
All Product Document

          Cloud Compute Service


          Model Object Definition


          Parameter Name Type Description
          id String Instance ID, which conforms to BCE specification, must be a string with fixed length, and can contain uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, hyphen(-)and underline only(_).
          name String Instance name, Supports uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, Chinese, -, _ and /. Special characters with length 1-65, it must begin with the letter
          hostname String Instance server name, which supports lower-case letters, numbers, special character including -, _, /and., must begin with a letter, but cannot begin or end with a special character. Also, it has a length of 2 - 65 characters.
          instanceType InstanceType Instance type. For the specific optional type, see InstanceType,For DCC, this field is null.
          status InstanceStatus Instance status
          desc String Description information of instances
          paymentTiming String Payment method, including prepaid and postpaid
          createTime String Create Time
          expireTime String Expiration time
          internalIp String Private IP
          publicIp String Public Network IP
          cpuCount int CPU (Core)
          gpuCard String GPU card information for instance. For specific information, see GpuType
          fpgaCard String FPGA card information for instance. For specific information, see FpgaType
          cardCount int Number of GPU or FPGA cards for instance. This field is returned only when the gpuCard or fpgaCard field is not empty.
          memoryCapacityInGB int Memory Capacity, Unit: GB
          localDiskSizeInGB, int Local disk size (GB) (excluding system disk). The system disk is provided free of charge.
          imageId String Image ID
          networkCapacityInMbps int Cloud network bandwidth, Unit: Mb
          placementPolicy String Instance placement policy, whose value is default or dedicatedHost.
          zoneName String Availability zone information
          subnetId String Subnet ID
          vpcId String VPC ID
          autoRenew Boolean Auto renewal? Yes: "true", No: "false”
          keypairId String Key pair ID
          keypairName String Key pair name
          dedicatedHostId String Dedicated Cloud Compute ID
          ipv6 String ipv6 address
          tags List<[Tag](#BCC/Tag Service API Referance/Appendix 1.md#Tag)> Tag information
          deploysetId String Deployment set ID
          deploysetList List<DeploySetModel> Deployment set information List


          Parameter Name Type Description
          id String Disk ID
          name String Disk name, Supports uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, Chinese, -, _ and /. Special characters with length 1-65, it must begin with the letter
          diskSizeInGB int Disk size, unit: GB
          paymentTiming String Payment method, including prepaid and postpaid
          createTime String Creation date, which conforms to the BCE date specification.
          expireTime String Expiration time
          status VolumeStatus Disk status
          type VolumeType Disk Type
          storageType StorageType CDS disk storage type includes cloud_hp1 (generic SSD),hp1 ( high Performance Cloud Disk),HDD_Throughput , hdd (generic HDD) and std1 (last generation cloud disk ). Hp1 is the default type.
          desc String Information description
          attachments List<VolumeAttachmentModel> List of mounted device information, which is empty when the disk is not mounted.
          zoneName String Availability zone information
          regionId String Region where(There is not this parameter for the simplified model with return list)
          snapshotNum String The number of snapshots the disk currently has (There is not this parameter for the simplified model with return list).
          sourceSnapshotId String Snapshot id used to create the disk (There is not this parameter for the simplified model with return list).
          autoSnapshotPolicy AutoSnapshotPolicyModel Snapshot policy configured for disk currently. There is not this parameter for the simplified model with return list.
          tags List<TagModel> The label of the disk's current configuration (There is not this parameter for the simplified model with return list)
          encrypted boolean Whether or not encrypt


          Parameter Name Type Description
          storageType StorageType Disk Storage type
          sizeInGB int Total disk space storage capacity
          freeSizeInGB int Available capacity (GB)


          Parameter Name Type Description
          zoneName String Availability zone information


          Parameter Name Type Description
          tagKey String Tag key
          tagValue String Tag value


