
All Product Document

          Cloud Compute Service

          Version Change Records


          • Java SDK [2018-05-18] version number 0.10.31

            • First Release

              • It supports BCC to create instance, query instance list, query instance details, start instance, stop instance, restart instance, change instance password, modify instance properties, reinstall instance, release instance, scale instance, add/delete instance to/from security group, query instance VNC address and renew instance.
              • Disk creation, list, details, mount, uninstall, release, scale-up, rollback and renew interfaces.
              • Custom image, list, details, delete, share, cancel sharing and query shared image list.
              • Snapshot creation, list, details and deletion interfaces. Security group creation, list, deletion, authorization and cancellation interfaces.
              • Add the support for GPU and FPGA virtual machines.


          Update date: April 10, 2019

          • BCC instance: It additionally supports to modify the instance description.
          • Disk: At present, it supports to delete the snapshot associated with the disk during the release of CDS disk. It additionally supports to modify disk properties and change disk billing mode.
          • Image: It additionally supports the cross-region replication of custom image, cancel the cross-region replication of custom image, share the custom image, cancel the shared custom image, query the shared user list of images and batch query of OS information through instance ID.
          • It adds the automatic snapshot policy-related operation, including create, bind, unbind and delete automatic snapshot policy.
          • It adds the key pair-related operation, including create and import key pair, and query key pair details.
          Exception Handling
          Deployment Set