Baidu AI Cloud


Cloud Compute Service

General Description

Public Request Header

The table below lists the common header of all tag service APIs. The standard header fields of the HTTP protocol are not listed here.

Header Required Description
Authorization Required Include Access Key and request signature
Content-Type Optional application/json; charset=utf-8
x-bce-date Optional String representing date, conforming to API specification.
x-bce-content-sha256 Optional Hexadecimal string representing SHA256 signature of content part. The content here refers to the HTTP Request Payload Body. It is the original data before the Content part is encoded by HTTP.

The public header field is required to appear in each tag service API. The x-bce-content-sha256 header field appears only in the POST and PUT requests.

POST, PUT, DELETE and other request data are placed in request body.

Public Response Header

The table below lists the common response header of all tag service APIs. The standard response header fields of the HTTP protocol are not listed here.

Header Description
Content-Type The JSON format is supported only, application/json; charset=utf-8.
x-bce-request-id It is generated at the tag backend and set to the response header automatically.

Where, the request ID is generated by using the UUID version4.

General Error Return

The error response of tag service conforms to the BCE specification and is unified in the following format. The error response is not listed for subsequent interfaces separately.

        "requestId": "47e0ef1a-9bf2-11e1-9279-0100e8cf109a",
        "message":"The resource you requested does not exist"

Where, the code is the error code, and all error codes come from the BCE common error code and the specific error code of tag service. See Error Code.

API Version

The current API version is 1, i.e., the version value below is 1.