          Parameter Name Type Required? Description
          cdsSizeInGB int No CDS disk capacity (GB), which must be an integer greater than 0. The size is 0-5,120 GB. When you create the disk directly, this property is required.
          storageType StorageType No Storage type of CDS disk, default is hp1 (High Performance Cloud Disk)
          snapshotId String No As property, a snapshot ID is valid when creating a disk through snapshot. If cdsSizeInGB is null, CDS disk is by default created by a snapshot size. If the parameter cdsSizeInGB is specified, the value cannot be smaller than the snapshot size.
          encryptKey String No Encryption Kkey


          Parameter Name Type Description
          volumeId String Disk ID
          instanceId String Instance ID
          device String Mounted device path
          serial String Disk serial number


          Parameter Name Type Description
          id String Snapshot ID
          name String Snapshot name, which supports uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, Chinese, and special characters such as -, _, and /. It has a length 1-65 characters, and must begin with a letter.
          sizeInGB int Snapshot size (GB)
          createTime String Snapshot creation time, which conforms to the BCE date format.
          status SnapshotStatus Snapshot status
          createMethod String To create snapshot, you can create it manually or do a planned creation
          volumeId String Disk ID. It indicates that related disk is released when the disk ID is empty.
          desc String Snapshot description information
          expireTime String The expiration time of the snapshot conforms to the date format of the BCE specification (There is not this parameter for the simplified model with return list)
          package boolean Whether or not it is a large image, by default it is false
          templateId String Custom Image id
          insnapId String Instance snapshot ID
          encrypted boolean Whether or not get encrypted


          Parameter Name Type Description
          id String Image ID
          name String Image name: supports uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, Chinese, , _ and /. Special characters with a length of 1-65 characters, it must begin with a letter.
          type ImageType Image type
          osType String Operating system type
          osVersion String Operating system version
          osArch String Operating system bits
          osName String Operating system name
          osBuild String Build time of image operating system
          osLang String Operating system language (CHS or ENG)
          createTime String Image creation time, which conforms to the BCE date format.
          status ImageStatus Image status
          desc String Image description information
          specialVersion String Special version information of operating system. financial_safty represents the financial reinforcement version.
          shareToUserNumLimit int Limit on a number of shared users( image list interface does not support this field)
          sharedToUserNum int Number of a shared user( image list interface does not support this field)
          package boolean Whether or not it is a large image, by default it is false


          Parameter Name Type Description
          id String Security group ID
          name String Name: Supports uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, Chinese, , _ and /. Special characters with a length of 1-65 characters, it must begin with a letter.
          desc String Description
          vpcId String VPC ID
          createdTime String Create time of security group
          sgVersion long Version number of security group
          rules List<SecurityGroupRuleModel> Security Group Rules
          tags List<[Tag](#BCC/Tag Service API Referance/Appendix 1.md#Tag)> Tag list for security group binding


          Parameter Name Type Description Required?
          remark String Remarks No
          direction String Inbound / outbound to get ingress or egress. Yes
          ethertype String Network type, whose value is IPv4 or IPv6. When the value is empty, it indicates the default value is IPv4. No
          portRange String Port range. You can specify the single port, such as port 80. When the value is empty, the default value is 1-65,535. No
          protocol String Protocol type, TCP, UDP or ICMP. When the value is empty, the default value is all. No
          sourceGroupId String Source Security Group ID No
          sourceIp String Source IP. The value can not be set together with sourceGroupId at the same time. No
          destGroupId String Destination security group ID No
          destIp String Destination IP. The value can not be set together with destGroupId at the same time. No
          securityGroupId String Security group ID No
          securityGroupRuleId String Security Group Rule ID No
          createdTime String Create time of security group rule No
          updatedTime String Modify time of security group rule No


          Parameter Name Type Description
          status String A snapshot state value can be active, expired and clear.
          chainSize String Total snapshot capacity (unit: GB)
          chainId String snapshot id
          instanceId String Virtual machine id
          userId String User id
          volumeId String Disk id
          volumeSize int Disk size, unit: GB
          manualSnapCount int Number of manual snapshots
          autoSnapCount int Number of automatic snapshots
          createTime String Create Time


