify any security group and subnets, when a dedicated instance is created, the default security group and subnet are added automatically by the system.

Request Structure

POST /v{version}/instance?clientToken={clientToken} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: authorization string

    "instanceType": instanceType,
    "cpuCount": cpuCoreCount,
    "memoryCapacityInGB": memoryCapacityInGB,
    "ephemeralDisks": [
        "storageType": storageType,
        "sizeInGB": size
        "storageType": storageType,
        "sizeInGB": size
    "createCdsList": [
            "storageType": storageType,
            "cdsSizeInGB": cdsSizeInGB
    "name": "name",
    "hostname": "hostname",
    "autoSeqSuffix": autoSeqSuffix,
    "isOpenHostnameDomain": isOpenHostnameDomain,
    "imageId": "imageId",
    "localDiskSizeInGB": localDiskSizeInGB,
    "networkCapacityInMbps": networkCapacityInMbps,
    "autoRenewTimeUnit": "autoRenewTimeUnit",
    "autoRenewTime": autoRenewTime,
    "cdsAutoRenew": cdsAutoRenew,
	"dedicatedHostId": dedicatedHostId,
    "purchaseCount": purchaseCount,
        "paymentTiming": paymentTiming,
		"reservation": {
        	"reservationLength": reservationLength
	"zoneName": zoneName,
	"subnetId": subnetId,
	"securityGroupId": securityGroupId,
    "relationTag": relationTag,
    "isOpenIpv6": isOpenIpv6,
    "tags": [
          "tagKey": tagKey,
          "tagValue": tagValue
    "keypairId": keypairId

Request header field

No other special header fields are available, except for common header fields.

