
All Product Document

          Cloud Compute Service

          Log in to an Instance

          You can log in to the Linux instance with the traditional user name and password or the key pair. You can log in to the Windows instance through the remote desktop. You can remotely log in to the Linux and Windows instances through VNC provided by Baidu AI Cloud.

          Connect to Linux Instance with User Name and Password


          When you log in to the Linux instance with SSH, confirm that your BCC enables the port 22. The port 22 is enabled by default during the creation of Linux instance.

          Operation Steps

          1. Select "Product Service" > "Computing" > "BCC" to enter the BCC "Instance List" interface, view the BCC overview information, and locate the public IP.


          1. When BCC is in the Running status, start the client to connect to the instance.

            • For the Windows system, you can log in to the instance through the Windows remote desktop or the general RDP remote desktop tools.


            • For the Linux system, you can log in to the instance with the SSH protocol over the SSH client (Putty, SecureCRT and Xshell).


          2. Enter the user name and password for authentication. For security reasons, the instance password is not present in the short message after the creation of BCC instance. If you forget the instance password to operate, you can reset the password.
          3. After the successful authentication, log in to BCC.

          Log in to Linux Instance with SSH Key over Putty


          • Download and install the Putty and Puttygen tools:

          • You have the BCC instance that binds the key pair.
          • When you log in to the Linux instance with SSH, confirm that your BCC enables the port 22. Port 22 is enabled by default during the creation of Linux instance.

          Generate a Private Key File with Puttygen

          1. Open "Puttygen", select "RSA" in "Type of key to generate", and then click "Load".

          2. Select "All Files" to display, and select the key pair file locally downloaded during the generation of key pair, and then click "Open".
          3. And then click "Save private key" to generate the private key file.

          4. Select the save path of private key file, and then click "Save".

          Log in to BCC with Putty Configuration Key

          1. Open "Putty", and then enter the IP of remote host in Host Name of Session.

            Note: If you want to save a session, enter the session name to save in "Saved Sessions", and then click "Save".

          2. Configure the SSH authentication methods in "SSH" -> "Auth", and click "Browse", and then select the private key file generated with Puttygen.

          3. After above configuration, click Open, and then connect to your BCC with the private key.
          4. If it prompts that Putty does not cache the Host key during the first login, click Yes.
          5. Enter the user name root, and then hit "Enter" to log in to the BCC system.

          Log in to Linux Instance with SSH Key over Xshell

          1. Open "Xshell" in the local Windows system.

            • Open Tools > New User Key Generation Wizard on the toolbar.
            • Enter the session name and your BCC IP in the Connect configuration of the new session attribute.
          2. Click "User Authentication" in Connect, and select Public key in the method, and then click Browse in the user key.

          3. Click Import in the pop-up "User Key" interface.

          4. Select the key pair file you save to the local system, and then click Open.

          5. Click the generated user key, and then click OK.

          6. At this time, you can see the "User Authentication" interface, and the user key is the user key just created. Click OK to save the connection session.

          7. Select the session just created in the "Session" interface, and then click Connect.

          8. Enter the user name root to log in to your Linux server with the key.

          Log in to Linux Instance with SSH Key over SecrueCRT


          Download and install the SecrueCRT tool. Click to download SecrueCRT.

          Operation Steps

          1. Open "SecrueCRT", and then open Files > Quick Connection.

            • Enter your BCC IP adderss in the host name in the "Quick Connection" interface, and then enter the user name root.
            • Select Public Key in the authentication, and then click Attribute on the right.


          2. Select the key pair txt file locally saved from the Use Authentication or Certificate File in the Public Key Attribute interface, and then click Confirm.


          3. After it is saved successfully, click Connect in the "Quick Connection" interface, and then click Accept and Savein the pop-up "New Host Key" interface.
          4. At this time, you can log in to your Linux BCC.

          Log in to Linux Instance with SSH Key over Linux/Mac

          1. Locate the save path of the .txt key pair file downloaded on the local server, for example, /root/ vm_key-k-bpuiGkwG.txt (vm_key-k-bpuiGkwG.txt is the txt file generated during the generation of key pair).
          2. Open the Linux/MAC terminal, and then modify the attribute of key pair file: chmod 400 /root/ vm_key-k-bpuiGkwG.txt
          3. Run the command `ssh -i /root/vm_key-k-bpuiGkwG.txt root@ elastic public IP of instance on the terminal to log in to your BBC.

          Log in to Windows Instance through Remoted Desktop

          1. Select "Product Service" > "Computing" > "BCC" to enter the BCC "Instance List" interface, view the BCC overview information, and locate the public IP.


          1. When BCC is in the Running status, start the client to connection to the instance.
          • For the Windows system, you can log in to the instance through the Windows remote desktop or the general RDP remote desktop tools.


          Remote Log in to BCC through VNC

          Browser Requirements

          The VNC service puts forward certain requirements for browsers. At present, the following versions of browsers are supported only. Pay attention to the prompt on the VNC page before use.

          Name Version
          Google Chrome 16+
          Firefox 3.6+
          iOS Safari 6.1+
          Opera 11+
          Internet Explorer 9+

          Operation Steps

          Note: Ensure that BCC is in the Operating status before login. If it is in Shutdown or Stopped status, you can not log in to BCC.

          1. Select "Product Service" > "Computing" > "BCC" to enter the BCC "Instance List" interface.
          2. You can remotely log in to the BCC operating system through VNC in two methods.
          • Method I

            Select "Remote VNC" in the action bar to enter the VNC window.


          • Method II

            Click the instance name to operate in the "Instance Name" column to enter the "Instance Information" tab. Select "Remote VNC" to enter the VNC window.


          1. (Optional) if the pop-up VNC window is black screen, it indicates that the system is in a sleep status, and you need to press any key on the keyboard to restore the system.
          2. (Optional) for the Windows operating system, click the "Send Ctrl+Alt+Del" button to send the Ctrl+Alt+Del command to the operating system.
          3. You need to enter the user name and password of this instance for the initial login of instance through VNC. If you forget the password of this instance, you can reset the password of this instance. See Reset password for details.


          • The default user name of the Linux system is root, and the default user name of the Windows system is Administrator.
          • If the password is reset, you need to log in to the system with the latest password.
          • For security reasons, the remote login URL through VNC can be only used once. If you purge the same VNC URL, the URL link fails.
          1. (Optional) after the login of operating system, if you need to run the following commands in the red box, you can click the button in the drop-down menu.
          Create an Instance
          Start an Instance