          Parameter Name Type Description
          zoneName String Zone information, the ZoneName naming convention is "country-region-availability zone sequence” in lowercase; for example, Beijing availability zone A is "cnbja".
          instanceTypes List<String> Available models


          Parameter Name Type Description
          zoneName String The available region name
          bccResources List<BccBidResources> bcc resources


          Parameter Name Type Description
          instanceType String Instance type
          flavors List<BccBidFlavors> In the package column , flavors return null when the bidding instance corresponding to the instanceType is sold out.


          Parameter Name Type Description
          specId String Instance Specifications Type
          cpuCount int CPU cores
          memoryCapacityInGB int Memory size.
          productType ProductType Product type
          spec String Instance Specifications


          Parameter Name Type Description
          type String Specification classification
          name String Specification code
          cpuCount int The number of CPUs (Core)
          memorySizeInGB int Memory (GB)
          localDiskSizeInGB, int Local Disk (GB)


          Parameter Name Type Description
          keypairId String Key pair id
          name String Key pair name
          description String Key Pair Description
          createdTime Datetime Create time of key pair
          publicKey String Public key content
          privateKey String Private key content
          instanceCount Integer Number of key binded VM
          regionId String A region ID for key
          fingerPrint String Public key thumbprint


          Parameter Name Type Description
          instanceId String Instance ID
          osArch String Operating system bits
          osName String Operating system name
          osVersion String Operating system version
          osType String Operating system type
          osLang String Operating system language (CHS or ENG)
          specialVersion String Special version information of operating system. financial represents the financial reinforcement version.


          Parameter Name Type Description
          account String Share user name
          accountId String Shared User ID
          ucAccount String uc Account


          Parameter Name Type Description
          id String Automatic snapshot policy ID
          name String Name of automatic snapshot policy, which supports uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, Chinese, -, _ and /. Special characters with length 1-65, it must begin with the letter
          timePoints List<int> Specify the creation time point of automatic snapshot. The minimum unit is hour, and there are 24 optional time points from 00:00 to 23:00. The parameter is the digit 0-23, for example, 1 denotes the time point 01:00. You can select multiple time points. The transfer parameter is a Json Array: [0, 1, … 23] with the format. There are up to 24 time points, which are separated by semi-comma.
          repeatWeekdays List<int> Specify the recurrence date of automatic snapshot. Select the date to create the snapshot from Monday to Sunday. The parameter is a digit 0-6, for example, 0 denotes Monday. You can select multiple dates. The transfer parameter is a Json Array: [ 0, 1…6] with the format.
          status String Snapshot status, including active, deleted and paused.
          retentionDays int Specify the retention time of automatic snapshot (day). (-1): Permanent retention 1-65,536: Specify the retention time (day).
          createdTime String Creation time of automatic snapshot policy in the BCE-compliant date format. There is not return value in the volume interface since and after this field.
          updatedTime String Last update time of automatic snapshot policy in the BCE-compliant date format
          deletedTime String Deletion time of automatic snapshot policy in the BCE-compliant date format
          lastExecuteTime String Last execution time of automatic snapshot policy in the BCE-compliant date format
          volumeCount int Number of associated disks


          Parameter Name Type Description
          instanceId String Instance ID


          Parameter Name Type Description
          instanceId String Instance ID
          failMessage String Failure message


          Parameter Name Type Description
          instanceId String Instance ID


          Parameter Name Type Description
          roleName String Role Name


          Parameter Name Type Description
          zoneName String Availability zone
          bccResources BccResources Resource Instance Information


          Parameter Name Type Description
          flavorGroups List<FlavorGroup> Instance package specification information