Request Parameter

Parameter name ** Type** Required? Parameter Position Description
version String Yes URL Parameter API version number
clientToken String Yes Query Parameters [Idempotent](#BCC/API Reference/General Token is an ASCII character string with a length not exceeding 64 bits.
imageId String Yes RequestBody parameter Image ID of virtual machine instance to create,
call the query image list interface to obtain the required image ID.
billing [Billing](#BCC/API Reference/ Yes RequestBody Parameters Order and billing related parameters
instanceType String No RequestBody Parameters Type of virtual machine instance to create. For the specific optional type, see the following [InstanceType](#BCC/API Reference/, If the type is null, the default type of virtual machine is used.
cpuCount int Yes RequestBody Parameters CPU cores of virtual machine instance to create
memoryCapacityInGB int Yes RequestBody Parameters Memory capacity of virtual machine instance to create (GB). For the optional configuration, see [Regional Model and Optional Configuration](#BCC/API Reference/ Models and Optional Configurations).
rootDiskSizeInGb int No RequestBody Parameters System disk size (GB) of the virtual machine instance to be created. Its default value is 40 GB, and its range is [40, 500] GB. If the disk size is over 40 GB, it is charged as a cloud disk. The specified system disk size needs to meet the minimum disk space limit of mirror used.
rootDiskStorageType String No RequestBody Parameters System disk media for vitual machine instance to create. The cloud disk is of hp1 type by default. For the specified type of system disk, see [StorageType](#BCC/API Reference/
localDiskSizeInGB, int No RequestBody Parameters [Discarded] The size of the temporary data disk of the virtual machine instance to be created (excluding the free system disk). its unit is GB and the size is 0 ~ 500G. its field adopt the ephemeralDisks.
ephemeralDisks List<[EphemeralDisk](#BCC/API Reference/> No RequestBody Parameters The DCC instance can create multiple local disks. The disk type and size need to be specified. Other BCC types can only use one local disk at most. The default disk type is used, and the disk size needs to be specified. The FPGA instance and the GPU instance use a local disk by default, and the local disk size is specified according to the configuration. For more information, see [Optional specification configuration of GPU BCC](#BCC/API Reference/ BCC Optional Specification Configuration) and[ Optional specification configuration of FPGA type BCC](#BCC/API Reference/ BCC Optional Specification Configuration).
createCdsList List<[CreateCdsModel](#BCC/API Reference/> No RequestBody Parameters List of CDS disks to create. For the specific data format, see the following [CreateCdsModel](#BCC/API Reference/
networkCapacityInMbps int No RequestBody Parameters Internet bandwidth (Mbps). It must be an integer within 0-200,
It means that no public IP is assigned if the value is 0Mbps, and the default value is 0Mbps.
dedicatedHostId string No RequestBody Parameters DCC id of dedicated server, which is specified when the placement location of virtual machine is specified.
purchaseCount int No RequestBody Parameters Number of virtual machine instances created (purchased) in batch
It must be an integer greater than 0, optional parameter, the default value is 1. If the set value is more than 2, it means to create two or more virtual machine instances with the same configuration.
name String No RequestBody Parameters Name of virtual machine (optional). The name is not specified by default. If the name is specified: Name is used as the prefix of name in batch. The suffix is attached at the back. Suffix generation mode: name\{ - sequence number}. If no name is specified, generate the "," mode automatically: {instance8bit random stringSequence number}. The random string is generated from the digit 0~9a~z;and the sequence number is increased by the order of count. If the count is 100, the sequence number is increased from 000~100,If the count is 10, the sequence number is increased from 00~10. Supports uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, Chinese, -, _ and /. Special characters with length 1-65, it must begin with the letter
