
All Product Document

          Cloud Compute Service

          Use the Image Test Tool to Test the Image

          After the successful operations, download the image test tool to the operating system of image and carry out the test.

          The test items are as follows:

          No. Test Item Note Remarks
          1 VirtIO driver Baidu AI Cloud supports the KVM virtualization technology, and KVM virtio driver needs to be installed to import the image of Baidu AI Cloud.
          2 Password file privilege The write privilege is required for the file /etc/shadow. Using the command chattr to modify the shadow file privilege is disabled.
          3 SELinux Import the image of Baidu AI Cloud platform. You need to set SELinux as disabled before import.
          4 Network Configuration 1. You need to set the network as the DHCP mode. 2. You need to empty the file 70-persistent-net.rules.
          5 Service of SSH server 1. It is recommended that you install openssh-server and enable the sshd service. 2. It is recommended that you allow the root user to log in to the server.
          6 Firewall To import the image of Baidu AI Cloud, you need to disable the firewall.
          7 File system The file system /ext2/ext3/ext4 is recommended. The metadata_csum advanced feature of ext4 is not supported.
          8 Root user The root user is retained.
          9 Modifying password commands The command passwd/chpasswd is retained.
          10 Partition type BCC supports the MBR partition type by default.
          11 Logical volume (LVM2) The LVM2 disk type is not supported.
          12 cloud-init It is recommended that you install cloud-init. It is used to set hostname.
          13 Disk ID It is recommended that you mount/partition the disk with the disk UUID.
          14 Disk size BCC supports up to 500 GB of system disk. It is recommended that your system partition size does not exceed 500 GB.

          Download the test tool to your system. At present, the following Linux distributions are supported only:

          CentOS: Download

          Ubuntu (ubuntu18 not supported): Download

          Debian: [Download](https://doc.bce.baidu.com/bce-documentation/BCC/check_debian)

          openSUSE: Download

          FreeBSD: Download

          Add the executable privilege for the test tool (taking CentOS as an example).

          # chmod +x check_centos
          # ./check_centos

          Example of running results:

          Distro: centos
          Version: 6.3
          [ check virtio driver ]                      [ OK ] 
          [ check /etc/shadow ]                        [ OK ] 
          [ check selinux ]                            [ OK ] 
          [ check network config ]                     [ERROR] 
          [ check sshd service ]                       [WARING] 
          [ check firewall ]                           [ERROR] 
          [ check file system ]                        [ OK ] 
          [ check root ]                               [ OK ] 
          [ check passwd command ]                     [ OK ] 
          [ check disk partition ]                     [ERROR] 
          [ check LVM ]                                [ OK ] 
          [ check cloud-init ]                         [WARING] 
          [ check disk uuid ]                          [ERROR] 
          [ check disk size ]                          [ERROR] 
          There are 2 warning(s), 5 error(s).
          The reslult file is: centos_check_result_20190328221931.txt
          Please check result file for the error/warning informations.
          Convert the Image Format
          Use the Imported Custom Image to Create an Instance