          Parameter Name Type Description
          groupId String Instance package specification cluster
          flavors List<BccFlavor> Instance Package Specification


          Parameter Name Type Description
          cpuCount int Number of CPUs
          memoryCapacityInGB int Memory Capacity (Unit: GB)
          ephemeralDiskInGb int Local data disk capacity (Unit: GB)
          ephemeralDiskCount int Local data disk number
          ephemeralDiskType String Local data disk type
          gpuCardType String gpu card type
          gpuCardCount int Number of gpu card
          fpgaCardType String fpga card type
          fpgaCardCount int fpga card Number
          productType String Supported charging types( Prepaid, Postpaid and both)
          spec String Instance Package Specification
          specId String Instance package specification cluster
          cpuModel String Processor model
          cpuGHz String Clock Speed of Processor
          networkBandwidth String Private Bandwidth (Gbps)
          networkPackage String Network packet receiving and sending


          Parameter Name Type Description
          specId String Cluster of Instance Specifications
          specPrices List<SpecPrices> Instance package specification information


          Parameter Name Type Description
          spec String Instance Package Specification
          status String Instance Package Specification Status
          specPrice double Relative price of instance package specifications


          Parameter Name Type Description
          groupId String Scaling group ID, which conforms to BCE specification, must be a string with fixed length, and can contain uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, hyphen () and underline (_) only.
          groupName String Scaling group name, Supports uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, Chinese, , _ and /. Special characters with a length of 1-65 characters, it must begin with a letter.
          region String Regions where a scaling group belongs to
          status AsGroupStatus Scaling Group Status
          vpcId String Private Cloud VpcId
          nodeNum int Number of nodes in the scaling group
          createTime String Create Time
          zoneInfo ZoneInfo Availability zone and subnet information
          groupConfig GroupConfig Scaling Group Specification
          blbId String Load balance Id


          Parameter Name Type Description
          zone String Availability zone
          subnetId String Subnet ID


          Parameter Name Type Description
          minNodeNum int Minimum number of nodes
          maxNodeNum int Maximum number of nodes
          cooldownInSec int Cooling time (unit: second)


          Parameter Name Type Description
          vpcId String Private Cloud VpcId
          vpcName String Private network VPC name


          Parameter Name Type Description
          instanceId String Instance ID
          instanceName String Instance name
          floatingIp String Floating IP
          internalIp String Private IP
          status String Node status
          payment String Payment mode
          cpuCount int Number of CPUs
          memoryCapacityInGB int Memory size.
          instanceType String Instance type
          sysDiskInGB int System disk size
          subnetType String Subnet type
          isProtected boolean Whether the node is protected
          createTime String Create Time
          nodeType String Node type
          eip AsEipModel eip Information


          Parameter Name Type Description
          bandwidthInMbps int Maximum bandwidth
          address String Public IP
          eipStatus String EIP status
          eipAllocationId String Elastic IP-Instance ID


          Parameter Name Type Description
          deploysetId String Deployment set id
          name String Public IP
          description String EIP status
          concurrency int Elastic IP-Instance ID
          strategy String Elastic IP-Instance ID

          Type encoding definition


          Encode Description
          System System Disk
          Ephemeral Local Disk
          CDS CDS disk


          Encode Description Can CDS data disk be created? CDS system disk can be created
          cloud_hp1 General purpose SSD Yes Yes
          hp1 High-performance CDS Yes Yes
          HDD_Throughput High-throughput HDD Yes No
          hdd General purpose HDD Yes No
          std1 Last generation CDS Yes No
          local Local disk No No
          sata A last generation cloud disk is dedicated to your use of creating the DCC sub-instance. - -
          ssd Generic SSD is dedicated to your use of creating DCC sub instance. - -
          local-ssd Means that the data is stored in the local SSD disk, achieving shorter latency and better IO and throughout capability. The local SSD disk is applicable to large- and medium-scale relational database businesses. - -
          local-hdd Local HDD disk, which is applicable to massive data storage scenarios. - -
          local-nvme Local NVME disk. The data is stored in the local NVME SSD disk. The NVME SSD disk has ultrahigh performance and is applicable to latency-sensitive businesses. - -