hostname String No RequestBody Parameters server name of virtual machine (optional). The hostname is not specified by default. If the hostname is specified: hostname is used as the prefix of name in batch. The suffix is attached at the back. Suffix generation mode: name\{ sequence number}. If no name is specified, generate the "," mode automatically: {instance8bit random stringSequence number}. The random string is generated from the digit 0~9a~z;and the sequence number is increased by the order of count. If the count is 100, the sequence number is increased from 000~100,If the count is 10, the sequence number is increased from 00~10. Only support uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, - and /. Special characters with length 2-64, it must begin with the letter
autoSeqSuffix boolean No RequestBody Parameters whether or not automatically generate name and a hostname with an ordered suffix(optional parameters) is Yes:true , No: false.
isOpenHostnameDomain boolean No RequestBody Parameters whether or not automatically generate a hostname domain (optional parameters) is Yes:true , No: false.
adminPass String No RequestBody Parameters Admin password of instance to specify, which must contain 8-16 bit characters, English, numbers and symbols, and the symbol is only limited to !@#$%^*(), the password needs to be encrypted for transmission. For more information, see [link](#BCC/API Reference/General Encrypted Transmission Specifications)
zoneName String No RequestBody Parameters Specify the zone information, which is null by default and is automatically selected by the system.
You can query the AZ list by calling [Query AZ List](#BCC/API Reference/Other Interfaces/Query List of Availability interface.
The ZoneName naming convention is "country-region-AZ sequence” in lowercase letters,
for example, Beijing AZ A is "cn-bj-a".
The dedicated instance uses the zone where the dedicated server is located, without specifying this field.
subnetId String No RequestBody Parameters Specify the subnet. If it is null, the default subnet is used.
relationTag boolean No RequestBody Parameters Does the tag specified by the instance to create need to associate with the existing tag key? The default value is false. Note: When the value is true, ensure that this tag key already exists.
isOpenIpv6 boolean No RequestBody Parameters Check to see if the instance to create has ipv6 enabled or not. Ipv6 can be enabled only when both mirror and subnet support ipv6, true indicates enable and false indicates off. Non-transmission indicates the conditions of whether or not an automatic adaptive mirror and subnet support ipv6.
tags List<[TagModel](#BCC/API Reference/> No RequestBody Parameters It is the list of tags to create. For the specific data format, see [TagModel.](#BCC/API Reference/
securityGroupId String No RequestBody Parameters Specify the security group. If it is null, the default security group is used.
gpuCard String No RequestBody Parameters GPU card information carried by the instance to create. For the specific optional information, see[GpuType](#BCC/API Reference/, This field needs not to be specified for the non-GPU instance
fpgaCard String No RequestBody Parameters FPGA card information carried by the instance to create. For the specific optional information, see[FpgaType](#BCC/API Reference/, this field needs not to be specified for the non-FPGA instance
cardCount String No RequestBody Parameters GPU cards or FPGA cards carried by the instance to create. It is valid only when the gpuCard or fpgaCard field is not null and the requirements in [Optional specification configuration of GPU instance ](#BCC/API Reference/ BCC Optional specification configuration)or [FPOptional specification configuration of FPGA instance](#BCC/API Reference/ BCC Optional specification configuration)
autoRenewTimeUnit String No RequestBody Parameters Monthly or annual payment, "month" for monthly payment, and "year" for annual payment.
autoRenewTime int No RequestBody Parameters Time of auto renew, 1-9 for monthly renew, and 1-3 for annual renew.
cdsAutoRenew boolean No RequestBody Parameters Auto renew of CDS? Yes: true No: false
keypairId String No RequestBody Parameters a Key Pair ID to bind to for instance to be Create
aspId String No RequestBody Parameters Automatic snapshot policy ID
internetChargeType String No RequestBody Parameters For more information on optional parameters of the Internet bandwidth billing methods, see [internetChargeType](#BCC/API Reference/ If internetChargeType is not specified, the default payment method is the same with that of BCC. The default prepaid method means that you make payments yearly or monthly, while the default postpaid method means that you pay as you go.
deployId String No RequestBody Parameters Specifies the id of the deployment set where the instance is located
deployIdList List No RequestBody Parameters Specifies the id list of the deployment set where the instance is located

