
All Product Document

          Cloud Compute Service

          Modify the Name of Instances in Batch

          Application Scenarios

          BCC supports the batch change of instance names, and the name consists of prefix and serial number. For example, you enter BaiduBCC in the "Batch Change of Instance Names" dialog, and the instance name is changed to BaiduBCC-1, BaiduBCC-2 and BaiduBCC-3.

          Operation Steps

          1. Select "Product Service" -> "BCC", and then you can see the BCC Instance list created by users.
          2. Select two or more instances required, and then select "Batch Operation" > "Change Name".


          1. Click "Change Name" to pop up the "Batch Change of Instance Names" dialog.
          2. Enter the instance name prefix, and then click "OK" to batch change the instance names successfully.
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