          Encode Description
          System System image/public image
          Custom Custom Image
          Integration Service Integration Image


          Encode Description
          V100-32 NVIDIA Tesla V100-32G
          V100-16 NVIDIA Tesla V100-16G
          P40 NVIDIA Tesla P40
          P4 NVIDIA Tesla P4
          K40 NVIDIA Tesla K40
          DLCard NVIDIA deep learning development card


          Encode Description
          KU115 xilinx ku115


          Encode Description
          BANDWIDTH_PREPAID Prepaid billed by bandwidth
          TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR Pay by the hour for traffic
          BANDWIDTH_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR Postpaid on an hourly basis


          Encode Description
          market Prices are given subject to a market price
          custom User-defined price


          Encode Description
          HOST_HA separation of a host machine
          RACK_HA Isolation of rack
          TOR_HA Isolation of switch

          Status Code Definition


          Encode Description
          Prepaid Prepaid
          Postpaid Postpaid


          Encode Description
          Starting During startup
          Running Running
          Stopping Stopping
          Stopped Stopped
          Deleted Released, which is an internal status and can not be queried by API.
          Scaling Scaling
          Expired Expired or in arrears
          Error An error
          SnapshotProcessing Snapshot processing
          ImageProcessing Image processing
          Recharging Recharging


          Encode Description
          Creating Creating The volume creation is asynchronous operation. Creating indicates that the system receives the creation request and assigns the corresponding volume ID, but the volume is not created successfully.
          Available To be attached. The volume is created successfully and in the normal status, and the volume is not attached to any virtual machine instance.
          Attaching Attaching. The volume attach is an asynchronous operation. This status indicates that the attach operation is in progress.
          NotAvailable Temporary not-available status
          InUse In use.
          Detaching Detaching. The volume detach is an asynchronous operation. This status indicates that the detach operation is in progress.
          Deleting Deleting.
          Deleted Deleted, which is an internal status and can not be queried by API.
          Scaling Scaling
          Expired Expired or in arrears
          Error An error
          SnapshotProcessing Snapshot processing
          ImageProcessing Image processing
          Recharging Recharging


          Encode Description
          Creating Creating
          CreatedFailed Creation failed.
          Available Available.
          NotAvailable Not available.


          Encode Description
          Creating Creating
          CreatedFailed Creation failed.
          Available Available.
          NotAvailable Not available.
          Error An error


          Encode Description
          CDS Renew for the prepaid CDS associated with BCC instance only.
          EIP Renew for the prepaid EIP associated with BCC instance only.
          MKT Renew for the prepaid MKT associated with BCC instance only.
          CDS_EIP Renew for the prepaid CDS and EIP associated with BCC instance only.
          CDS_MKT Renew for the prepaid CDS and MKT associated with BCC instance only.
          EIP_MKT Renew for the prepaid EIP and MKT associated with BCC instance only.
          CDS_EIP_MKT Renew for the prepaid CDS, EIP and MKT associated with BCC instance only.


          Encode Description
          CREATING Creating.
          RUNNING Running
          SCALING_UP In the process of expanding Capacity
          SCALING_DOWN In the process of shrinking Capacity
          ATTACHING_NODE Moving Nodes in Process
          DETACHING_NODE Moving Nodes in Process
          DELETING Deleting.
          BINDING_BLB In the process of binding blb
          UNBINDING_BLB In the process of Unbinding blb
          COOLDOWN Cooling
          PAUSE Mounting
          DELETED Deleted