Return a header field

There are no other special header fields except the common header field.

Return Parameter

Parameter Name Type Description
instanceIds List It is a set of IDs of the virtual machine instances. ID is in line with the BCE specification, and contains only uppercase and lowercase English letters, numbers, hyphens (), and underscores (_).

Error Code

Error Code Error Description HTTP status code Explanation
Instance.InvalidateRootDiskStorageType Invalidate root disk storage type. 400 Invalid system disk media
Instance.InstanceBeBanned The instance is banned, contact technical support for assistance. 403 The BCC service has been blocked.
Instance.GlobalInstanceQuotaLimitExceeded Quota exceeds limit for regional postpaid instances pool, contact technical support for further assistance. 413 The number of post-paid virtual machines exceeds the pre-sale quota limit in the current region
Instance.InstanceQuotaLimitExceeded Quota exceeds limit. 413 The number of instances exceeds the limit
Instance.EipQuotaLimitExceeded The number of eip will exceed the limit. 413 The number of eip exceeds the limit during the merged purchase.
Instance.InvalidateConfiguration Invalidate cpu memory configuration. 400 Invalid virtual machine configuration
Instance.InsufficientRootDiskSize Not enough root disk size. 400 The image is too large and the system disk size is not enough/
Instance.PermissionDeny Instance permission deny. 401 You are not permitted
RealNameQualify No real name authentication 409 Operation is not allowed, without a name authentication
Instance.RegionDenyException You're not allowed to access this region. 403 Region access denied exception.
BadRequest cds config error. 400 Cds configuration error
Instance.InstanceCountCdsCountNotMatchException Cds count must be multiple number of Instance count 400 The number of virtual machine created does not match the number of cds.
Instance.InvalidateZoneException Invalidate zone name. 400 Invalid availability zone
Instance.NotSupportInstanceTypeException not support the instance type. 403 The model is not supported
BadRequest Not support serviceType. 400 Service type is not supported
BadRequest invalid deploy id. 400 Invalid deployment set ID
BadRequest invalid cds count. 400 The number of cds should be an integer multiple of bcc
BadRequest Can not create Bcc both with gpuCard and fpgaCard. 400 Cannot create gpu type and fpga type BCC at the same time
Instance.InvalidateGpuCardException GpuCard is invalid. 400 The GPU card selected by the user does not exist
Instance.InvalidateFpgaCardException FpgaCard is invalid. 400 The Fpga card selected by the user does not exist
Instance.MKTImageInstanceNotSupportCreateSnapshotException Instance with mkt image not support create system snapshot. 403 The cloud market image does not support the creation of system Snapshot.
Instance.CdsSnapshotNotMatchException No cds for snapshot. 400 Description to be determined, no CDS for snapshot
Instance.CdsSnapshotSmallException Cds for snapshot is smaller than snapshot. 400 Description to be determined, CDS is smaller than snapshot
Instance.InvalidAutoRenewTimeException Instance autoRenew time is invalid. 400 Invalid auto-renewal time
Instance.InvalidAutoRenewTimeUnitException Instance autoRenew time unit is invalid. 400 Invalid auto-renewal unit
BadRequest instanceType invalidate. 400 Invalid Instances type
Instance.InstanceCountCdsCountNotMatchException Cds count must be multiple number of Instance count 400 The number of virtual machine created does not match the number of cds.
Instance.NoStock Sales of this resource are temporarily suspended in the specified region. 403 Resources sold-out
BadRequest Invalidate root disk size. 400 Invalid system disk size
Instance.EphemeralDiskInvalidException instance ephemeral disk config invalid. 400 Invalid instance temporary disk configuration
BadRequest Gpu card count not valid. 400 Invalid number of gpu cards
Instance.NameInvalid Instance name is invalid. 400 Invalid instance name
Instance.PasswordInvalid Password format is invalid. 400 Illegal password format
Keypair.UnsupportOsType Unsupported os type, only linux supported. 403 Unsupported operating system
NoSuchObject asp not exist. 404 The specified asp does not exist.
BadRequest bccCreateWithScript invalid. 400 The whitelist specified script address creation BCC parameter is invalid
Volume.DiskSizeInvalid Disk size in invalid. 400 The CDS disk size is invalid.
Volume.StorageTypeInvalid Storage type is invalid. 400 Disk storage type is incorrect
Image.ImageTypeInvaild image type invalid. 400 Invalid image type
BadRequest invalid bcc flavor config. 400 Invalid BCC package
Instance.ReleaseTimeInvalid Fail to update the instance scheduled release time settings. 400 Update timing release, invalid parameter
Instance.UserDataPermissionDeny No permission for user data. 403 No user data permission
Image.ImageArchTypeExceptions Image Arch Type illegal. 400 The mirror architecture does not match the instance model: arm models can only use arm architecture mirroring, and x86 models cannot use arm architecture mirroring
Volume.DiskQuotaExceededLimit Number of volumes exceeds limit. 413 The number of CDS disks exceeds the limit.
Instance.TagQuotaLimitExceeded Quota exceeds limit. 413 Quota exceeds limit.
Cds.KmsNotExistException Kms not exist. 400 Kms not exist.
Cds.KmsInvalidException Invalid Kms. 400 Invalid Kms.
Zone denyAccess zone limit exception. 403 Availability zone limit exception.
BadRequest subnetId and securityGroupId should be added 400 subnetId and securityGroupId should be added
BadRequest BCC with NAT subnet can not bind eip 400 BCC with NAT subnet can not bind eip
BadRequest The subnet is not belong to the logical zone. 400 The subnet is not belong to the logical zone.
Vpc.IpInSubnetNotEnoughExceptions The ip left in the subnet is not enouth for this create. 400 The ip left in the subnet is not enouth for this create.
Volume.DiskSizeQuotaExceededLimit Volume size exceeds total capacity quota. 413 The cds disk capacity exceeds the total capacity quota.
Cds.KmsNotMatchException Kms not match with snapshot encryptKey. 400 Kms not match with snapshot encryptKey.
Instance.PostPayEipPurchaseDenied Need to pass senior real-name authentication. please download baiducloud App to do face authentication. 403 Need to pass senior real-name authentication. please download baiducloud App to do face authentication.
BadRequest invalidate bandwidth parameter. 400 invalidate bandwidth parameter.
Instance.EipOperationDenied Account has no permission to bind EIP. 403 EIP binding to Purchase is not available
PrepayInvalid Prepay not support for this instanceType. 400 Prepay not support
Dcc.ResourceNotExist Dcc Resource not exist. 400 Dcc Resource not exist
BadRequest validateSubnetSecurityGroupInSameVpc error. 400 Failed to verify that the subnet and security group belong to the same vpc
BadRequest securityGroup and subnet must be in same vpc 400 securityGroup and subnet must be in same vpc
Dcc.FlavorIllegal unknown dcc flavor. 400 unknown dcc flavor.
Instance.EphemeralDiskInvalidException instance ephemeral disk config invalid. 400 instance ephemeral disk config invalid.
BadRequest invalid create request, instanceForCreate is not specified. 400 it is an invalid request for creating an instance, you must specify insanceForCreate