          Regional Model and Optional Configuration


          Encode Description New Model Name
          N1 General purpose BCC instance General purpose g1, compute optimized c1, intensive compute optimized ic1 and Storage Optimization m1
          N2 General purpose II BCC instance General purpose g2, compute optimized c2, intensive compute optimized ic2 and Storage Optimization m2
          N3 General purpose III BCC instance General purpose g3, compute optimized c3, intensive compute optimized ic3 and Storage Optimization m3
          N4 BCC instance with enhanced network performance General purpose with enhanced network performance g3ne, compute optimized with enhanced network performance c3ne and enhanced network performance m3ne
          N5 General ⅣBCC instance General g4, compute optimized ic4, compute optimized c4 and Storage Optimization m4
          C1 Storage Optimization Instance Compute optimized with high clock speed hcc1 and general purpose with high clock speed hcg1
          C2 Computational Optimization II instance Compute optimized with high clock speed hcc2 and general purpose with high clock speed hcg2
          S1 Storage Optimization Instance Local SSD Type l1
          G1 GPU instance ---
          F1 FPGA instance ---


          Encode Description
          V100-32 NVIDIA Tesla V100-32G
          V100-16 NVIDIA Tesla V100-16G
          P40 NVIDIA Tesla P40
          P4 NVIDIA Tesla P4
          K40 NVIDIA Tesla K40
          DLCard NVIDIA deep learning development card

          Instance Type Supported in Region (Console Purchase Page Shall Prevail for It Varies Depending on Product Planning)

          Region Creation Instance Type Supported
          Beijing (bj) Normal BCC(N1), the optional configuration refers to[Normal BCC(N1) Optional Specification Configuration](#Normal BCC Optional Specification Configuration)
          Normal ⅡBCC(N2),the optional configuration refers to [Normal ⅡBCC(N2)) Optional Specification Configuration](#Normal BCCⅡ Optional Specification Configuration)
          Normal ⅢBCC(N3),the optional configuration refers to [Normal ⅢBCC(N3) Optional Specification Congfiguration](#Normal BCCⅢ Optional Specification Configuration)
          computational optimization instance (C1),the optional configuration refers to [Computational Optimization Instance (C1) Optional Specification Configuration](#Computational Optimization Instance Optional Specification Configuration)
          Storage optimization instance (S1),the optional configuration refers to [Storage Optimization Instance (S1)Optional Specification Configuration](#Normal BCC Optional Specification Configuration)
          GPU instance (G1),the optional configuration refers to [GPU Instance (G1) Optional Specification Configuration](#GPU型BCC Optional Specification Configuration)
          FPGA instance (F1), the optional configuration refers to [FPGA Instance (F1) Optional Specification Configuration](#FPGA BCC Optional Specification Configuration)
          Guangzhou (gz) Normal BCC(N1), the optional configuration refers to[ Normal BCC(N1) Optional Specification Configuration ](#Normal BCC Optional Specification Configuration)
          Normal ⅡBCC(N2),the optional configuration refers to [Normal ⅡBCC(N2)) Optional Specification Configuration](#Normal BCCⅡ Optional Specification Configuration)
          Normal ⅢBCC(N3),the optional configuration refers to [Normal ⅢBCC(N3) Optional Specification Congfiguration](#Normal BCCⅢ Optional Specification Configuration)
          computational optimization instance (C1),the optional configuration refers to [Computational Optimization Instance (C1) Optional Specification Configuration](#Computational Optimization Instance Optional Specification Configuration)
          Storage optimization instance (S1),the optional configuration refers to [Storage Optimization Instance (S1)Optional Specification Configuration](#Normal BCC Optional Specification Configuration)
          GPU instance (G1),the optional configuration refers to [GPU Instance (G1) Optional Specification Configuration](#GPU BCC Optional Specification Configuration)
          Suzhou (su) Normal ⅡBCC(N2 , the optional configuration refers to[ Normal BCC( ) Optional Specification Configuration ](#Normal BCCⅡ Optional Specification Configuration)
          Normal ⅢBCC(N3),the optional configuration refers to [Normal ⅢBCC(N3) Optional Specification Congfiguration](#Normal BCCⅢ Optional Specification Configuration)
          Computational optimization instance (C1),the optional configuration refers to [Computational Optimization Instance (C1) Optional Specificat ion Configuration](#Computational Optimization Instance Optional Specification Configuration)
          Storage optimization instance (S1),the optional configuration refers to [Storage Optimization Instance (S1)Optional Specification Configuration](#Normal BCC Optional Specification Configuration)
          GPU instance (G1),the optional configuration refers to [GPU Instance (G1) Optional Specification Configuration](#GPU BCC Optional Specification Configuration)

          Optional Specification Configuration of General Purpose BCC

          Optional Specification Configuration of Prepaid Instance (CPU Cores, Memory GB) Optional Specification Configuration of Postpaid Instance (CPU Cores, Memory GB)
          [1, 1], [1, 2], [1, 4], [1, 8],
          [2, 2], [2, 4], [2, 8], [2, 12], [2, 16],
          [4, 4], [4, 8], [4, 12], [4, 16], [4, 32],
          [8, 8], [8, 12], [8, 16], [8, 24], [8, 32], [8, 64],
          [12, 12], [12, 16], [12, 24], [12, 32], [12, 48], [12, 64],
          [16, 16], [16, 24], [16, 32], [16, 48], [16, 64]
          Same as optional specification configuration of prepaid instance (CPU cores, memory GB)

          Optional Specification Configuration of General Purpose II BCC

          Optional Specification Configuration of Prepaid Instance (CPU Cores, Memory GB) Optional Specification Configuration of Postpaid Instance (CPU Cores, Memory GB)
          [1, 1], [1, 2], [1, 4], [1, 8],
          [2, 2], [2, 4], [2, 8], [2, 12], [2, 16],
          [4, 4], [4, 8], [4, 12], [4, 16], [4, 32],
          [8, 8], [8, 12], [8, 16], [8, 24], [8, 32], [8, 64],
          [12, 12], [12, 16], [12, 24], [12, 32], [12, 48], [12, 64],
          [16, 16], [16, 24], [16, 32], [16, 48], [16, 64], [16, 128],
          [32, 64], [32, 128],
          [48, 96], [48, 128], [48, 192]
          [1, 1], [1, 2], [1, 4], [1, 8],
          [2, 2], [2, 4], [2, 8], [2, 12], [2, 16],
          [4, 4], [4, 8], [4, 12], [4, 16], [4, 32],
          [8, 8], [8, 12], [8, 16], [8, 24], [8, 32], [8, 64],
          [12, 12], [12, 16], [12, 24], [12, 32], [12, 48], [12, 64],
          [16, 16], [16, 24], [16, 32], [16, 48], [16, 64], [16, 128]

          ###Optional Specification Configuration of General Purpose III BCC

          Optional Specification Configuration of Prepaid Instance (CPU Cores, Memory GB) Optional Specification Configuration of Postpaid Instance (CPU Cores, Memory GB)
          [1, 1], [1, 2], [1, 4], [1, 8],
          [2, 2], [2, 4], [2, 8], [2, 12], [2, 16],
          [4, 4], [4, 8], [4, 12], [4, 16], [4, 32],
          [8, 8], [8, 12], [8, 16], [8, 24], [8, 32], [8, 64],
          [12, 12], [12, 16], [12, 24], [12, 32], [12, 48], [12, 64],
          [16, 16], [16, 24], [16, 32], [16, 48], [16, 64], [16, 128],
          [24, 48], [24, 96], [24, 128],
          [32, 64], [32, 128], [32, 256],
          [48, 96], [48, 128], [48, 192], [48, 256],
          [64, 128], [64, 256],
          [96, 256]
          Same as optional specification configuration of prepaid instance (CPU cores, memory GB)