Request Example for Creating BCC Instance

POST /v2/instance?clientToken=be31b98c-5e41-4838-9830-9be700de5a20 HTTP/1.1
ContentType: application/json    
Authorization: bce-auth-v1/f81d3b34e48048fbb2634dc7882d7e21/2015-08-11T04:17:29Z/3600/host/74c506f68c65e26c633bfa104c863fffac5190fdec1ec24b7c03eb5d67d2e1de

    "instanceType": "N1",
    "cpuCount": 2,
    "memoryCapacityInGB": 2,
    "createCdsList": [
            "storageType": "std1",
            "cdsSizeInGB": 5
    "name": "example",
    "imageId": "m-mRjO3cjs",
    "networkCapacityInMbps": 1,
    "autoRenewTimeUnit": "month",
    "autoRenewTime": 1,
    "cdsAutoRenew": true,
    "internetChargeType": "BANDWIDTH_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR",
    "purchaseCount": 1,
        "reservation": {
            "reservationLength": 1
    "relationTag": true,
    “tags": [

Return Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-bce-request-id: 1214cca7-4ad5-451d-9215-71cb844c0a50
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 06:42:19 GMT
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Server: BWS


    "instanceIds": [




Request Example (Creation of GPU Instance)

POST /v2/instance?clientToken=be31b98c-5e41-4838-9830-9be700de5a20 HTTP/1.1
ContentType: application/json    
Authorization: bce-auth-v1/f81d3b34e48048fbb2634dc7882d7e21/2015-08-11T04:17:29Z/3600/host/74c506f68c65e26c633bfa104c863fffac5190fdec1ec24b7c03eb5d67d2e1de

  "instanceType": "G1",
  "gpuCard": "P4",
  "cardCount": 2,
  "cpuCount": 24,
  "memoryCapacityInGB": 80,
  "createCdsList": [
        "storageType": "std1",
        "cdsSizeInGB": 5
  "name": "example",
  "imageId": "m-Rx1dCMFF",
  "networkCapacityInMbps": 0,
  "purchaseCount": 1,
  "billing": {
        “paymentTiming": "Prepaid",
        "reservation": {
            "reservationLength": 1

Return Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-bce-request-id: 1214cca7-4ad5-451d-9215-71cb844c0a50
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 06:42:19 GMT
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Server: BWS

    "instanceIds": [

Request Example for Creating DCC Instance

POST /v2/instance?clientToken=be31b98c-5e41-4838-9830-9be700de5a20 HTTP/1.1
ContentType: application/json    
Authorization: bce-auth-v1/f81d3b34e48048fbb2634dc7882d7e21/2015-08-11T04:17:29Z/3600/host/74c506f68c65e26c633bfa104c863fffac5190fdec1ec24b7c03eb5d67d2e1de

    "cpuCount": 1,
    "memoryCapacityInGB": 2,
    "ephemeralDisks": [
            "storageType": "sata",
            "sizeInGB": 1024
            "storageType": "sata",
            "sizeInGB": 1024
    "name": "example",
    "imageId": "m-mRjO3cjs",
    "networkCapacityInMbps": 0,
    "dedicatedHostId": "d-YufwpQAe",
    "purchaseCount": 1

Return Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-bce-request-id: 1214cca7-4ad5-451d-9215-71cb844c0a50
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2016 10:08:44 GMT
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Server: BWS

    "instanceIds": [
Error Return
Create Instance (By Specifying Instance Package Specifications)