          Optional Specification Configuration of Storage Optimization Instance

          Optional Specification Configuration of Prepaid Instance (CPU Cores, Memory GB) Optional Specification Configuration of Postpaid Instance (CPU Cores, Memory GB)
          [4, 8], [4, 16], [4, 32],
          [8, 16], [8, 32],
          [16, 32], [16, 64],
          [24, 96]
          Same as optional specification configuration of prepaid instance (CPU cores, memory GB)

          Optional Specification Configuration of Storage Optimization Instance

          Optional Specification Configuration of Prepaid Instance (CPU Cores, Memory GB) Optional Specification Configuration of Postpaid Instance (CPU Cores, Memory GB)
          [1, 1], [1, 2], [1, 4], [1, 8],
          [2, 2], [2, 4], [2, 8], [2, 12], [2, 16],
          [4, 4], [4, 8], [4, 12], [4, 16], [4, 32],
          [8, 8], [8, 12], [8, 16], [8, 24], [8, 32], [8, 64],
          [12, 12], [12, 16], [12, 24], [12, 32], [12, 48], [12, 64],
          [16, 16], [16, 24], [16, 32], [16, 48], [16, 64]
          Same as optional specification configuration of prepaid instance (CPU cores, memory GB)

          Optional Specification Configuration of GPU BCC

          Optional Specification Configuration of Prepaid Instance (GPU Card Type, Number of GPU Cards, CPU Cores, Memory GB, Local Disk Size GB) Optional Specification Configuration of Postpaid Instance (GPU Card Type, Number of GPU Cards, CPU Cores, Memory GB, Local Disk Size GB)
          Same as optional specification configuration of prepaid instance (GPU card type, number of GPU cards, CPU cores, memory GB, local disk size GB)

          Optional Specification Configuration of the FPGA BCC

          Optional Specification Configuration of Prepaid Instance (FPGA Card Type, Number of FPGA Cards, CPU Cores, Memory GB, Local Disk Size GB) Optional Specification Configuration of Postpaid Instance (FPGA Card Type, Number of FPGA Cards, CPU Cores, Memory GB, Local Disk Size GB)
          [KU115,1,16,64,450] Same as optional specification configuration of prepaid instance (GPU card type, number of GPU cards, CPU cores, memory GB, local disk size GB)
          Specification classification Specification code CPU(Core) Memory (GB)
          Tiny bcc.t1.tiny 1 1
          General bcc.g1.tiny 1 2
          General bcc.g2.tiny 1 4
          General bcc.g3.tiny 1 8
          General bcc.g1.small 2 2
          General bcc.g2.small 2 4
          General bcc.g3.small 2 8
          General bcc.g4.small 2 12
          General bcc.g1.medium 4 4
          General bcc.g2.medium 4 8
          Memory bcc.m1.medium 4 12
          Memory bcc.m2.medium 4 16
          Memory bcc.m1.large 8 16
          Memory bcc.m2.large 8 24
          Memory bcc.m3.large 8 32
          cpu bcc.c1.large 8 8
          cpu bcc.c2.large 8 12
          cpu bcc.c1.xlarge 12 12
          cpu bcc.c2.xlarge 12 16
          cpu bcc.c3.xlarge 12 24
          cpu bcc.c4.xlarge 12 32
          cpu bcc.c5.xlarge 12 48
          cpu bcc.c1.2xlarge 16 16
          cpu bcc.c2.2xlarge 16 24
          cpu bcc.c3.2xlarge 16 32
          cpu bcc.c4.2xlarge 16 48
          cpu bcc.c5.2xlarge 16 64

          Order information definition


          Status Type Description
          paymentTiming String Payment method, including prepaid and postpaid
          reservation Reservation Reserve information. When the payment method is postpaid, you do not need to set this option. When the payment method is prepaid, you need to set it.


          Status Type Description
          reservationLength int Duration, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,24,36]
          reservationTimeUnit String Time unit: month, per month
          Other Interfaces
          Update Records